Chapter 2: Yesterday

"Are you sure we have to bother Yesterday?" Lanie whined as she followed Juno through the crowded streets of Sector City Eden.

The streets were filled with a number of people headed to their daily duties. People whose jobs kept the Sector City up and running, While hers and Juno's were to keep them safe, and continue in their war effort against the Androids.

Long ago, there used to be hundreds of sprawling cities that were glorious and magnificent, pinnacles of human ingenuity, and their technological advances. It wasn't until some five hundred years ago when the war between humanity and the Androids had begun.

Said to be caused as a result of faulty coding, one that wasn't caught until it was far too late. As a result, the majority of the world had been turned into an absolute warzone, one with humanity on the losing side of the war.

So, Sector Cities had been developed as the last bastion of the human resistance. Massive fortress like cities with walls that stood at about 200 ft( 60.96 meters) in height, and was roughly 15 ft( 4.5 In Meters) thick, 25 (7.62 In meters) in portions that were more heavily fortified, like the gates.

In the middle of Sector City Eden there was a massive sky-scraper-esque tower that stood just behind a smaller spherical structure. The tower is where a vast majority of decisions were made before being handed out as orders to the populace. The sphere however, was home to an individual only known as the Mother of Eden. An individual who's role in the Sector City was always questioned in hushed conversations.

This was their home, the only place deemed safe enough to live a somewhat normal human life.

Lanie stopped at the edge of the sidewalk waiting for military grade gas vehicles drove by carrying cargo of various types deeper into the city.

She hated being this far away from the inner circles of the city, as the farther one went from the center. The more rundown it looked, the more impoverished people who'd look at her with hatred in their eyes. Hatred because she had what they didn't.


But, it wasn't like she hadn't earned that comfort. She was more likely to be thrown into the midst of danger that'd see her die. Violently, and very painfully.

But the edge of the city was where Yesterday preferred to operate. Mainly because she could easily get away with 'losing' medical supplies without much repercussion from the governing body.

"I really hate coming here." Lanie breathed ignoring some of the glares that were being sent her way.

"I know, don't pay them any mind. They are the unlucky ones who were chosen to struggle. Can't blame them for any resentment as a result of their hunger." Juno said with a hand resting on one of his katana's hilt. Signifying that he wasn't afraid to use it if he had to.

Soon, they were standing in front of a run down two story building that held two windmills on its roof that spun slowly. Generating power for the building.

"You ready?" Juno asked looking down at Lanie with a small twinge of guilt in the bed of his stomach. He hated whenever he had to be the one to force her to do something that would be a benefit. Especially when it left her in an anxious state such as the one she was currently in.

He didn't want to risk her losing her position, the safety that comes with it. To be sent to the slums, to live among the people who hated her. Who could possibly kill her if they got a cheap shot in on her.

So he pushed her when she needs it. So he could delay any possibility of that alternative, even if he had to make her the best Agent to do so.

Project Machina

Far from the safety of the walls of Sector City Eden sat a group of three Agents. They sat around a small fire that burnt low, producing a small amount of gray smoke, and even less warmth.

Lance sat closest to the only entrance into the small ruin of a building that acted as their temporary shelter. Every so often, he would look at the two younger Agents who were currently sleeping off a ten hour sprint through dangerous territory. Fighting Androids for every step that they had taken.

Luckily none of them had received any injuries that could be seen as life threatening. At least not yet.

If they could keep a decent pace today, they would definitely be back at Eden by nightfall. If things went the right way that was. And their luck had been shit from the day they started their mission.

Lance's eyes focused on the body of the young woman who laid curled up in a ball with Septum's coat over her to provide some semblance of warmth. Her red hair was the only thing he could make out clearly at that moment.

There was only one thought of suspicion on his mind where she was involved. Just exactly why was she worth being brought to Eden from the Neutral grounds that were Vatica headquarters.

More importantly, he questioned why he and Septum were the ones that were given the mission. 

Because they were the easiest to blame if their mission failed.

Sighing as that thought crossed his mind. Lance adjusted himself to a more comfortable position as he glanced through the opening. Keeping his eyes and ears peeled for the slightest movement, the slightest sound that didn't belong.

Normal humans had limits to their sight, hearing, and strength. Agents on the other hand, were augmented to go beyond their natural limits with a mix of surgeries and a serum that altered their genetics, even going as far as to change the chemicals their bodies released. With the only notable drawbacks being that they lost the majority of their emotions, and their ability to reproduce, along with a heightened stress capacity and breaking points.

It wasn't a life for the weak of heart nor those who had a life to live. 

Upon being satisfied that there were no out of place sounds or sights. Lance finally moved from his spot, making his way over to Septum. Who slept softly with his back against the wall, his messy light brown hair resting around a boyish face.

"Up and at em Sep." Lance said gently shaking him awake, taking great care not to startle him.

Septum slowly came awake, blinking the sleep from his eyes. "How long was I out for?" He asked slowly, sitting up, looking around the room. Seeing that they had made it through yet another day.

"About six hours. Your body needed the rest." Lance said softly, taking care not to wake their guest. Yet.

"Couldn't agree more." Septum nodded, turning his attention to the girl who slept not that far from him. "She slept for the full twelve?"

"She did." Lance assured letting out an exhausted breath. "Hopefully we can get her to Eden before her injuries fester with infection."

"Hopefully." Septum said with a guilty look in his eyes. "If only I wasn't so careless."

"Learn from the mistake and make sure it never happens again. She's injured but alive, which is luckier than we deserved." Lance said in an instructive tone. "Your job as an Agent is to always be prepared to fight the threat, even while deep within Eden. And while we're out here in the Wastes,you have to always be on guard and keeping an eye and ear on your surroundings. You never know where an Android might be. But you do know the signs they're in the area."

Nodding. Septum understood what he was being told. Taking a moment to let the words sink in before responding. "Obvious clear pathways that seem sequential. Areas filled with more scraps, blood stains, bullet casings, and overall signs of battles that look recent."

"Anything else?" Lance prompted.

"Errant sounds simulated to sound like an injured human." The young woman spoke slowly sitting up.

"Correct, that part is what you fell prey to Sep. Don't take it to heart, the simulations never correctly depict what we deal with in the field. Many a Agent has fallen for the lure." Lance said, turning his attention to the young woman. "Good morning Tessa. We move out in five."

Tessa rubbed the sleep out of her crimson eyes as she nodded. "Roger that sir." She said as Septums coat slid off her body.

It was only then that she realized She had been covered. She hadn't been covered up when she had finally managed to fall asleep. Which meant one thing.

Slowly she turned her gaze to Lance who obviously wore his travel coat still. Then turned it to Septum who wore the padded shirt designed to soften most blows they'd take in combat.

"You covered me up?" Tessa found herself saying out loud before she could stop herself.

Septum flinched at the question reflexively rubbing the back of his head. "You were shaking, and with your injuries. I thought you'd like more heat." He stammered hesitantly, almost like he was preparing to be berated.

"Thank you." Tessa said, earning a surprised look from Septum, only to quickly be crushed once more by the next words she spoke. "Even though that's not gonna repay me for the hit I took for you." She said with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Lance clapped his hands together earning their shared attention as he scowled in their direction. "No one owes anyone anything."

Tessa stuck her tongue out defiantly at his words. "I was only poking a little fun."

"There's a time and place for everything Tessa. Now isn't that time or place." Lance said, tossing them both a ration bar as he moved towards the entrance. "Eat up real quick. We're moving out."