Fearful Foreboding

Richard and Jean entered behind the headmaster and looked around the room for their daughter. It took a few seconds to register that the young lady wrapped in the arms of the black-haired young man while engaged in a rather stimulating kiss was in fact their daughter. Though they thought themselves mentally prepared for this encounter, seeing their daughter so engrossed in this young man brought back all the memories of her growing up and their mouths opened as they stared in shock. It was another few seconds before Hermione and her friend ended the kiss with a jerk and both of them spun to look at the door while simultaneously moving away from each other.

"Well now that you are safely here," The Headmaster said with a twinkle in his eye. "I shall leave you. Call me when you're ready to depart," And he walked out the door.

"Mum, Dad," Hermione started. "You know my friend I have written to you about in my letters? This is, of course, Harry Potter. You met him before our second year when we were in Diagon Alley."

Fleur and Gabrielle were watching the exchange. What they found interesting was that Mrs. Granger was looking at her daughter with concern in her eyes, while Mr. Granger was glaring at Harry with pure loathing in his.

Harry was used to the look Mr. Granger had transfixed upon him. It was very similar to the look his Uncle Vernon used quite frequently. It seemed to Harry as if Mr. Granger was doing everything in his power to keep from attacking him.

"Hermione, why is your father so angry at me?" Harry thought. "Is it because I was kissing you? Or do you think Professor Dumbledore mentioned our bond to them?"

"I don't know Harry," She replied.

"Well I promised I would tell them, but remember it's your fault if they kill me," Harry thought.

"Nonsense love, we'll do this together. I love you Harry," Hermione replied.

"I love you too. Just remember that at my funeral."

"I think Gabrielle and I shall retire for a while," Fleur thought. She nudged her sister and they both walked out of the common room into Fleur's room.

"Sir," Harry extended his hand to Mr. Granger who just kept glaring at him refusing to accept the offered hand.

"Mum, Dad. Why are you angry at Harry? We were just kissing," Hermione asked, her voice quavering at how her parents were treating the man she loved. She could feel his hurt, especially as the treatment reminded him of the Dursleys. She walked over and stood defiantly beside Harry. "Or did Professor Dumbledore say anything? He promised he wouldn't."

"Your Headmaster wouldn't tell us anything, but dear are you okay?" Her mother said with obvious concern in her voice.

"I was fine until you showed up Mother. I haven't seen you in seven months and instead of being glad to see me, Dad comes in and starts acting like my… my boyfriend was doing something wrong by kissing me," Hermione said finally putting a term to her relationship with Harry. "I'm sorry if that bothers you but I am fifteen. It isn't like we were…" The pieces fell into place in her mind; it made sense, her mother's note of concern, her father's anger at Harry. "That's why isn't it? You think we asked you here to tell you…"

Harry glanced at Hermione, and picked the words up in her mind and his face turned a bright red.

"You thought we were going to tell you I was pregnant?" Her parents' change of facial expression told her instantly she had hit on the truth. "How could you think that? You know I would never…we have never…even if we did…it…it," Hermione's voice trailed off.


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