Hermione looked down at her plate as a simple blush came over her face, "I just wished I had done more. As for enticing you to do better, maybe Fleur, Gabrielle and I can come up with an appropriate reward system for you," Hermione suggested. "One that you might find very very enjoyable," And she flashed him a thought of them kissing.
"Yeah, I guess I better," Ron replied. "I..well just let me know when you're starting."
"We'll be glad.." Hermione started when another voice interrupted.
"What'd you do Potter, dump the mudblood and start on a Veela whore?" The unmistakable sneer of Draco Malfoy sounded. "What other kind of scum was there at the bottom of that lake?"
Harry's eyes went directly to each of his bond mates. He could feel the simple annoyance from Hermione over the bond, but could feel distress radiating from Gabrielle and anger from Fleur. Gabrielle looked up at Harry and he could see tears forming in her eyes.
"It's alright Gabrielle. He's just an arrogant idiot," Harry thought soothingly, but felt his own anger rising as he turned to face the blond Slytherin pulling his wand out as he did. He noticed not only was Draco flanked by his two massive bodyguards, but Pansy Parkinson was also with him.
"Harry, DON'T!" Hermione shouted into his head.
"I have to Hermione," He replied, but he felt his anger diminishing as he heard Fleur, " 'E's not worth it 'Arry."
"Jealous aren't you ferret?" Harry replied evenly. "Wished your girlfriend," Harry's eyes flickered over to Parkinson, "was as beautiful as mine? Guess all of the inbreeding takes a toll on the looks."
Draco's face went red and he grabbed for his wand, but before it cleared his robes, there was another wand poking him in the back of the neck, "Are you sure you want to do that?" Came the voice of Cedric Diggory. "You do realize you have three Triwizard champions and most of Gryffindor table with wands ready don't you?"
"Plenario Katharsis," Harry heard Fleur mutter quietly as her wand wiggled slightly.
Draco glared at Harry one last time before he turned to stalk away. Before they left, Parkinson tossed a copy of Witch Weekly onto the table and looked at Hermione. "You might find something interesting in there," She smirked and followed Draco.
"Are you alright Gabrielle?" Harry asked. "He's nothing."
"I'm fine 'Arry. Thank you," Gabrielle replied. "I shouldn't 'ave let it bother me."
"Zat boy," Harry felt the emphasis on the thought boy from Fleur, "Needs to learn a few manners. Zough pretty soon,'e's going to need a bathroom."
"What did you do?" Harry asked.
"Maman taught me a spell to deal wiz pureblood scum like 'im," Fleur said. "As she put it, it's better to 'ave dirty blood zan dirty underwear. Ze spell is an old bowel cleansing spell. It used to be used by 'ealers who needed to diagnose digestive issues before ze bowel content banishing spell was developed. It delays about five minutes before kicking in. Ze spell is designed zat way to give ze patient time to get to ze bathroom."
It took a lot of control for Harry not to burst out laughing right on the spot. "Oh Merlin I'm in trouble if I ever tick off my bond mates aren't I?"
"Of course love. But you're ignoring Cedric right now."
Hermione had picked up the magazine and started flipping through it, while Harry turned to Cedric. "Sorry about that Cedric, I was thinking about the look on Draco's face when you came up behind him. I appreciate the support there."
"Fleur's my friend also Harry and I figured the jerk was going to insult her or her sister," Cedric said.
"Oh have you met Gabrielle?" Harry asked.
"Actually I haven't, but I presume she's the beautiful young woman who is sitting beside you?"
Harry turned to Gabrielle, "Gabrielle Delacour, this is Cedric Diggory. He's the real Hogwart's Champion. Cedric, this is Gabrielle."
Cedric took her hand and gave it a kiss. "Nice to meet the young lady who's captured Harry's heart. I think you've broken many witches' hearts this morning. Your sister spoke very highly of you all year. And ignore your boyfriend, Harry's proven he's worthy of being a Champion."
"Nice to meet you Cedric. My sister wrote a few things about you as well. As for 'Arry," She looked over at her bondmate. "I'm very lucky eet seems. 'Arry's a very special person."
"Well I'm glad you didn't come to harm during that thing under the water." Cedric said then turned back to Harry."And I'm glad you were there for them. If I were half the 'puff I should have been, I'd been there with you..."
"That…that bitch!" Hermione sputtered. She had found an article in the magazine underneath a color photo of Harry. The rest of the group leaned over her to read.
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