Chapter 17

Apollo went to the bathroom and quickly hopped in the shower and cleaned off all of the dirt on him. He dried himself off and put on some casual clothes before walking to his parents' room to go through his suits. He heard Sprite downstairs with Makkari and Ikaris and he could hear that Ikaris was telling them about what he thought could be a nice meteor shower skirting by Earth sometime soon. Ikaris was hoping it could happen tonight because it would be 'more romantic than fireworks'. Apollo feeling a bit embarrassed stopped listening to them and finally entered his parents' bedroom.

His Dad was already in there laying out all the suits and tuxes he owned. The two then went through Jonathan's clothing eventually settling on a nice tux with a deep red bowtie. Jonathan made the bowtie for Apollo as he stood and combed and tidied his naturally curly hair and Apollo started to feel nervous about tonight again.

"Dad?" Apollo started to speak hoping his Dad could set his mind at ease.

"Yes" Jonathan replied.

"How did you and Mum start going out?" Apollo asked as he thought about finally asking Skye out.

Jonathan chuckled, he briefly remembered asking his own Dad a similar question back when he was taking Nell Potter to the dance. Even though his son was an alien he was so human. Jonathan had no doubt that both Apollo's hearts were racing and he was trying to muster up the courage to ask the first girl he ever liked out.

"Your Mum and I were a special case. Back when I was a fireman I went into a fire to save her and a little girl. Your Mum didn't actually need saving but I didn't know that at the time. Afterwards your Mum was apparently so moved by my bravery and heroism she came to the station and asked me to get a coffee with her. I said yes embarrassingly fast because your Mum was and is the most beautiful women I have ever seen. The next morning when we both had days off we went and had coffee and what was supposed to be a breakfast date turned into us spending an entire day together. I can remember that day vividly, it was the day I understood what every singer was talking about when they sang about finding the one" Jonathan told Apollo his voice warm and wistful as he reminisced.

Apollo listened to his Dad and thought about Skye. He wanted her to be his girlfriend, Apollo knew that for a fact. Skye was amazing, and beautiful and smart and whenever he thought about her his whole body felt weightless but so heavy at the same time. When she was around the world stopped existing and all he could see or hear was her. Apollo knew he liked her deeply, he had liked her before he even knew what it felt like to like girls like that. Apollo was scared though, what if she didn't like him back? What if he ruined the friendship they had and nothing could go back to the way it used to be? Could he risk losing a friend to get a girlfriend?

"Dad? I'm worried everything will change when I ask her out. I don't want to tell her how I feel only for her to say no and our friendship is ruined because of it" Apollo said.

"I know you don't son. Nobody wants that and I know it can be scary putting yourself out there especially when it's with one of your closest friends. However, if you truly want to be with this girl you have to ask yourself would you rather stay silent and remain a friend or speak out and take the chance you could become something more? Love is all about taking chances, it's about giving someone your heart and hoping they give you theirs in return" Jonathan told Apollo.

Apollo nodded and took in what his Dad said. He thought of Skye and the way she made him feel and instantly he knew his answer. He couldn't stay silent, being near her made his hearts race and he had to tell her that even if she didn't feel the same way as he did.

"You're right Dad. I have to take the chance" Apollo said determined and filled with resolve.

"That's my boy" Jonathan said as he finished fixing Apollo's bowtie.

Pretty soon the two were finished and Apollo stood in front of the full length mirror looking at himself. The tux he picked out was simple; a plain white shirt, black tuxedo pants, a black tuxedo jacket with a red pocket square that matched his red bowtie. The tux fit him well and he liked the red. He turned and thanked his Dad once again as his Mum walked in. Ajak put her hand over her mouth as if covering a gasp before smiling at Apollo a look of joy all over her face.

"You look great sweetie" Ajak told her son as she walked up to him and admired the look of him in a suit.

"You really do son; I'm sure Skye will be very impressed" Jonathan added.

