Eventually they each returned to their own common rooms after Harry and Ginny escorted the sisters to theirs, Harry and Ginny returned to their own.
"Harry, Ginny" Neville saw the two come in and the rest of the room looked at them "where were you two?"
"We were with the Greengrass sisters" Harry replied
"What were you doing with those snakes?" Ron asked
"That's a personal matter Ron" Ginny replied "and we'd appreciate it if you grew up and get over this stupid house rivalry and stop insulting our friends."
"Ginny, Ron is just concerned" Hermione interrupted "after what happened in the hall you should of returned straight back to the common room"
"Well we helped the Greengrass sisters get to their common rooms then we came back here" Harry replied "we were perfectly safe"
"Safe?!" Hermione blurted out in disbelief "Harry, Curse was here! In the castle!"
"Yeah but as far as I'm aware I don't have the dark mark and neither does Ginny" Harry replied "and we were far enough away from the hall so we were fine"
"Harry it was still dangerous!" Hermione was making Harry hope his mother was nothing like her "besides you can't trust a vigilante who kills people not to hurt you"
"I like to live dangerously" Harry shrugged
"What was that in the hall anyway?" Ron asked "why were you supporting Curse?"
"Because I agree with him" Harry replied "the death eaters aren't repenting, if they can't live peacefully then they should be put down"
"But Harry!" Hermione replied "killing is wrong!"
"Yeah but who is more evil? Someone who does evil things for the sake of evil, or someone who does evil things for the sake of others?"
"Harry he's a criminal!" Hermione reminded him, even though he already knew "he's dangerous! Thankfully Professor Dumbledore would have stopped him by now"
"How do you know Professor Dumbledore has stopped him?" Ginny asked
"Of course he stopped him!" Ron shouted "he's Dumbledore! The greatest wizard of all time!"
"He's not invincible though" Harry pointed out
"And he's not in his prime anymore" Ginny added
"He's not getting any younger"
"Dumbledore refuses to use any spell that could be considered"
"Grey or dark"
"Plus Curse must be decently strong"
"If he's going after death eaters on his own"
"And is confident enough to"
"Come into Hogwarts on his own"
"Now listen" Fred interrupted
"You two might be so in love that you've actually become one person" George continued
"But we invented"
"Finishing each other's"
"Sentences!" The two twins stood, shook each other's hands and stormed off in mock anger.
"I bloody love those two" Harry chuckled. The door opened and Professor McGonagall entered.
"I have come here to inform you all that the hall is being repaired as we speak." McGonagall addressed the common room
"Professor" Ron raised a hand "what's going to happen to Curse?"
"I beg your pardon?"
"I mean it's obvious Dumbledore beat him, so what happened?"
"I regret to tell you this" In reality she loved telling them this, she only regretted not being allowed to enjoy it publically "but Dumbledore was not successful"
"What do you mean?" Hermione asked in an alarmed voice
"Well me and the other heads were outside of the hall and the door closed, when I came back a small while later with the aurors we found the hall was destroyed and Dumbledore was laid down on the floor"
"He killed the headmaster?!" Ron's jaw dropped
"No" McGonagall shook her head "the headmaster is not dead Mr Weasley, I can assure you that he is definitely alive and you will likely see him tomorrow or later this week"
"What happened?"
"Professor Dumbledore was very much awake and alive when I came back but he was however hurt and has been sent to the hospital wing and that is all I'm saying on that particular subject, thank you Mr Weasley. I would like to inform you all lessons today are cancelled and the house elves will bring food up here at dinner and lunch. Professor Umbridge was also injured by the vigilante and will not be physically capable of teaching for at least a week and possibly a month. That is all for now" McGonagall sighed and left
"Cancelled lessons?" Harry raised an eyebrow "No Umbridge?"
"Thanks to Curse" Ginny gave him a small smile "I could kiss him"
"Sorry but you'll have to settle with me" Harry joked "but still, no Umbridge for a while and he turned Malfoy into a ferret, he's definitely an order of Merlin candidate."
"First class for sure" Ginny agreed.
"This isn't funny!" Hermione spoke in a loud voice "I can't believe you two are making jokes about this, a man was hanging from the great hall!"
"Yeah but he was a raping murderer" Harry argued "sorry but my pity well is empty"
"How do you even know he was a 'raping murderer'?"
"His godfather is an auror you know" Ginny reminded Hermione "besides I agree with Harry, if he thinks that he can do whatever the hell he wants without repercussions then he is not the sort of person that should be let free"
"You're not the only one" Neville commented
"But why would he put the body here?" Hermione asked
"I don't know" Harry shrugged "you can ask him if they ever manage to catch him, now if you'll excuse me and Ginny, we're going out"
"You can't leave!" Hermione shouted
"Why not?" Ginny asked "Curse has clearly escaped and nobody said we couldn't leave the common room"
"But it's dangerous!"
"So are we" Ginny wrapped her arm around Harrys and the two left
"Wait where are you going?" Ron shouted
"I'm going to shag your sister!" Harry called back just before the two got out of the portrait hole.
Ron turned red and immediately chased after them, no sooner than he got outside he saw that they were nowhere to be seen. He cursed in frustration and went back in"
"Language Ronald!" Hermione scolded him.
"Whatever" Ron mumbled and went up to his room, Hermione picked up her own and left to her room. The whole room was left in collective silence.
"It's never boring in here is it?" Neville eventually broke the silence
"Nope" Dean shook his head
"I still can't believe that Malfoy got turned into a ferret" Seamus smiled "oh how I'd love to see pictures of that" Stink popped into the room and handed everyone pictures of exactly that before popping out.
"I bloody love that elf" Neville chuckled.
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