Mastering the Patronus Charm

Each of the bond mates who experienced the casting could feel the pure raw emotions that had poured into the Patronus charm. Hermione had first blushed as she saw herself sleeping in his memory but the love that had swept into that memory was overwhelming, she had felt the love focus, and when the charm had been cast, she felt the energy sharpen even further and it seemed to constantly stream out until the Patronus disappeared.

Fleur and Gabrielle had experienced the same scene and feelings from their bond mate casting the charm, though lost in the experience was Fleur noticing something that had made her smile even larger. She suppressed the thought. If Harry noticed it, she was more than willing to talk to him about it, but she would prefer for him to not even think about it yet.

She had seen hidden in the swirl of love Harry had for Hermione, was the flicker of love he had now developed for her and her sister. Just as Harry's love for Hermione flowed over all of their bonds, and Fleur and Gabrielle enjoyed it, this love was there as well. And to Fleur to know that her bond mate had started to love them so soon was an incredible feeling.

Sirius was the first to speak, "Wow pup that was some Patronus. So that's what saved my soul?"

"Looked just like Prongs didn't it Padfoot?" Moony asked still in awe himself.

"It did indeed, well except the excruciating bright light. If James had glowed like that we would've probably been noticed."

"That was fascinating," Hermione said with her eyes aglow. "I want to try it now."

It wasn't quite the same as opening the Chamber, but it was close. Nothing happened on her first try, but on her second try she got a white mist. Finally on Hermione's third try she ended up changing her memory to the one of her sharing Harry's memory of looking at her while she slept. Her own feeling of love witnessing his love for her brought forth a bright silvery otter which gamboled about before disappearing.

"Eet was beautiful 'Ermione," Gabrielle said as he hugged her bond sister who was looking a little exhausted.

"You get used to it eventually," Harry told her as he gave her his own hug.

"I just hope I don't have to fight Dementors anytime soon," She replied as she sat down heavily on a chair. "But I guess I better practice it."

Fleur, who had already done the charm before but had only gotten a faint white mist, thought of the difference between what she had done before and what Harry did. It was the depth and intensity of the emotions she determined. She realized that all the effort she had put into controlling her Veela temper was actually detrimental in her previous attempts at this charm.

That and not having felt love as she felt for the raven haired young man who was looking at her with those eyes of his. She locked her eyes to his, daring, even inviting him to share what she was going to think about to bring her positive emotions forth. There was a bluff on her family property that overlooked the Mediterranean Sea. It rose thirty meters above the sandy beaches below.

It was a place Fleur had found herself on many occasions sitting and staring out over the water in her childhood, watching the birds of the sea glide on the breezes. Her thoughts now were not from a past though, but of a future she hoped to have come true someday. Fleur felt the happiness and the love from that thought surge through her and as she casts "EXPECTO PATRONUM" from the tip of her wand a silver Osprey emerged.

It circled the cavern and descended. Just as it was close to the group it disappeared. Harry looked searchingly at Fleur who returned a smile that he knew was only for him and he heard "Beautiful wasn't it?" and he wholeheartedly agreed.

Gabrielle couldn't get past the white mist while attempting the cast the charm. Harry had to comfort her when she was to too drained to try again. He reminded her that until today Fleur hadn't got past that part either. Remus guessed that she didn't quite have the mental discipline yet to push out the needed emotions. "Keep trying," He told her. "Change memories if you don't feel a rush of positive emotions in the one you're using."

They finally got settled and completed as much homework as they could until it was three in the afternoon. Realizing it was time to head into Hogsmeade they bid the two Marauders a good day and made their way to the Headmaster's office.

"We were just headed into Hogsmeade. You wanted to ask us to get something for you while we are there?" Harry asked when they were all settled in front of Professor Dumbledore's desk.

"Yes, The new moon was just a few days ago and it's going to be getting brighter and brighter for the rest of the month, and I need something brought to the castle in as much darkness as possible," Dumbledore explained.

"If it needs to be hidden, I can take my cloak," Harry said.

"This item is too big for your cloak, but you have had experience in moving it before," The Headmaster said with a twinkle in his eyes.

Hermione's eyes lifted to look at Professor Dumbledore, "You're not serious."

"No, but to go along with his pun, it is something you gave Sirius last year. I need you four to use your special talents to get a Hippogriff into Hogwarts tonight."

Harry looked at Hermione and then back at Dumbledore, "You're kidding right?"

"I am not joking. Buckbeak is currently in a cave just outside of Hogsmeade. Sirius was going up every couple of days feeding and spending a little time with him. Unfortunately he can't do that now. Buckbeak is also tethered in the cave so he can't get food by himself."

"And what are we going to do with him once we get him here?"

"Get him into the Chamber with Remus and Sirius. It's a lot bigger than the cave he's in and he'll be able to stretch his wings."

"So do you have a plan for us, or do we just…uh…wing it?" Harry asked.

"I have a suggestion, but if you need to change something feel free too. As you know Hagrid exercises Madam Maxime's horses frequently so I don't think anyone will think it's strange to see a flying animal as long as it's dark and they can't see exactly what it is. I suggest you spread out and use your unique ability to communicate to make sure the path is clear to the bathroom.

I will be personally switching out the window nearest to the bathroom, and creating an illusion to make it seem like the window is still there. All you will need to do is wait until its dark and then fly Buckbeak in through that window and into that bathroom and down those steps as soon as possible, without being seen of course. I will chat with Alastor during that time so I know he isn't seeing anything on the map."

"All we will need to do?" Hermione was muttering to herself as they descended the steps. "I am NOT flying on him this time."

Harry smiled at Hermione. "But it was so much fun last time," That statement caused her to glare at him.


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