Apollo briefly got a cocky grin on his face from all the compliments. He smirked to himself for a little bit before taking a breath and mentally preparing himself for the dance ahead. Apollo moved to put on his glasses but Ajak stopped him.

"Just for tonight let people…. let Skye see your beautiful eyes" Ajak told him her voice soft.

Apollo was nervous about that, his eyes literally glowed but his Mum rubbed his arm in encouragement and Apollo decided to throw caution to the wind. He could tell she just wanted to let him be as much himself as he could be tonight and Apollo was thankful for that. Apollo always had to hide a huge part of himself and even though he understood why he had to it didn't make it easier. This was one less thing to hide and it was only for a night. This way he could truly look Skye in the eyes when he asked her to be his girlfriend, she could truly start to see him and he could begin to share more of himself with her. Apollo chuckled internally as he put away his glasses, even without talking to him his Mum still knew what he needed better than anyone. Apollo steeled himself as his Mum handed him the box with the necklace having picked it from downstairs while Apollo was showering. Apollo opened it and then put the necklace inside his inner breast pocket. He thanked both his parents before heading downstairs where he was met with looks from his Aunts and Uncle. Makkari mouthed wow and Ikaris just nodded as if he was impressed.

"Got to hand it to you BFG, you actually look decent" Sprite said.

"If you're complimenting me then it must be the end times" Apollo quipped causing Sprite to smile before sticking out her tongue at him. Apollo stuck his tongue back out at her.

"But thank you Sprite" Apollo added and she just nodded softly at him in response.

"Don't forget your corsage" Ikaris said as Makkari super sped and handed it to him.

Apollo smiled at his Aunts and Uncle and then went outside his nerves still lightly overwhelming him.

The golden hues of the setting sun bathed the Kent farmhouse in warm light, stretching long shadows across the wooden porch where Apollo sat, breathing slowly, fidgeting with the cuff of his suit jacket. The fabric felt a little stiff, and the bowtie around his neck might as well have been a noose, given how nervous he was.

"You look too much like a guy about to face a firing squad," a familiar voice chirped from behind him.

Apollo sighed.

"Should've known you'd show up" Apollo said expecting Sprite to get one more round of teasing in before he went off to prom.

A second later, Sprite materialized beside him, sitting cross-legged on the porch railing. A mischievous grin stretched across her face as she leaned her chin into her palm, studying him like an artist admiring their latest muse.

"Come on, smile a little," she teased. "It's prom night. A grand, momentous occasion filled with terrible dancing, questionable fashion choices, and... oh yeah, your big moment."

Apollo rolled his eyes. "It's just a dance, Sprite."

"Just a dance?" she gasped, placing both hands over her heart in mock offense. "Oh, poor, naive Apollo. You're about to confess your feelings to the girl you've been pining over since you were a kid, and you think it's just a dance?"

"I have not been pining," he shot back.

Sprite smirked. She snapped her fingers, and an illusion flickered to life beside her—a tiny, animated Apollo pacing back and forth, muttering to himself.

"What if she doesn't feel the same?" the illusion Apollo whined. "What if I ruin everything? What if I say something stupid? Oh god, what if I already have—"

"Okay, okay!" Apollo swiped at the illusion, dispersing it in a puff of golden dust.

Sprite cackled. "I love messing with you."

"Yeah, I'm aware," he grumbled.

She nudged him playfully.

"Relax, BFG. You're making this way too complicated. You already know she likes you."

Apollo hesitated.

"I… I don't know..."

Sprite groaned.

"She said yes when you asked her to prom. And you asked her out at the eleventh hour that means she waited for you. That's as subtle as a neon sign flashing 'DATE ME, APOLLO' in big, glowing letters." Sprite said making an illusion of the neon sign for emphasis.

"Still…" He exhaled, rubbing his neck. "What if I mess up? What if I say the wrong thing?"

"Then she'll laugh, tell you you're an idiot, and kiss you anyway," Sprite deadpanned.

Apollo blinked. "Wow. Thanks for the vote of confidence."

