Chapter 21

A few weeks later Apollo was sitting with Skye at the Talon helping her study for a French test. Apollo had since moved on from the helicopter incident and it seemed the town had to. Skye was wearing a simple shirt and jeans with one of Apollo's letterman jackets and Apollo was wearing a long sleeved blue shirt with blue jeans and his regular pair of glasses.

"Can you show me the way home?" Apollo said in French.

"Yes" Skye replied in French.

"Do you actually know what you're responding to or are you just saying 'oui' to everything" Apollo said chuckling at Skye a little.

"Oui" Skye replied jokingly and the two of them laughed together.

Skye reached out and held Apollo's hand as they gazed at each other adoringly for a moment still chuckling a little.

"I'm sorry Apollo, I am trying but language isn't really my thing" Skye told him.

"I know your thing is more computers and coding but still you need to at least pass this French test to maintain your GPA" Apollo said warmly in response.

"Okay, I'll try cause unlike you I don't have perfect memory and a super computer for a brain and I won't have a million sports scholarships waiting for me when I'm done with high school" Skye said to him jokingly.

"You can get cheerleading scholarships" Apollo said only for Skye to roll her eyes at the notion of using cheerleading to apply to a University that specializes in STEM and Apollo laughed a little at how dramatic her eye roll was.

"If that thought is something you're so against maybe next time you're over I can teach you how to play football or basketball" Apollo joked at her.

"I would but then I'd steal your spot on the roster and I feel like that'd be too embarrassing for you" Skye retorted.

"You wish" Apollo said in response as he readjusted his glasses just as he heard a truck pull over and saw Pete and Chloe jump out.

Pete and Chloe walked up to Apollo and Skye and Chloe seemed to have a lot of excited energy.

"Incoming" Apollo said to Skye as she turned her head to see Pete and Chloe.

"Hi sorry to interrupt your study date but I found more proof" Chloe said excitedly.

"You should be sorry; you're getting in their way of their couple time for your crazy theories" Pete told her chastising her a little.

"It's fine Pete, truthfully I'm about as good at French as I'm ever going to get" Skye said.

"See I told you they wouldn't mind" Chloe told Pete as he just grumbled.

"What did you find? Is it about the investigation you're doing on Principal Rice?" Apollo asked Chloe.

"No but I am basically done with that one. This is something else, I've collected enough stuff for me to think I have solid evidence that the meteor shower is mutating all kinds of things in Smallville" Chloe said an almost boastful smile on her face.

Over the summer Chloe swore she'd seen someone do something she couldn't explain and was convinced that the meteors were causing unexplainable things to happen to Smallville and its residents. Apollo didn't know what to make of that, he had noticed a slight increase in odd accidents he had to save people from but nothing completely out of the ordinary.

Apollo wanted to ask Chloe to elaborate but jut then Whitney and some of his crew pulled up to the Talon. They noticed Apollo and walked up to him confident smirks on their faces.

"There he is, how's that golden arm big fella? You ready for the game?" Whitney said as he put his hands on Apollo's shoulders and began massaging them.

"We're definitely gonna need some of that Kent magic against Trinity High school" Kenny added.

"Don't you worry guys, my arm's just fine and I've got more than enough magic to beat Trinity" Apollo confidently told them.

"That's what I like to hear" Whitney said.

"You guys coming to the game? I mean you have to; this is like the biggest game of the season so far. The Rocks versus The Crows. Kent vs Brohm. It's getting National coverage; it'll be a movie" Kenny said to everyone at Apollo's table.

"We'll all be there" Pete told him.

"Yeah, I'm part of the cheer squad so I have to be there" Skye said

"And I'm the editor in chief of the school paper so I also have to be there" Chloe said.

"Have to be. Ouch. Here I thought you guys just liked watching me play" Apollo quipped.

"Eh" Chloe said jokingly in response.

