Echoes of Love

"Professor Berceau promised it would get better," Harry thought. Right now if he thought their names or about them as a group, his thoughts went to them whether he meant them to or not. Soon, she'd said, the thoughts will only go if they were supposed to; though as opposed to the three days following the bonding, it was already much, much better.

They had been very trying days as the Veela magic had started the process of protecting the minds of the bondmates. All of them had some issues, but Harry had suffered the worst. Starting just a couple of hours after the bonding was complete, Harry had lapsed into state of intense nausea and hallucinations as sights, sounds, and even smells and tastes fluttered rapidly in and out of his mind.

"I had hoped it wouldn't be this bad," Professor Berceau had commented as she and Madam Pomfrey examined Harry. "The Veela magic has to work extra fast to protect their minds," She explained.

"Normally the protection and changes are a more extended process because the echos and thoughts are more of an annoyance, but with three, well it can't wait to be gentle," She looked over at the beds where the three ladies were all lying and watching. "But ladies, your beau is not in any real danger."

It had taken a day for Harry to regain some semblance of awareness again but he still had the echoes occurring. It was Hermione who had thought of a plan that would allow them to be in the same room. "They were really cute in those earmuffs," Harry thought as he remembered them wearing the earmuffs worn in Herbology when working with the Mandrakes. "Especially Gabrielle wearing the pink ones."

"I'll put zem back on eef you wish," Gabrielle said as she looked over at him.

"You are beautiful with or without them," Harry replied.

Gabrielle smiled from her spot at the table; a beautiful smile. Harry could feel the love she had for him as it seemed to pulse and grow in the bond. Harry was still getting used to how the bond felt. He now knew the feeling of sunshine pouring into his heart he'd felt right after the bonding was in fact the love of his bondmates.

It had filled in cracks in his heart that had been created by the neglect and abuse of his relatives. He was still trying to put a word to the feeling that the bonds gave him, but so far he'd been unsuccessful. The closest he'd come was 'complete'. Though they did in fact make him feel complete, he knew it was severely inadequate of a description.

"Maybe there isn't a term to describe it," Harry pondered. "Complete will have to do," He knew that if ten days ago he'd learned the Delacours would force their magic on him, he'd have exploded in anger. Six days ago he understood why they had done it, but he still felt the resentment of it. "Now, I would never want to lose that which this bond has given me," Harry knew he was happier now than he'd ever been in his life.

As he looked over at the women again he remembered when Hermione's thoughts had disappeared from his mind. He could easily tell hers from Fleur and Gabrielle's just because he knew how she thought and had shared many experiences with her. When her thoughts had disappeared, Harry had almost panicked. He'd called out to her mentally and she'd responded almost instantly. "I'm still here."

Across the room Hermione turned and looked at Harry, "Now and forever love, I'll never be more than a thought away."

"Next time Ron says you're mental...uh wait."

"I know what he calls me. He doesn't always wait until I'm out of range to overhear him."


"I don't think I've ever heard you say it first, though you've agreed on occasion."

"Yeah and I really am sorry."

"It was boy bonding; besides I know you didn't really mean it."

Fleur's thoughts had disappeared the next day and Harry had been ready. A reassuring "I'm 'ere mon amour," let Harry know she was fine. Finally yesterday morning his mind had finally fallen completely silent for the first time in four days. "Gabrielle?" Had been the call to his youngest bondmate.

"Of course I'm 'ere," She had replied and with that the bond was mostly complete.

Professor Berceau had spent the entire previous day poking and prodding. This being her first four person bond, she'd wanted to know if there were any difference between a normal bond and it. Over the hours she'd spent with them they'd discovered Harry could mentally speak to any or all of his bondmates just by thinking what he wanted to say.

His mind seemed to realize who he wanted to 'talk' to and 'sent' it to that bond. Of course there was still leakage as his mind learned that just because he thought 'of' a bondmate didn't mean he wanted those thoughts to go to them.

They found out that the bonds were each separate connections to Harry which meant he could send and receive images and even other senses related thoughts to and from each of the ladies, but they could not do the same to the other women. Rachelle had been surprised that the bonded women could mentally speak among themselves.

Though what was happening became obvious when Harry laid down for a kip in the afternoon after developing a headache. As soon as he fell asleep, the women could no longer 'talk' to each other. Rachelle quickly realized Harry's mind was acting as a subconscious relay, but only when he was awake.


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