"I've been telling stories for millennia. Stories about epic battles. Brave heroes. Gods and monsters," Sprite said, twirling a lock of her red hair between her fingers. "And let me tell you, love stories? They're the best ones. They stay with people more than any other, no matter what. Love endures and it gives people the strength to endure."

Apollo glanced at her, intrigued. "Why's do you think that is?"

"Because love is one of the few things that truly unites people," she said, her voice softer now. "It connects humans, Eternals, even gods. No matter how different we are, we all crave it, we all feel it. It's the one thing that transcends time, war, and even death."

She smirked.

"That's why I love love stories. And you, Apollo, are about to start a great one" Sprite said her voice kind and excited.

Apollo let that sink in.

"Think about it," Sprite continued, grinning. "One day, I'll be sitting around a fire, spinning a grand tale about how the strongest, most powerful being in the world fell for a girl who could hack into almost anything for fun."

Apollo chuckled. "That does sound like something you'd embellish."

"Please. I don't need to embellish. You two are already a walking romance novel." She nudged him again, then grinned. "And you know what?"


"I can't wait to tell your story."

Apollo smiled, shaking his head. "You're impossible."

"So are you, so is everyone in our family," she shot back. Then she waved him off. "Now, stop being afraid and go get the girl, BFG."

Apollo stood up, feeling lighter somehow. The nerves were still there, but so was excitement.

As he turned to leave, he paused.


She glanced up. "Yeah?"

He smiled. "Thanks."

Sprite rolled her eyes, but her smile was genuine.

"Just don't make me rewrite the ending," she teased.

Sprite turned and headed back inside just as Apollo heard Skye's Dad's car near their house.

Apollo walked off the porch and saw Skye step out of the car in a beautiful blue dress and he felt himself float off the ground a little as she took his breath away. To say Skye was beautiful would be an understatement.

"What do you think too much blue?" Skye said very nervous about the dance.

"…No, no. You look beautiful" Apollo stammered out still a bit taken aback by how good she looked.

"Thank you, you clean up very nicely yourself" Skye said blushing as she too was also very taken aback by how good Apollo looked.

Apollo nervously smiled at her a blush creeping onto his cheeks as Skye walked up to him a big smile on her face. Skye looked at Apollo noticing he wasn't wearing glasses and couldn't help but to stare deeply at his eyes.

"Your eyes…" Skye started saying as she truly saw Apollo's eyes for the first time.

She couldn't believe it, she always knew he had bright eyes, anyone could tell that even with his glasses dulling the colour of his eyes. But Apollo's eyes weren't just bright they actually glowed. They were a glowing deep blue with a lot of small glowing bright neon-blue flecks that made it look like he had stars in his luminescent blue eyes.

"What about them? I figured just for tonight I could wear contacts but I can still put on my glasses if they freak you out" Apollo said worry creeping into his voice but Skye just reached out and put her hand on his cheek.

"Apollo no. They're beautiful. You have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen." Skye said as she continued to stare into his eyes sounding almost entranced by them.

Apollo didn't know how to respond. His eyes were sometimes an insecurity of his. Not because he didn't like them but because they were his one physical feature that was distinctly not human. He thought people would be scared or think he was a freak but Skye didn't see him that way. She looked at him the same way she always had, with kindness and care.

"Thank you Skye" Apollo said extremely honestly his voice and expression making it clear just how deeply appreciative he was.

"You're welcome Apollo" Skye said as she smiled at him and took her hand off his cheek. A silence passed between the two for a moment as they nervously looked at each other.

"Is that for me?" Skye said pointing at the corsage breaking the silence.

"Yeah" Apollo said putting on her hand.

"Oh wow, it's beautiful" Skye said admiring it briefly as Apollo smiled at her fondly.

"Oh I have yours" Skye said as she reached into her purse and pulled out a little flower. She pinned it to his lapel her hands shaking a little with nerves. She felt it go too deep and got a little scared.

