Voldemort's Fury

"Do you need a break Tom?" Harry called out "you're looking a little tired. Don't worry about losing against me, it wouldn't be the first time would it? Let's see, you've already lost to one year old me and eleven year old me so I don't see why fourteen year old me should be any different."

Voldermort wasn't going to rise to his taunts, image was everything and getting riled up by a teenager would ruin his. Voldermort fired a reducto curse at Harry, Harry summoned a wall in front of him and the wall burst down. Voldermort smiled triumphantly, he couldn't see anything through the smoke and dust but he assumed that the impact of the wall hit Potter.

He took a step closer, when a brick flew at him, he dodged it only to be hit in the chest by another brock. He stumbled back as various bricks flew at him. He dodged or got rid of most of them but one hit him in the stomach and winded him shortly before one hit him in his right knee. The next thing he saw was a curse flying at him, Voldermort recognised this curse, it was a dark one. He himself had used it a few times, if hit by the curse then then the victim's eyes would melt. Fortunately for him he managed to duck, although he was still surprised, to see Potter use a dark curse.

Potter slowly emerged from the smoke with a victorious smile on his face, he winked at Voldermort before throwing another curse. Voldermort rolled out of the way before firing a curse of his own, Harry ducked before aiming to just under Voldermorts feet.

"Reducto" He shouted and the ground beneath Voldermort exploded and threw him backwards, the three remaining death eaters were all terribly worried. Not only was Potter matching their master but he was also beating him without struggling. "Come on Voldy, you don't want your men to lose hope in their beloved half-blood now do you?" Voldermort staggered to his feet

"Imperio!" He shouted and the curse hit Harry "bow to me, bow to me and admit that I am the greater wizard Potter"

"Nope" Harry immediately responded "I see no reason to lie"

Voldermort was thoroughly surprised, not only did the cruciatus curse not work, neither did the imperious. Harry, however, didn't give him time to think. He aimed his wand at Voldermort and various bats shot out of it and straight towards Voldermort, a few quick wand movements and Harry had transformed their wings into steel wings with spikes, The bats all cut Voldermort in various places before disappearing. Voldermort staggered back, it took all of his will power not to fall down. He had cuts all over his body and his robes were torn.

"Come on Tom" Harry taunted "nothings working for you, how about we stop holding back, you know which curse you want to use. Use it! Come on! Two simple words and a green light, that's all it would take, go on. End it!"

"You think I'm a fool Potter?" Voldermort spat "I know what you're trying to do"

"You worked it out? Well done, ten points to Slytherin" Harry joked "now I wonder if you worked out what's wrong with you?"

"Wormtail ruined the ritual" Voldermort eyed the fearful and pathetic man

"Nope" Harry laughed "he did it perfectly, I ruined the ritual, something about blood being taken unwillingly from the enemy. I'm sure you can work it out"

"No matter" Voldermort fired a deadly cutting curse at Harry, if all went well it would cut Potters head clean off. Harry ducked under it before taking a step forward, he swung his arm and his own cutting curse connected with Voldermorts wand arm. Cutting off his hand, Voldermort yelled in pain, but Harry wasn't done. He aimed his wand at Voldermorts and with pinpoint accuracy he shot his next spell.

"Reducto" Harry watched with joy as Voldermorts wand exploded "now, this has been fun but I must go now, my girlfriend and I are planning a celebration to congratulate me for winning the tri-wizard championship. I'm the youngest champion ever you know, don't worry I plan to come back and kill you all at a later date. Now if you'll excuse me I'll be off, oh, but before I go I will gladly show you my bullet spell one more time."

Harry aimed his wand at Voldermort, a small red light shaped like a bullet shot out from Harry's wand and hit Voldermort in-between his eyes. The red eyed man collapsed onto the ground as the green eyed hero smiled and walked over to the cup, he grabbed it and zoomed away with it.

The four remaining death eaters, couldn't bring themselves to say anything, their dark lord had just been bested by a child. They looked at the figure of Voldermort, cut up and broken before them. Every single one of them wondered what they would do now, Lucius was already coming up with a plan for what to do if Potter accused him of being a death eater.

Their thoughts were interrupted, when they saw what they thought was the dead figure of Voldermort sitting up, he slowly rose to a standing position. He stood with ripped robes, a limped leg, cuts all over his body, a missing hand and a hole in-between his red blazing eyes.

"Leave" He ordered, and without hesitation they obeyed. Running off before their master could change his mind.

Words couldn't be described to explain how angry Voldermort was, he was always divided between hating Albus and Potter but now he realised that he definitely hated Potter more. He'd wait for another fifty years if needs be but he will personally kill Potter, yes, he would kill him and enjoy doing it.


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