unfair heavens

Chapter 26

While gathering herbs, three days slipped by unnoticed. They amassed a bountiful harvest of magnificent herbs. Among Wang Shitian's collection was the starheart fruit, a valuable ingredient for awakening his viscera. He felt content in that moment. If he had prepared the medicinal bath earlier, he would have already consumed the starheart fruit. However, he had to follow the proper sequence.

Simultaneously, he pondered the body tempering method he was practicing. It seemed tailor-made for him, with each stage providing precisely what he needed. After three consecutive days of herb picking, A figure could be seen lying beneath a tree. It was Wang Shitian, wearing a bamboo cap to shield his face from the dappled sunlight. A blade of grass protruded from his mouth as he chewed silently, waiting for his companions. This was their designated meeting spot.

As if sensing something, he opened his eyes and directed his gaze towards a specific direction. Two individuals came into view—a man and a woman. The woman possessed exquisite blue hair and eyes, while the man exuded a calm demeanor. Wang Shitian examined them with a sense of discovery. The atmosphere between the two was peculiar, yet their eyes sported an enigmatic smile. He had witnessed such gazes countless times from the younger disciples in his sect.

The duo also noticed Wang Shitian as they approached. Observing his suspicious glances shifting between them, Li Tianxi blushed. Xue Wuya coughed while simultaneously winking at Wang Shitian. It should be noted that their relationship had improved during this time, especially with the two individuals beside Wang Shitian.

"Brother Wang, have you finished gathering the herbs you need?" Li Tianxi asked.

Wang Shitian nodded, then redirected his gaze towards a particular direction. They all looked toward the core area of the garden.

"If we're going to meet the other two groups, that's where we'll find them," Wang Shitian stated, and the rest agreed.

"There's no need to speculate about what we might encounter there. Let's proceed. If the opposition proves too formidable, we can always retreat," Xue Wuya proposed, and everyone concurred.

With that, they set off in the designated direction. It didn't take long for them to reach the area, enveloped in dense mist that hindered their spiritual senses. However, Wang Shitian relied not on spiritual sense but his five senses. Through his refinement, his five senses had reached new heights, granting him a clearer understanding of the environment compared to the others. Slowly, they ventured into the fog, realizing it was a formation.

After an indeterminate amount of time, the mist gradually dissipated, revealing a sight before them. Three individuals stood there, belonging clearly to two different groups. There was an elderly man and two beautiful women. The women were disciples of Pill Valley—Shui Meiyin and Shui Lanyu. The elderly man was Huo Ming from the Li Fire sect.

After the introductions were complete, they entered the cavern together. The old man, who had arrived earlier, refused to venture into any more caves without the others. Considering what he had experienced, it was understandable, and the rest couldn't help but feel sympathy for him. They eventually reached an open hall within the cave, where a meditation mat lay in the center. It was evident that this spot belonged to someone, most likely Serenecloud. Behind the mat stood a door adorned with mysterious patterns, indicating its significance. As they approached the door, a rumbling sound startled them, causing each person to jump in different directions. Despite growing acquainted, they remained wary of one another, and they instinctively divided into their initial three groups. Wang Shitian's group held the advantage in numbers, but it was unclear who would align with whom if a battle were to erupt. The old man, Huo Ming, might side with the Shui sisters, considering they had all passed the same test. The strength of each party remained uncertain.

As all the doors swung open, they cautiously entered one room and were astounded by what they found. Upon examining the various chambers, they realized that it was the old man's treasure trove. Some rooms contained cultivation methods and spells, while others held pills and pill formulas. There were also rooms filled with treasures that would make even a normal Soul Formation king envious. This was the advantage of being an alchemist—they were considerably wealthier than their peers. After exploring the entire treasury, they divided the spoils equally, leaving everyone satisfied. The Shui sisters and Huo Ming were particularly delighted with their acquisition of numerous pill formulas and elixirs, fulfilling the dreams of alchemists like themselves. Smiles adorned the faces of all, Wang Shitian and Xue Wuya included. This venture had proven more fruitful than they had ever anticipated.

At that moment, after all the other halls had been emptied, light patterns emerged on the ground, and the door behind the meditation mat slowly swung open. They proceeded past the mat and entered the room, where their attention was immediately drawn to a skeleton draped in ancient yet opulent robes, seated in the lotus position. The skeleton faced the entrance, and before it lay five objects. Four of these objects emitted distinct colors, while the fifth was a jade slip. On the ground in front of the five objects was a message:

"It appears that this old man was not destined to attain immortality in this lifetime. Junior from the future, my name is Xu Haoren, also known as Serenecloud. I embarked on the path of immortality at the age of ten, laid my foundation at thirty, formed my core at 120, and became a Nascent Soul eccentric at 500. By the age of 1500, I had already reached the pinnacle of the Nascent Soul realm. However, I saw no hope of entering the Soul Formation stage. Even after cultivating for another 300 years, hope eluded me. When I learned of the Nirvana Blossom, I decided to risk my life.

Unfortunately, even after risking everything and sustaining severe injuries, I discovered that the Nirvana Blossom takes a thousand years to bear fruit and ripen. My only hope was shattered. Sigh... the heavens are unkind. I died in seclusion here. The tree behind me is the Nirvana Blossom, which bears only one fruit every thousand years. It is the treasure for which I sacrificed my life. Whoever you are, I ask that you bury my remains before taking the fruit. The heavens are unfair..."

The writing concluded, and as they reflected upon the autobiography, a sense of pity washed over them. It was evident that Serenecloud possessed talent, but it wasn't enough to ascend to the level of a king. He needed an opportunity, and it seemed that opportunity had been denied to him. "The heavens are truly unfair," Xue Wuya murmured, shaking his head in empathy for the old man's pain.