"I'm sorry, did I get you?" she asked nervously and Apollo just shook his head. Truthfully the only thing he felt was both his hearts beating extremely fast as the nerves returned to him and the only thing he saw was her.

Apollo looked down at Skye and she looked up at him. Skye looked absolutely radiant and Apollo couldn't help but stare at her for a moment. He took in just how beautiful she looked again his eyes settling on her face. Skye meanwhile looked up at him, his glowing blue eyes were mesmerizing and he looked more dashing than most models to her right now. She briefly glanced at his lips as he glanced at hers and she wanted to lean in but a breeze stirred them out of their moment.

"We should get going" Skye said and Apollo nodded in agreement as he led her to the pickup which his parents agreed to let him use and the two drove off to their end of year dance.

The two got to the dance and were greeted by Chloe and Pete. Pete was arm in arm with his date Lisa Davis, a petite girl with chocolate-colored skin and a wicked sense of humor. Chloe on the other hand was going 'stag to fight against patriarchal pressure for women to always be with a man'. Apollo knew Chloe so he definitely saw how she could be genuine in saying that but at the same time Apollo sometimes felt like there was a guy she liked and she didn't want to say.

The friends all greeted one another. Pete was wearing a tux like Apollo's except he had chosen a silver bowtie instead, Lisa had a complimenting glittery silver dress and it seemed like the two of them planned their outfits unlike Apollo and Skye, and Chloe was wearing a beautiful yellow dress.

"Wow Skye you look gorgeous" Lisa said as she looked at Skye in her blue dress.

"Thank you Lisa, you look great too and so do you Chloe. You're both very beautiful" Skye said as she looked at both Chloe and Lisa.

"Yeah, Chloe you look amazing" Apollo said as he looked at Chloe and Chloe deeply blushed her expression one of joy as if what Apollo said was the best thing she'd heard all day.

Lisa coughed as if she too was waiting for her compliment and Pete laughed.

"Forgive Apollo babe it's just neither of us have ever seen Chloe in a dress so it's quite the sight" Pete smoothly said covering for his friend.

"Well that and I don't want to offend my date or steal your girl, I start complimenting her and who knows what could happen" Apollo quipped a cocky smile on his face as Lisa and Skye rolled their eyes.

"Apollo you are a lot of things but a womanizer is not one of them" Skye told him a smirk on her face.

Apollo faked being offended at the insinuation as his friends laughed.

"Speaking of a sight that we've never seen. Apollo this is the first time I've seen you without glasses and your eyes…. they're gorgeous" Chloe said as she stared at Apollo.

"I know right" Skye said.

"They're like glowing, I've never seen eyes like that before. They're breathtaking" Lisa added as she too looked at him.

Apollo felt self-conscious for a moment as everyone started staring at his eyes but luckily for him Pete quickly redirected everyone's attention.

"So much for Apollo not being a womanizer. Dance hasn't even started and he's already stolen my date" Pete joked loudly causing everyone to stop looking at Apollo.

"Nobody's stealing anyone, I'm all yours Pete" Lisa said as she went and put her arms around him.

Chloe nervously laughed and looked at the floor like something really interesting was written on the ground. While Skye just put her arm in Apollo's arm once again just as the DJ inside the school hall started playing music.

"Shall we" Skye said to Apollo a smile on her face.

"Yes we shall" Apollo replied as they walked into the dance together their friends quickly following suit.

The Smallville High gymnasium had been transformed into something straight out of a dream. Golden string lights draped the ceiling in cascading waves, illuminating the space in a warm, flickering glow. A giant banner reading "A Night to Remember" stretched across the entrance, welcoming students as they poured in, dressed in their best.

Apollo and Skye entered the hall and made small talk with all of their various classmates. Kenny Braverman and Whitney Fordman where with their dates and they were being friendly to Apollo and Skye. They'd both mellowed out from the bullies they were when they were kids. They still had a mean streak to them when they were pushed but for they'd left their bully tendencies behind. They both had their own dates and even though Apollo didn't know the girls personally they seemed nice enough, they were your stereotypical popular cheerleader girls. They talked to Skye for a bit because she was on the cheer team with them.

