Severus just glared at Harry for several long seconds before, with a billowing of his robes, he turned and stalked away.
"I didn't mean to get you in trouble 'Arry."
"Are you kidding?" Harry thought. "You were brilliant, a three for one punishment for Malfoy and public humiliation. Don't worry about my punishment, I'm used to detentions with Snape."
"Now that that matter is settled Harry," Dumbledore said, "Remus is here to see you, and needs your assistance in getting him where he needs to be. He's going to be babysitting your dog for a while."
By now though, Harry was out of his seat, "It's good to see you again Professor Lupin," He said.
"I'm not your professor anymore Harry. I'm your godfather's and I hope your friend. I think Moony or Remus will be just fine," Lupin replied, and then he turned to the students surrounding Harry, "And that goes for all of you, though I don't think I have met you two," He said to Fleur and Gabrielle.
"Pro..Moony, I would like you to meet Gabrielle and Fleur Delacour," Harry said. "Fleur is the Beauxbatons Triwizard champion and Gabrielle is her sister and my girlfriend."
Remus eyes went from the Delacours to Harry immediately. "Girlfriend you say? Well I look forward to hearing all about the young woman. I now recognize Fleur. Her picture was in the Daily Prophet along with yours about the tournament."
"But you know they left out the real Hogwart's champion, Cedric Diggory," Harry said, nodding to the older Hufflepuff.
"Yes," Lupin said and then turning to Cedric, "Congratulations, I understand you're doing quite well."
"Thank you sir, just trying to keep up with Harry," Cedric replied causing Harry to look down at his shoes.
"Harry," Professor Dumbledore started, "I have several things to take care of, can I trust you to get Remus to where he needs to go?"
"Yes sir, we were going to run into Hogsmeade right after breakfast, but we can delay that."
"Ah, speaking of Hogsmeade, could you postpone your trip until later in the afternoon perhaps. I have something I would like you to pick up for me," Dumbledore said. "It won't be available until around dinnertime though. If you wait to go toward late evening it would be highly helpful."
Harry looked at his bond mates, who all nodded. "Yes sir. We can do that."
"Excellent. Come see me before you leave then and I'll explain what I need you to do," Dumbledore said and turned and strolled up to the head table.
"Harry, you know you're going to have to tell Professor Lupin about us don't you?" Hermione thought. "He's going to the Chamber and he will need to know why Fleur and Gabrielle know about Sirius."
"Fleur, Gabrielle, Hermione just pointed out that Lupin will need to know about us, since he will be down in the Chamber with Sirius and will be inquisitive on why you know of him." Harry said.
"Okay 'Arry," Fleur answered. "E was part of ze thing wiz Sirius wasn't 'e?"
"Yes," Harry replied. "He was also our Defense teacher last year, and a good friend of my father and Sirius."
"Ron," Harry continued out loud as he turned back to his friend. "After breakfast I need to take care of something for Professor Lupin. Are you up to studying with us later, maybe right after lunch, and that means if Fleur wishes to join us she will be there."
"Yeah…maybe," Ron replied and with a sullen look, got up from the table and started walking away.
"I guess I need to go talk to him," Harry said to the women around him.
Hermione put her hand on his arm. "Not yet. Let him think about it for a while. See what he decides before you talk to him."
Harry looked at her, then nodded and sat back down and finished breakfast.
Twenty minutes later they were all walking into Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. Remus had been puzzled when Fleur and Gabrielle joined them, but accepted Harry's promise that everything would be explained.
"Oh 'Arry, I want to try it zis time," Fleur said.
"You sure?" Harry asked.
"Yes, ze more of us who can do it, ze better," She said.
Harry thought of himself opening the chamber as Fleur concentrated. After a few seconds of thinking Fleur said "§Open§", that is what Harry heard at least. The rest only heard her hissing.
As the section of wall sunk out of sight, Lupin stared at Fleur, "You're a parseltongue?"
Fleur smiled, "Non. I just 'ave an excellent teacher," As she looked over at Harry. "My teacher is very 'andsome as well."
"But I didn't think parseltongue could be taught," Remus responded.
"It can't," Harry replied and then smiled at his old Professor's confused look. "Moony, let's head downstairs and if you can promise to keep a secret, we'll tell you what's going on."
"Harry, I hope you know you can trust me without even asking," Remus replied. "Just don't tell me anything that would put me in conflict with Sirius or in a position where I can't protect you."
Harry looked at the man in front of him and nodded before started down the steps.
Remus studied James' son. Harry seemed to be happier and more open than he was last year. "Maybe it was the dementors last year, but it still seems like there's something more," Remus lit his wand and followed up in the rear once all the ladies had followed Harry. A few minutes later they were at the entrance to the Chamber.
"Do you want to try Gabrielle?" Harry asked and again smiled at the look of confusion on Lupin's face.
"Non, 'Arry, anozer time I will," She replied.
Harry pulled her into a hug. "Are you okay?"
"I'll be fine," Gabrielle replied. She looked up at Harry and then gave him a peck on the lips. "Thank you."
"Anything for you," He replied.
Harry turned and looking at the emerald eyed snakes that protected the Chamber and hissed "§Open§."
As they entered they found Sirius had conjured himself a bed near the entrance and as evident by the light snoring, was still sleeping.
"I presume this Chamber is soundproof?" Remus whispered.
"Oh definitely," Harry replied guessing what was going to happen.
Remus pointed his wand at his throat and whispered "Sonorus," He winked at the others and mimicked putting their fingers in their ears. The he walked over to the sleeping Padfoot and with his magically magnified voice he gave a howl.
Sirius leapt from the bed looking in every direction at once as he clambered for his wand. Remus turned his wand back on himself and a loudly whispered "Quietus" and his voice was back to normal.
"You mangy werewolf," Sirius snarled. "I had a nice dream going of being pampered by….." his voice trailed off as he saw Harry and his bond mates laughing.
"Glad you're settling in Sirius," Harry finally said. "Shall we change the name from Chamber of Secrets, to Sirius' Slumber house?"
"Very funny pup," Sirius replied and turning back to his old friend and giving him a hug. "How've you been Moony."
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