
Chapter 10

As Wang Shitian returned to the sect, he immediately noticed a significant increase in activity. There were more elders present than usual, and disciples were bustling in and out of the mission hall. The sect seemed to be in a state of heightened urgency. Puzzled by this sudden change, he approached a senior brother and inquired about the situation.

"Hello, senior brother," he greeted. "I've just returned from a mission and I'm not up to date with the happenings within the sect. Why are there so many people here?"

The senior brother turned to Wang Shitian and replied with a slight tone of gravity, "We are at war with the Malevolent Earth Sect."

Wang Shitian was taken aback by this revelation. The concept of sects being at war carried immense implications. If their foundations were not deep enough, they could face destruction, putting their entire lineage at risk.

Gazing up at the mission board, Wang Shitian noticed numerous missions posted, some of which involved engaging and eliminating cultivators from the opposing sect. The rewards offered increased in accordance with the cultivation level of the targeted cultivators. Realizing that increasing his own strength was crucial for survival in this conflict, Wang Shitian wasted no time. .

Meanwhile, in another part of the sect, Yang Ling received news of Wang Shitian's return, causing his anger to surge. Filled with disbelief, he exclaimed, "How can Xu Li and Tuo Sen be dead? Are you telling me that a mere level 1 cultivator killed them?" His frustration manifested as he slammed his hand down on the table.

The loss of Xu Li and Tuo Sen was a significant blow to Yang Ling. Despite his status as an inner disciple, he had few followers as powerful and skilled as the two he had lost. Determined to understand the situation, he commanded his subordinates, "Bring me Mao Song immediately."

Simultaneously, Great Elder Lin Xiu arrived at the sect master's courtyard. Observing the sect master sitting there with closed eyes, seemingly detached from his surroundings, Lin Xiu cautiously approached. As if sensing the elder's presence, the sect master slowly opened his eyes.

"Sect master, our spy within the Malevolent Earth Sect has made contact," Lin Xiu reported with a solemn voice. "According to her, they initiated this war under the orders of one of the devil princes, though she remains uncertain which one. Their objective is to gather blood essence. Currently, it is not just our sect that is at war; many other sects from different regions are also involved."

A somber expression overcame the sect master as he absorbed this grave information. He comprehended the far-reaching consequences of the conflict, not only for their own sect but for the stability of the entire cultivation world.

As the sect master contemplated the gravity of the situation, a frown etched on his face, he expressed his concern to Great Elder Lin Xiu. "Are you sure about this? The devil princes are not to be taken lightly," he said, his voice filled with caution.

Lin Xiu responded firmly, "Yes, I am very certain. I have already verified the information."

Acknowledging the elder's certainty, the sect master nodded. With a sudden thought, a token materialized in his hand. He crushed the token, causing a burst of light to shoot out and soar towards the horizon. In an instant, the light vanished from sight.

"This can only mean that this time the devil sects are not merely testing the waters. All the low-level devil sects are waging war under the command of the Darkmoon sect," the sect master concluded. His frown deepened, and worry creased his features.

At the mention of the Darkmoon sect, Great Elder Lin Xiu couldn't help but tremble, a trace of fear flickering in his eyes. After a few minutes, they regained their composure. The sect master's expression turned into a smile as he remarked, "Do they think we are a bunch of loose sand like the other sects out there? The Malevolent Earth Sect may have the support of the Darkmoon sect, but are we without our own backers?"

However, a note of caution entered his voice as he continued, "We must be careful, though. If the Darkmoon sect finds a reason to intervene in the Sky Covering Domain, we might lose our lives before the war even ends. Those old men in the sect are also not to be provoked. In the end we might just be collateral damage. Sigh," he sighed, his thoughts swirling without a clear order.

Meanwhile, in the outer sect, Wang Shitian had completed his mission and received his rewards in the form of contribution points. He was about to return to his residence when he was approached by two disciples who blocked his path. One of them, slightly shorter than Wang Shitian, spoke up, "Are you Wang Shitian?" The other disciple, of average height and build, remained silent but observed the situation cautiously.

As they took in Wang Shitian's imposing figure and sensed his overbearing aura, the disciples' tone softened slightly.

"We are here on the orders of Senior Brother Yang to invite you over," one of the disciples explained, their fear still evident in their eyes. They exchanged a look that conveyed a sense of urgency and impatience, silently urging Wang Shitian to comply.

However, to their disappointment, Wang Shitian rejected their invitation without a second thought. "Please apologize to Senior Brother Yang on my behalf. I am currently busy, but when I have the time, I will come and find him," he stated firmly. Without waiting for their response, he bypassed them and continued on his way. Before they could even process what had happened, Wang Shitian had vanished from their sight.

"He's quite audacious, to reject the kindness of Senior Brother Yang," one of the disciples remarked, a mix of admiration and disapproval in their voice. "Hmph, he doesn't know what's good for him."

Upon their return, the disciples narrated the encounter to the people gathered in the courtyard, including Yang Ling and Mao Song. Frowns marred their faces as they wondered, "Could he have figured it out?" Anger simmered in Yang Ling's eyes. Never before had he been disrespected in such a manner. He made up his mind to deal with Wang Shitian personally.

The next morning, after assessing all his gains, Wang Shitian decided to exchange them for contribution points at the treasure pavilion. He had collected numerous items, most of which came from the storage bags he had found in the snow bear's cave.

With the exchange completed, Wang Shitian could now be considered a wealthy individual. Even the elder at the treasure pavilion couldn't help but envy his newfound riches.

His next stop was the scripture pavilion, where he intended to trade for a technique he had seen previously but couldn't afford at the time. Now, however, he was determined to obtain it.

After acquiring everything he needed by traversing the sect, he hurriedly returned to his room, eager to delve into his new acquisitions.