Apollo and Skye mingled with their classmates for a bit more before they heard a song they liked and went to the dancefloor where they saw Pete and Kyle having a little dance off and they laughed. Chloe made her way to the dancefloor and joined Skye and Apollo as the three of them danced together on the dancefloor. They jumped up and down and generally danced like awkward teenagers always danced, laughing and giggling as they did so letting any problems they had be forgotten if only for the evening. Apollo had a small dance battle with Pete and then playfully and friendlily danced with Chloe holding her hands and skipping and jumping with her while Skye danced with Lisa and the other cheerleaders.

After taking a short break from the dancefloor Apollo stood near the refreshment table, adjusting his black suit jacket for the fifth time in the past ten minutes. His bowtie was perfectly straight, his shoes were flawless, and yet, he felt like an absolute mess inside.

Across the gym, Skye laughed at something Chloe had said, her blue dress shimmering under the moving lights. Her curls framed her face in a way that made Apollo's hearts skip a beat.

Pete, ever the observer, leaned in with a smug grin.

"AK," he said, nudging Apollo's arm. "You're staring so hard, I think you might actually set Skye on fire."

Apollo blinked, snapping out of his daze. "What? No, I wasn't—"

Pete gave him an exaggerated, knowing look. "Dude. You so were."

"I dunno, Pete. Maybe he's just admiring the decor." Lisa joked as she grinned and popped a grape into her mouth.

"Right," Pete snorted. "The decor that just so happens to have dark curls and a dress that looks suspiciously like Skye."

Apollo sighed, rubbing the back of his neck.

"It's complicated" Apollo said.

Lisa raised an eyebrow.

"What's complicated? You like her. She likes you. End of story" Lisa put simply.

Pete nodded. "Exactly! But no, Mr. Brooding Boy Scout Farm Boy over here has to overthink everything."

Apollo rolled his eyes. "I don't brood."

"You literally do. Like, all the time," Pete shot back.

Lisa tapped her chin.

"Actually, I think he contemplates. Brooding is more of a staring into the rain while listening to sad music thing" Lisa corrected.

"Same energy," Pete said, waving a hand dismissively.

"What if I misread it?" Apollo muttered.

Pete let out a loud, dramatic laugh. "Oh man, that is rich. Listen, Big Guy, I've seen Skye hack through advanced firewalls in minutes, but the only thing she's ever flustered by? You."

Apollo sighed.

"I just… I don't want to assume anything" Apollo said his nerves getting the better of him.

Pete groaned. "Dude, she literally flirts with you on a daily basis. And let's not forget, you're Apollo freaking Kent. Perfect grades, perfect memory, perfect everything. Just go for it."

Lisa smirked. "I mean, you did ace every pop quiz in history class without even looking at the textbook. If that isn't unfairly perfect, I don't know what is."

"Don't encourage him," Apollo muttered.

Pete just grinned wider. "Nah, man. Tonight's the night. You're gonna tell her."

"Yeah?" Apollo raised a brow. "And what makes you so sure?"

Pete threw an arm around his shoulder. "Because if you don't, I will."

Apollo gave him a look. "You wouldn't."

Pete grinned mischievously. "Oh, I absolutely would."

Lisa nodded in agreement. "And I'd record it."

Before Apollo could argue, Chloe suddenly appeared beside them, grabbing his arm.

"Less talking, more picture-taking! Let's go, people!" Chloe announced, already pulling him toward the photo booth with Skye in tow.

Lisa laughed. "Ooh, this should be fun."

Apollo sighed in defeat.

"There's no getting out of this, is there?" Apollo asked.

"Definitely not," Pete said a grin on his face as he and Lisa followed.

The photo booth was tucked into the corner of the gym, a line of students forming as people giggled and posed inside. Flashing lights illuminated the darkened corner as different groups took their turn, striking ridiculous poses while waiting friends laughed at the results.

