Sirius and Legal Issues

"It's not if you are brave enough now, but it's your potential for bravery I look for. You most definitely have that."

"Zen if you will allow me to select, put me wiz my bondmate."

"As you wish Miss Delacour. As you wish. GRYFFINDOR!" the hat spoke out at last.

Harry and Hermione smiled at Gabrielle as she removed the hat. Before she handed it back to the Hogwart's Headmaster, she said "Thank you," to it.

The Headmaster took the hat and put it back on the shelf, and said "So Miss Delacour will take classes with the Gryffindor third years. Minerva if you would make sure to get with her to find out what electives she is currently taking at Beauxbatons and turn that into a schedule for her.

"Yes Albus."

Hermione turned back to everyone in the room. "I guess that only leaves one last thing to deal with. What is the reason for us to be out of commission for the last few days?"

Dumbledore turned to Madam Pomfrey. "Poppy?"

"Well Harry can easily still claim magical exhaustion. Gabrielle went through Veela transformation and we can claim we were monitoring her since it was done earlier than it should have been," The nurse turned to Madam Maxime, "did you tell your students anything about Fleur?"

"I only said she was in your care because of ze tragedy in ze lake," The Beauxbatons Headmistress replied.

"Excellent. We can always say after she was treated she stayed to take care of her sister. Hermione's reason is going to be the trickiest. She became isolated after everyone else."

"Maybe I can suggest something," McGonagall said. "The last I saw of her along with a lot of other students before this meeting was her leaving the Great Hall via phoenix and then today she is with her parents. May I suggest we tell people she had to go home due to a family emergency?"

"That sounds perfect since you are my family now," Harry thought to Hermione and saw the bushy haired witch smile as her almond brown eyes looked into his emerald ones.

"You know that calls for me snogging you later don't you?"

"I sure hope so."

"Does anybody else have any questions?" Hermione asked. "We really do appreciate your time this evening."

"Headmaster, may we speak with you alone?" Harry asked as everyone started to leave the office.

"Certainly, I wanted to have a word with you as well," Professor Dumbledore said, turning to everyone else. "Thank you all. Mr. and Mrs. Delacour, Mr. and Mrs. Granger, could you wait near the Gargoyle downstairs? I am sure this won't take long and you can maybe have dinner with your children."

Harry walked over to Professor Berceau, "Professor, uh…I just want to say thank you for all that you did. Is there anything I can do to repay you?"

"Actually there is," She said smiling at the young man. "Let me know of anything strange that happens in your bond. You are in a unique situation Mr. Potter and anything you can tell me about the bond might help the next people who need my expertise," She gave the young man a hug, "You and your bond mates are always welcome at Veela Magical and if you ever need a question answered or just want to chat about the bond you know where to find me."

"Thank you," Harry said.

When everyone was gone except Padfoot, Professor Dumbledore sent a locking and silencing spell to the door. Turning back to Harry, "I presume you wanted to actually speak to Sirius?"

"Yes sir and with you as well."

Sirius transformed back into his human form. "How are you doing pup?"

"I'm doing great Sirius. We have a question for you."

"Ask away."

"I would like to tell my Papa about your case," Fleur said. "Not zat you are 'ere of course, but just zat you are 'arry's godfather and didn't get a trial."

Professor Dumbledore turned contemplative as Sirius asked "Why? What would that do?"

"Sirius," Dumbledore said, "When you were talking to Mr. Delacour, did he mention what he did for a living?"

"No, the subject never came up. It was always about Harry, Fleur and Gabrielle," Sirius replied.

"My father is ze Deputy Minister of Magic in France Mr. Black," Fleur said.

"Mr. Black? From my godson's girlfriend? You have seriously got to call me Sirius," And he smiled at his joke.

"It's only funny the first thousand times Sirius," Harry said trying to control his smirk.

"Fine," Sirius said to his godson, then turning to Fleur. "Deputy Minister?" He let out a whistle. "So do you think he can do something about my case?"

"Actually yes, but maybe not until after they are publicly bonded," Professor Dumbledore interjected. "He could then do a complete background investigation on Harry on the pretext of making sure he doesn't have negative things that could affect his political career. He finds out you're his godfather. Escaped mass murderer is a godfather to his daughter's bond mate, he pushes for a full public investigation so everyone know he isn't trying to hide anything, and it comes to light you never had a trial. He can then publicly request a trial to lay to rest any possible problems."

Sirius looked at the Headmaster, then at his godson and then finally at the three ladies who were all smiling at him, he spoke quietly. "Yes please tell him. I want my name back."

"And we seriously want you to have Black back Sirius," Harry smirked at the double joke, then turning to Dumbledore, "What do you see happening with my summer now?"

"Harry," Professor Dumbledore sighed. "Before I answer that, I have something I want to ask you. I know from what I saw in your memories how bad it has been for you. How you still managed to be the young man you are is amazing. But say you could take any action against the Dursleys, what would you do?"


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