A Strange Dream

Chapter 5

Wang Shitian arrived at the dormitory of the outer sect disciples, his footsteps echoing through the corridor. The air was filled with a sense of anticipation and curiosity as he navigated his way to his assigned room. Standing before the door, he observed the intricate patterns etched into its surface, a clear indication of its significance. He retrieved his token, a symbol of his identity within the sect, and inserted it into the slot. With a soft click, the door unlocked, granting him access to his new abode.

Entering the room, Wang Shitian took a moment to survey his surroundings. The modest space was sparsely furnished, with a simple bed, a desk, and a small wardrobe. The room exuded an air of tranquility, as if it had been awaiting his arrival. His gaze fell upon the wooden chest placed on the desk, the gift pack for new disciples from Elder Xu Yan. Opening it, he revealed its contents—spirit stones, shimmering with a faint ethereal glow. These stones were the lifeblood of the cultivation world, carrying immense value and power. It could be used for cultivation as well as a currency for trade. Spirit stones were divided into different levels depending on their spirituality and amount of Qi contained. What was given to the disciples were all low grade spirit stones. There was a flying sword and a flying sword manual which combined could help a Qi gathering practitioner soar the sky. There was also a storage bag, a bag with a large space within which help cultivators in carrying heavy luggage easily. Wang Shitian marveled at the items placed Infront of him.

Examining the items bestowed upon him, he realized their limited usefulness to him, all the items required the manipulation of Qi for their use, save the spirit stones and the storage bag. With a determined spirit, he decided to exchange them for more practical resources. He carefully packed the items he wished to trade and made a mental note to visit the exchange pavilion later.

Feeling the weight of the time spent in the forest upon him, Wang Shitian decided to indulge in a well-deserved bath. The warm water washed away the remnants of his journey, soothing his tired muscles and refreshing his spirit. After the bath, he dressed in his new uniform, a symbol of his affiliation with the One Leaf Sect. Adorning himself with the necessary accessories, he felt a renewed sense of purpose and belonging.

As he settled onto his bed, exhaustion began to consume him. With closed eyes, he succumbed to slumber.

Meanwhile Mao Song could be seen returning to his residence, a smile on his face. It was unknown what he discussed with senior brother Yang but if it made Mao Song happy it can only mean it will not be good for Wang Shitian.

In his subconscious realm, he found himself standing before an awe-inspiring sight—a vast sea of blood, stretching as far as the eye could see. At its center, a towering mountain of corpses reached towards the heavens. Eerie wails echoed through the blood-red waves, filling the air with sorrow and despair.

Amidst this macabre scene, a figure emerged, sitting atop the mountain of corpses and bathed in a radiant golden light. The brilliance was blinding, preventing Wang Shitian from discerning the source. Yet, he could feel an intense gaze fixed upon him—a gaze that seemed to penetrate his very soul. A sense of both familiarity and unease washed over him, leaving him bewildered.

Abruptly, he awoke, his body drenched in perspiration. The remnants of the dream clung to his mind, like fragments of a forgotten melody. While the imagery disturbed him, he resolved to put it aside for the time being, focusing instead on the tasks at hand.

To calm his racing thoughts, Wang Shitian assumed a meditative posture. Breathing deeply, he allowed the serenity of the moment to envelop him. The familiar rhythm of his breath anchored his consciousness, guiding him towards a state of tranquility. As he delved deeper into meditation, a sense of clarity and centeredness washed over him.

It is unclear when but he had recently picked up this new habit.

As dawn broke, casting its gentle light upon the world, Wang Shitian emerged from his residence. With a determined stride, he headed towards the treasure depository.

Wang Shitian, aware of the importance of his spatial bag, had already imprinted it with his mental energy. This safeguarded his belongings from unauthorized access, ensuring their protection. Even if someone more powerful attempted to force their way in, the chaotic space within the bag would collapse, obliterating everything stored within.

With his possessions converted into contribution points, Wang Shitian found himself left with only his spatial bag and five spirit stones. His next destination was the sutra pavilion, where he sought to expand his knowledge and skills. Upon arrival, he encountered an elderly woman who appeared to be dozing off. Despite her slumbering appearance, Wang Shitian knew better than to underestimate her. He sensed her powerful aura, indicating that she might be at the 7th level of the Qi gathering realm. Her awakened spirit sense allowed her to perceive everything within a 50-meter radius, despite her seemingly indifferent demeanor.

Offering a respectful greeting, Wang Shitian proceeded into the pavilion. The vast collection of books was divided into sections, with the Qi techniques and cultivation methods occupying the majority of the space. However, his focus was drawn towards a small, unassuming section—the martial arts section. Here, the techniques practiced by mortal warriors were stored. While mortal martial arts relied on force to inflict damage, they paled in comparison to the power wielded by cultivators. Nonetheless, these martial arts were invaluable for handyman disciples seeking to bolster their strength.

Among the techniques he had already been practicing, such as the swift wind steps for agility and the breaking wave palm for offense, Wang Shitian now felt the need for a defensive art. After perusing the selection for about an hour, two techniques caught his attention—the iron shirt technique and the golden hand technique. The former offered a formidable defensive capability, while the latter bestowed strength upon one's hands, turning them into formidable weapons.

Deciding to pursue these two techniques, Wang Shitian paid the necessary contribution points and obtained copies of the manuals. However, he didn't immediately return to his dormitory. Instead, he made his way back to the treasure depository, where he exchanged some of his remaining points for a bottle of metal essence—an essential resource for forging and refining weapons.

Unaware of the eyes that watched him, Wang Shitian entered his room, his mind consumed by the new techniques he had acquired.