Chloe grabbed Apollo's arm and pulled him forward. "Alright, everyone in! This is a once-in-a-lifetime moment!"

Apollo blinked. "Uh, how exactly?"

Chloe smirked. "Because—this is the only night in history you're not wearing glasses, and I need photo evidence."

Apollo nervously laughed a part of him wishing he had worn his glasses tonight, not anticipating they'd draw this much attention.

Skye, already flipping through the photo booth's prop box, grinned.

"She's right, you know. Gotta capture this historical event before you go back to hiding those ridiculously pretty eyes of yours" Skye told him.

Apollo felt warmth rise in his face as Skye gave him a teasing look.

Pete slung an arm around him. "Yeah, man. Your eyes are kinda freakishly cool—like, glowing-blue, starry-night cool".

Lisa, adjusting a prop feathered boa around her shoulders, nodded.

"No joke, they look like they belong in some kinda sci-fi movie" Lisa said.

"It's honestly kind of unfair" Pete said.

Skye bumped Apollo's shoulder, grinning. "Don't listen to them. I, for one, fully support you being unfairly perfect."

Apollo glanced at her.

"That's… a weird compliment" Apollo said sheepishly.

"Hey," Skye said, tilting her head playfully, "if you're gonna have cheat-code genetics, at least you're using them for good. Besides, someone's gotta balance out my 'criminal tendencies'."

"Oh yeah, speaking of Skye's criminal tendencies, should we be worried about how into and disturbingly good she is at hacking?" Pete asked while smirking at all of them.

Lisa laughed.

"I mean, yeah! Most people learn normal hobbies, and she's out here trying to break into government firewalls for fun" Lisa said while chuckling.

Skye put a hand to her chest in mock offense. "Excuse you, it's not for fun. It's for justice."

"It's definitely for fun. You get way too much joy out of breaking into classified networks" Chloe said as she scoffed, folding her arms.

"Okay, but you," Skye shot back, "literally run towards danger every time you smell a story. Like a crazy, caffeine-fueled bloodhound."

Pete snorted. "She's got you there, Chloe. You did nearly get us expelled from middle school trying to expose that corrupt principal last year."

Chloe rolled her eyes. "That was one time—"

Skye raised a finger. "Two times."

Apollo held up three fingers. "I'm pretty sure it was three."

Chloe huffed. "Fine. But someone has to one day keep this town from turning into a corporate crime syndicate. Why not me?"

Pete grinned.

"I for one support you on your journey to being superhero" Pete told Chloe.

"Thank you Pete, nice to know I have someone on my side" Chloe said.

"That said, somehow, Apollo's the only one of us who actually looks like a superhero" Pete joked.

Apollo groaned. "Can we just take the pictures already?"

Skye grabbed a ridiculous oversized cowboy hat. "Now that's the spirit!"

The group squeezed into the booth, laughing as they fought over props.

"Alright, first one—everyone smile!" Skye announced, pressing the button.

Click! The camera flashed as they all grinned.

"Okay, now one with funny faces!" Lisa suggested.

Click! Pete stuck his tongue out, Chloe did a dramatic gasp, and Apollo… well, he barely changed expression his mind torn between worry about how his eyes would come out and nerves about how he'd confess to Skye.

Chloe groaned. "Apollo! That was the weakest funny face I've ever seen."

"Yeah, dude," Pete added. "You gotta commit to the bit!"

Apollo sighed, then suddenly grinned like a maniac, raising his eyebrows and making an exaggerated "mad scientist" face.

Everyone burst out laughing as the camera snapped again.


Skye leaned into Apollo, still chuckling. "I think that's the most unhinged I've ever seen you look."

Apollo smirked enjoying the moment he was sharing with his friends.

"I aim to impress" Apollo said to her.

Skye nudged him playfully. "Oh, trust me, you do."

Apollo felt his face heat up again as Skye's hand lingered against his.


Please give your review and comments.

Also read Superman(Marvel+DC) and Marvel: Hyperion.