Dawn after dark

Chapter 2

One year later while he was fetching water, he was surrounded by four people, they were all Mao Song's lackeys.

During this year he called out Mao Song many times for his bullying, worst of all when he found that Mao Song was was trying to bully a young girl into bed with him. This absolutely dragged his face in the mud and even though Mao Song despised him in the past, he was never bothered to take action against him but this time was different, it was obvious the huge amount of hatred he now had for him.

These four who had now surrounded Wang Shitian were rummored to have sensed Qi but have not yet been promoted to the inner sect because they had not yet reached level 1 of Qi gathering.

"So, he really sent you to beat me up eh?" asked Wang Shitian

"Hmph, you think we are here just to beat you up? after the embarrassment you gave to Deacon Mao?"

"In your next life, learn to mind your business, you trash"

Two voices sounded one after another in response.


Wang Shitian was shocked, he didn't think they would be here to kill him.

He didn't know how Mao Song intended to cover it up but what he knew was that, if he dared to do it then he was ready for what comes next.

Without having much time to think, he was assaulted.

Even though these four had not reached the first stage of Qi gathering, they were still powerful beyond normal humans due to having had their body absorb Qi, so even with Wang Shitian's strong body, he was no match for them.

But he was able to manage an escape not withstanding.

"What a fool, to think he ran into the demonic beast forest to escape us"

"He is dead for sure. Let's go and report in.

They laughed as they walked away.

After hearing their report, Mao Song was quite pleased

"It went better than I had planned. That trash is going to end up in the belly of a beast, hahahaha "

Meanwhile, in the outskirts of the demonic beasts forest a young man covered in blood was lying down. He had been injured in many places and sought to rest. He knew just how dangerous this place was.

This was the sect's trial ground, used to test the development of the disciples by slaying beasts.

While he was thinking how he would survive, blood reached the tattoo on his back.

Not even realising it, the tattoo congealed into a single point and shot through his body straight towards his head.

He felt pain in his head but it was over as quickly as it started but he didn't even notice as he was now in shock of what had appeared in his mind.

Many characters entered his mind and was categorised. Knowing the name of the technique and the information left him in awe.

This was a body tempering technique that did not require a spiritual root to cultivate. At the end of it, one would achieve the invincible body of Vajra.

It was divided into four volumes but what he had now was just the first volume.

This volume contained five layers and the first layer contained three stages; Muscle forging, tendon polishing and bone refinement.

Upon completion of the first layer one would have the strength of a peak Qi gathering cultivator.

It was a magical technique indeed.

"Hahaha heaven has not forgotten me, it left me a path for survival, hahahaha" laughter could be heard now within the forest as he had forgotten where he was.

To cultivate this technique one had to refine the blood of other living things to strengthen his body.

It was also stated that consuming the flesh of demonic beasts too is also very efficient.

But he had one problem, in his injured state, there was not much he could do.

However, having grown up in a village where the villagers hunted for their food and lived a relatively hard life, he had picked up quite a few skills and knew how to lay traps.

An hour later, he had successfully dug a small pit, the bottom filled with spikes pointed upwards and then disguised it.

He didn't choose this spot randomly. After studying it for sometime he concluded that this was the usual route of one of the beasts in the forest.

He looked for a place and laid in wait. About three hours later, his wait paid off and he saw a big bear, larger than a human walking in the direction of the hole.

What made him confident in dealing with this beast with the spikes was that he was confident that this beast is yet to become a demonic beasts.

Demonic beasts are divided into different ranks corresponding to the different ranks of human cultivation.

A demonic beast of rank-1 was equivalent to a Qi gathering practitioner and it was further divided into low, mid and high, with high rank-1 demonic beasts rivaling peak Qi gathering.

Demonic beasts of that level would not be in this region of the forest and they were a great deal larger and exuded demonic Qi.

Though he could not cultivate, Wang Shitian was very knowledgeable as he spent most of his time reading the general knowledge of the sect.

The bear Infront of him bore no characteristics of a demonic beast which immediately put his mind to rest. It should be known that from his watch point he had already chosen an escape route for himself if the beast had turned out to be a demonic beast.

Taking giant and powerful footsteps, the bear walked through the forest as it usually did after a successful hunting day. There were no surprises until he smashed the patches of grass used to disguise the hole.

Boom! Ptui!

A loud crash could be heard along with a piercing sound as the spikes tore through the body of the bear. It didn't even have the chance to make any noice before its life was ended.

Wang Shitian walked up to the hole and waited a full quarter of an hour to make sure the bear was truly dead before slowly descending into the hole.