"Funny" Sirius smirked "if you cared for your daughter, truly cared for her, then you wouldn't have tried to force her to be like you"
"What does that mean?" Molly was trying her best not to raise her voice
"Ginny told me about how you want her to be a good housewife and a 'proper lady'. Have you ever thought about what she wanted? Harry has, if you had given her half of the freedom that Harry has given her then she'd still love him, no doubt, but she'd have been less willing to immediately leave her house for him.
Ginny saw two choices, the mother who wanted her to be someone she's not, just like my mother who wanted me to be a dark wizard who would battle alongside Voldermort. Her other choice was a boy who treated her like a princess and supported her and helped her do whatever she wanted and let her be who she wanted to be, choice was pretty obvious in my eyes."
Sirius walked out of the room, he saw Harry and Ginny on the staircase, it was obvious that they were listening to the conversation. He winked at them and the three all went upstairs.
"I meant it" Sirius said before he went into his own room "your happiness is my top priority, if either of you need anything then you just need to ask, okay?"
"Thanks Padfoot" Harry smiled "and for the record I don't blame you for being in Azkaban, that was Peters fault, when I kill him I'll tell you exactly how I do it if you like."
"I don't know how I feel about you killing" Sirius admitted "but I know it's necessary, besides if you go over on the deep end then I can rest easy knowing that Mrs Potter will pull you out"
"Well that's my job" Ginny smiled "if I don't keep him under control then nobody will"
The next day Harry and Ginny woke up early and prepared breakfast for themselves and the twins, and Sirius. They made some for Arthur who went to work, they even made some for Ron, Hermione and Mrs Weasley. Hermione was surprised by how good the food was, so was Mrs Weasley but she still believed that she could do a better job. Ron was also surprised but there was no way he was going to compliment Potter, that didn't stop him from eating it all down like a pig however. Hermione finished first and went straight back upstairs.
"Alright Sirius" Harry spoke once breakfast had finished "me and Ginny will be off now, we'll be back tomorrow alright"
"Why are you coming back?" Ron asked whilst shoving as much food into his mouth
"Because it's his godfathers house you idiot" Ginny replied
"Ginny, don't insult your brother" Mrs Weasley said sternly, she wanted to shout but she would have to settle with this for now.
"AHH!" A scream came from upstairs.
Harry and Ginny sprinted up, followed by the rest. The two then began laughing at the sight in front of them, Hermione stood there with big bunny teeth, pink hair, bunny ears and a cotton tail. The twins also laughed, Ron and Mrs Weasley were still in shock. Sirius wanted to laugh too, but cursed himself for having to be a responsible adult and tried to maintain a straight face.
"What did you do?" Molly growled at the twins, she noticed that Kreatcher looked a little disappointed at the fact that she didn't scream.
"Wasn't us mum" George clutched his side
"But we do want to congratulate who did do it" Fred said whilst leaning on a wall for support
"Thanks" Harry grinned proudly
"What did you do?" Ron growled as he wasn't sure if the no shouting rule applied to him as well
"I set a trap on the library door" Harry smiled "it only opens for me, Ginny and Sirius. If someone tries to open it at least five times than that happens."
"Harry, remove it" Molly ordered
"I would" Harry grinned "but Hermione was told not to go into the library, and in her obsession of knowledge and reading she ignored the rules, this punishment should make sure she remembers that rules are important. Or at least they are when I make them"
"Harry please" Hermione pleaded through her huge teeth
"Sorry Herm" Harry replied, Hermione was too distracted by her teeth and ears to be annoyed by him using the pet name he gave her "that was just like that privacy spell you tripped that one time. Except of course this one lasts at least two weeks"
"Two weeks!" Hermione exclaimed
"Be fortunate it wasn't a month" Harry replied. Tears welled up in Hermione's eyes, she ran down the hall and back to her room.
"How could you do that to Hermione?!" Ron demanded
"I put similar charms on all the rooms you're not supposed to be in" Harry shrugged "in all honesty I expected you to be the first one to trip them. As dumb as Hermione is I expected her to obey the rules when she's in somebody else's house or at the very least realise on the fourth attempt that the door won't open."
"Yeah" Ginny nodded "besides Ron, did Harry make her break rules or try and get into the library five times in a row? She was told that there could be dark art books in there yet she tried to go in anyway" Molly was about to argue but then realised she had no argument, Hermione had broken rules and attempted it multiple times.
"Yeah take his side" Ron spat "of course you'll take his side with all the stuff he buys you, he says he loves you but you're just nothing but a wh…"
Ron was about to say more when a firm hand grabbed his shoulder and turned him around, he looked eye to eye with the once accused murder and he realised why many people didn't question his innocence. At that moment, he looked like he would murder someone, Ron gulped. To make matters worse the twins had took out their wands and put one on each side of Ron's face.
"Finish that sentence" Sirius dared him in a cold and deadly voice "in fact finish that word, I dare you, I dare you to finish that word! If you want me to control my temper boy, then you will control your tongue, understand?" Ron quickly nodded but Sirius wasn't done.
"Kreatcher, if this boy insults Harry or Ginny then you will shave his head, stick his head down a toilet and break his wand. Then you will make him clean the rest of the house on his own."
"Yes master" Kreatcher smiled gleefully as he rubbed his hands together, Molly was about to say something but then Kreatcher eyed her with wide eyes of hope and anticipation and she shut up.
Harry and Ginny soon left, they visited every second day until the end of the holiday. They conversed with the twins and Sirius and ignored the other three, eventually Hermione returned to normal but she didn't dare try to open another door she wasn't supposed to. She was also unaware of Stink popping in and taking a picture of her when she had her bunny look and popping out. Ron and Mrs Weasley were also kept under control thanks to the threat of Kreatcher, even though it was clear that it was difficult for the both of them.
Overall it was a great summer for Harry and Ginny.
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