The Gathering Storm

The two walked off, leaving a fuming but exhausted Ron on the train. Fortunately for him Hermione had helped him get off the train, unfortunately he immediately lost points for showing up without his uniform which he forgot to put on.

a week or so passed before Hermione had sent him a letter telling him to meet in the Hogs head bar in Hogsmead. Harry and Ginny did and were greeted with at least thirty students, including the twins, Luna, Neville and the Greengrass sisters.

"I think we all know why we're here" Hermione started "we need a teacher, a real teacher to teach us defence. Harry?" Harry sighed before standing up, he saw Ron scowling from a corner and Hermione's hopeful look.

"Alright you little shits" Harry addressed the crowd, Hermione's jaw dropped "not you Luna, you're an angel and we're thrilled to have you"

"Thank you Harry" The pale girl beamed

"You're welcome, any nargles bothering you?"

"Not anymore" Luna dreamily replied


"Harry" Hermione interrupted their conversation

"Oh right" Harry turned to the crowd once more "basically what's happening now is Hermione and Ron are convinced that Voldemort is back because the headmaster says so" The crowd shivered at the name "that's why they want you all here so I can teach you defence, although, if we're being honest we all know that Hermione just wants good grades"

"That's not true!"

"Either way I never told you that Dumbledore was right and Voldemort came back, I never told Dumbledore that Voldemort came back, so I don't know where they got this ridiculous idea from."

"Harry!" Hermione shouted, Harry smirked at her and gave her a little wink. She growled before rushing out of the bar, Ron did the same.

"Oh good" Harry sighed "I thought they'd never leave" He immediately cast a silencing ward around everyone.

"What are you doing?" Neville asked

"Making sure we're not interrupted" Ginny answered on his behalf, Harry finished his ward then began talking.

"I'm sorry to tell you all this but Granger and Dumbledore were right, Voldemort is back."

"Then why didn't you tell anyone?" One Hufflepuff asked "and why have you been denying it?"

"Fair questions" Harry admitted "first of all I never denied it, I just didn't admit it." The Slytherin's and Ravenclaws nodded their heads in understanding "second of all I didn't tell anyone because it was pointless.

The minister is too scared to believe that he is back and is slandering anyone who says so, I mean look at what he's doing to Dumbledore. You think I want to go through that just so I could convince the grand total of zero people that he is really back."

"Isn't that a bit dramatic?" One Ravenclaw asked

"Is it?" Harry raised an eye brow "tell me the truth, if I had told you all at the start then what would happen? My friends would believe me only because they're my friends and the rest of you would want proof wouldn't you? And if I couldn't provide it then you'd call me crazy and/or a liar wouldn't you?" The Ravenclaw was about to argue but realised he couldn't because Harry was right.

"Even if I swore on my magic in front of the entire ministry" Harry continued "the minister would still find some way to make me out as an attention seeking brat."

"So" Neville spoke up "he's really back?"

"Yes" Harry spoke firmly "so that's why I wanted to get Granger and he pet out of here before I discuss this defence group"

"I don't get it" Astoria raised her hand "I mean sure they're annoying but why not have them here?"

"They'd tell Dumbledore" Harry answered "and I can't have that"

"Why not?" Astoria asked

"Let's just say I have disagreements with the headmaster" Harry responded "one of them being I disagree with how he plans to bind and stun every single person he comes against. That might work for some people but definitely not death eaters, besides I have another reason. At the end of this year, I'm going to reveal a secret of mine. A very special one"

"Harry!" Daphne's eyes widened as did Astoria's, Neville and the Twins soon followed as they also got the meaning "you don't mean…that secret? The one that helped me?"

"That exact one" Harry nodded slowly "listen guys, I can't tell you the secret, not yet at least but when I reveal it the whole wizarding world will know. And some of you may judge me…in fact you will judge me, I just want you to know that any who don't know will be very shocked."

"No kidding" Daphne whispered

"But" Harry continued "I'd like you all to trust me, when I tell everyone my secret I will look crazy, I will look evil and people will accuse me of being the next dark lord."

"Is it really that bad?" One voice asked

"No" Ginny spoke up "it's not, in fact I think it's brilliant but others won't. More specifically Voldemort and Dumbledore"

"Why those two?" A different voice asked

"Dumbledore because it would go against his stupid code and his ineffective methods and Voldemort because it could stop him"

"Are you serious?" The Hufflepuff asked with a sceptical tone

"Yes" Harry said with a determination that was catching "when you all hear my secret then you will realise what I mean, you'll think I'm crazy and evil and I will have to act crazy and evil but I assure you that I am not.


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