Serene Cloud's Inheritance

Chapter 19

Wang Shitian had been in seclusion for about a month when he suddenly felt a fluctuation in the protective formation of his cave abode, indicating that someone had arrived.

He opened his eyes and walked towards the entrance. As he opened the door, he saw Li Tianxi, the daughter of sect master Li Tianming, standing there. Her flowing blue hair and blue eyes gave her an enchanting yet dignified appearance.

"Hello, senior sister. What brings you here today?" Wang Shitian greeted her.

Li Tianxi smiled and replied, "Why don't we go inside and talk?" Without waiting for a response, she walked past him and entered the cave abode.

Wang Shitian smiled and shook his head, following her inside. The abode was well decorated and filled with medicinal herbs that he had planted. There were various formations, including one that simulated different atmospheric changes. The abundance of Qi in the cave had turned into mist, which caught Li Tianxi's attention as she entered.

Finding a seat, Li Tianxi looked at Wang Shitian and began to speak. "Junior brother, aren't you tired of staying in the sect? Why not go out and explore? It might do you some good."

Wang Shitian smiled and replied, "Senior sister, I am not like you. I find happiness only when my strength increases."

Hearing this, Li Tianxi looked at him with a hint of helplessness in her eyes. "Does that mean you will lose interest in getting stronger once you have achieved your revenge and destroyed your obsession? Junior brother, this is a flawed path, a dead end."

Hearing this, Wang Shitian frowned slightly as he asked himself, "Am I really only cultivating for revenge?" This was the first time he had posed this question to himself, but after a few moments of contemplation, he found no immediate answer and decided to push it aside for the time being. Turning his attention back to Li Tianxi, he inquired, "So, senior sister, what brings you here today?"

Observing his response, Li Tianxi deduced that he didn't wish to delve further into the topic and moved on to the main reason for her visit. "Junior brother, have you heard of Serenecloud Daoist?" she asked.

"No, I have not," Wang Shitian responded concisely.

Li Tianxi nodded, understanding that Serenecloud Daoist's name was not widely known. "It would be unusual if you had, as he has only been discussed discreetly within certain circles," she explained. "Anyway, imagine him as the first person within our Serene Cloud region to transcend the tribulation and become a Nascent Soul. Our region was named after him."

Wang Shitian absorbed this information, nodding silently to encourage her to continue her story.

"According to the stories, a significant event occurred a thousand years ago, resulting in the birth of a treasure. Many fought over it, and many perished, including Master Serenecloud. However, the tales also claim that he obtained the treasure and managed to escape. Before entering an eternal slumber, he created an inheritance ground and distributed three maps across the world, destined for those fated to find them. His intention is to find a worthy successor. By chance, I came across one of those maps," Li Tianxi revealed.

She continued, "I am seeking allies to enter the inheritance ground. The information on the map indicates that it opens only during the full moon and can only be accessed by those below the Foundation Establishment level. Are you interested in accompanying me there?" As Li Tianxi made her request, she unintentionally revealed a charming expression, her blue eyes fixed on Wang Shitian.

Wang Shitian gazed back at her, considering her words. "Senior sister, you know I don't cultivate Qi, so I see no immediate benefit in joining you. The inheritance would not directly benefit me, and it appears to be an unnecessary risk," he expressed his concerns.

In response, Li Tianxi burst into laughter before replying, "Junior brother, do you think I would ask for your assistance if I didn't know the potential benefits for you? As a body cultivator, you require a vast array of herbs for refining your body. Well, Master Serenecloud was an alchemist. Can you imagine the quantity and variety of herbs a cultivator at his level would possess?"

Wang Shitian's lips curved into a smile as he thought to himself, 'It seems like heaven is assisting me. I was just contemplating where I would acquire the medicinal herbs for the medicinal bath in the new chapter. Who would have thought such an opportunity would present itself?' He smiled and asked, "Other than me, who else have you invited?"

"Xue Wuya," she answered briefly.

Wang Shitian recognized the name and had no objections. He nodded and replied, "Fine, I'll go with you." He had heard of Xue Wuya before and admired his character. Wang Shitian speculated that this arrangement was part of Li Tianxi's plan and felt no issue with it.

After Wang Shitian agreed, Li Tianxi wasted no time. She stood up and prepared to take her leave, urging Wang Shitian to make all necessary preparations within the next three days.

Wang Shitian nodded, acknowledging the timeline, and escorted Li Tianxi to the entrance of the cave. He watched silently as she gradually disappeared into the distance, his gaze fixed on her until she was out of sight. With a deep breath, he returned to his cave and reviewed the information she had shared with him before her departure.

Closing his eyes, Wang Shitian focused on the new chapter of the Invincible Vajra Body that had appeared in his mind after completing the bone refinement chapter. This particular chapter was called the Viscera Strengthening Chapter, and he realized that it would require a significant amount of medicinal herbs and precious natural treasures from heaven and earth.

To complete this chapter, one would need to refine the five organs: the liver, heart, spleen, lung, and kidney, which represent the five elements of wood, fire, earth, metal, and water, respectively. The goal is to unite and manipulate the vital Qi produced by these organs, known as the five treasures. However, this process was known to be extremely challenging and costly.

For now, Wang Shitian's first task was to activate the five organs before proceeding to the next step. He was uncertain about the duration it would take, but he anticipated a lengthy process. Currently, his primary concern was to prepare a medicinal bath according to the recipe outlined in the manual.

The manual stated that bathing in this solution for a month would cleanse his body of impurities and create an optimal condition for the strengthening of his viscera. Despite his previous cultivation methods, Wang Shitian understood that his body was likely filled with impurities. By continuing on his current path, he risked being contaminated by the life energy of others, and this karmic residue could eventually influence his mind and thoughts.

Although he was unaware of these consequences at the moment, Wang Shitian had no doubt about the effectiveness of the medicinal bath mentioned in the manual, even if he didn't fully grasp the extent of the impurities within his body. After some time, he rose from his spot and left the cave to make the necessary preparations for their departure.

Three days passed swiftly, and the day of departure arrived.