Learning to Extract


Hey everyone,

My Patreon is experiencing some technical issues, so I will be creating a new one and will share the link with you all soon.


After lunch, they made their way to the Room of Requirements where Hermione brought out a surprise for Harry. In a room she had created to hide the Pensieve she pulled a book out and handed it to Harry. It was Snape's potions book, the same book that had caused so much extra jealousy for Hermione in their sixth year.

"Here," She said handing the book to Harry. "I doubt Professor Snape will miss it as long as you're not cursing Malfoy," She gave Harry a small smile. "I know the jealousy was artificial but I really am sorry. This book is actually a valuable treasure of information. Whether it's the printed words or the hand writing in the margins, knowledge is knowledge. And if next year Slughorn is back and has his competition for the Felix Felicis, I expect my husband to win it again."

"We will both work out of this book and both do equally as well," Harry said.

They turned their attention to the Pensieve. They both had seen Snape expelling his memories right before his death and Harry explained how both Snape and Dumbledore used their wand to extract memories from their head.

"Well I'm not quite ready to aim a wand at my head and see what happens," Hermione said cautiously. "Let's see if Sirius knows how it's done."

Harry pulled out the mirror and called "Sirius Black," This time it took a minute before Sirius answered. "Sorry, but Moody is downstairs right now. I had to make an excuse to come see about Buckbeak. What's going on pup?"

"Will Moody see you using the mirror with his eye?" Hermione asked.

"If he bothers to look, yes, but he won't be able to hear anything," Sirius replied. "I have this room silenced anyway since Buckbeak can make a bit of racket from time to time."

"You remember me telling you about the memory of Snape from that time after your OWLs right?"

"Yeah, thought you were over that?" Sirius replied.

"It's not that, we just want to know if you know how to extract memories to use in the Pensieve?"


"Well we sort of stole Dumbledore's Pensieve from Snape," Harry explained.

"You what?" Sirius exploded and then he started laughing. "Oh Merlin. What's he going to do when he finds out?"

"He already suspects me," Harry said. "But he can't prove it. He tried Legilimency on me this morning."

"He did what?" Sirius growled. "Just wait until he shows his ugly mug around here. I'll rip him to pieces."

"Actually it just proves my Occlumency works perfectly," Harry replied. "He got some tasty memories of mine that he didn't find very appealing including an up close and personal visit with a Basilisk."

"He's not going to let that go you know," Sirius said suddenly very serious. "He's going to want to know how you did it."

"Yeah, I mentioned that lessons work better if the person teaching me is someone I trust. I am hoping he thinks Hermione taught me, but for now he's not a threat," Harry said. "Remind me this summer to tell you my thoughts I have about him and you can tell me if they could be right. For now though we wanted to ask if you had any ideas on how to get memories out of your head to use in the Pensieve. We thought if we could give you our memories of the Ministry you would have more to work on."

"That's an excellent idea," Sirius exclaimed. "Uh...yeah. Dumbledore showed me. He wanted my memories of the encounter with Pettigrew and a couple of other ones. It's not really easy but not extremely difficult either," Sirius explained. "Basically you have to push your magic into a memory while focusing on your wand as you have it near your head. You also have to concentrate on keeping the memory or sending it out."

"Thanks," Harry said. "Can we screw up our minds or anything doing this?"

"Try not to think of any dangerous magical spells while you have your wand pointed at your head," Sirius said only half-jokingly. "Even a disarming spell at that range can seriously hurt you. If you are going to try it, work with memories that don't mean anything to you until you are more practiced."

"If we get this to work, can we stop back there on Thursday and show them to you?" Harry asked.

"Mirror me first like last time to make sure no one has dropped by," Sirius said. "We are supposed to have an Order meeting on Wednesday, so I should be able to let you know what Dumbledore had to say about the locket."

"Thanks Sirius, you better get back to Moody," Hermione said.

"Yeah, I guess. See you two Thursday," And Sirius's image disappeared.