Apollo smiled at Chloe's ability to make what Apollo did seem mundane. Since joining the school sports teams this new school year Apollo had blossomed into a sensational three sport athlete that was breaking records left right and center. He was the best point guard in his class and the top prospect, he was the best pitcher and hitter in the state and despite his age many pundits and scouts thought he was the best quarterback in the nation outright. Apollo rocketed to unforeseen sports stardom. He was quickly dubbed the 'The Ultimate' because no matter what field or court he was on he was the best of the best. Apollo tried not to let the attention get to his head and having Pete, Chloe and Skye around always kept him grounded. Chloe especially was great at it, since she didn't particularly like sports. His family also kept him humble, his father in particular always stressed the importance of Apollo not using his powers in games and warned him about what too much attention might lead to once actual reporters start showing up at their doorstep. Apollo reassured him he'd never cheat but even he was worried about what too much fame might lead to. And even though Apollo never used his powers while playing whatever he was his natural strength, speed, agility, athleticism and coordination where off the charts. All of the Smallville High sports teams were unbeaten in the season and Apollo was the reason why.

Honestly though as nice as winning was what Apollo was really enjoying being a part of a team. As someone who felt like an outsider so much in his life being a part of a locker room and having a squad of guys who had your back and you shared a goal with made him feel more like he had his place. The way the team all came together for every training session and game and the way the town got more excited about each win made Apollo feel connected to Smallville more than ever before and that made him enjoy playing even more. It also helped having a girlfriend that was on the sidelines cheering you on. Skye being a cheerleader meant that whenever looked to the sidelines she was there shouting his name.

"Great, hope to see you all cheering us on as loud as possible at the game. Kent try not to hurt yourself or do anything reckless before the game alright" Whitney told them as he walked away to go collect his order.

The four of them watched Whitney and his crew pick up their coffee and then walk out and once they left Chloe immediately switched the conversation back to what she was talking about before.

"So anyway, as I was saying I found proof of what I've been saying" Chloe said eager to steer the conversation away from football.

"Where is this proof?" Apollo asked genuinely curious.

Chloe's eyes lit up and she got a mischievous grin on her face.

"Come with me" Chloe said as she led the two of them to Pete's truck with a few people in the Talon wishing Apollo good luck as he left.

They drove back to the school and went to the school newspaper room.

"No offense Chloe but we've all seen the Torch before" Skye said.

"Not this part" Chloe said as she led them to a room in the back.

The room was usually locked and empty as it was an old storage room that had all of its contents moved to the basement when the school began to digitise itself more. Chloe opened up the room with a key she had and then turned on the lights.

"It started out as a scrap book and then kind of mutated" Chloe told them.

Skye and Apollo looked at the room before them and noticed a wall filled with newspaper and magazine clippings plus print outs from various websites.

"What is it?" Apollo asked staring at the wall anxiously.

"I call it the Wall of Weird" Chloe answered somewhat proudly.

Apollo looked on at the wall and slowly walked forward, reading the headlines.

"It's every strange, bizarre and unexplained event that's happened since the meteor shower. That was the night everything changed and the town went schizo" Chloe continued.

Apollo read the headlines and saw all the stories. 'Local man gains prehensile feet', 'Child claims ability to see in the dark', 'Magnet girl; Smallville resident displays magnetic power', 'Coma patient disappears in mysterious fire', Hammer Industries building destroyed survivor claims Glowing Man the cause'. They were so many headlines some that seemed like hoaxes, some that could be explained through science but others that were so bizarre that they defied explanation.

"Whoa" Skye said clearly in awe of just how far Chloe went for her theory and potential story.

Apollo was also impressed but more than that he felt guilty, all these people who he hadn't been able to save. All these people whose lives were now completely different. All these people who would considered freaks just like he was and it seemed nobody else cared. They weren't people just headlines, there lives potentially irreversibly changed and they weren't even viewed as human, they might as well have been animals at a zoo. Things to be studied or ogled at. Apollo felt his guilt turn partially to anger.

"Why didn't you tell me about this earlier?" Apollo asked Chloe his voice sounding more accusatory than he wanted it to.

"I didn't want to until I had enough that it wouldn't just be brushed off. I needed it to be a clear pattern" Chloe told him instantly noticing Apollo's change in mood.

"Chloe this is clearly way beyond that" Apollo said.

"Well do you tell me everything that happens in your life? We all keep secrets Apollo" Chloe said standing up for herself.

Apollo looked at her and then back at the wall. Apollo saw headlines of all the people who had died mixed in with all the other headlines of the people who were changed by the meteor shower and Apollo couldn't deal with it anymore. The guilt and anger were building in him. Was this what his future would be? Always feeling like he wasn't doing enough with his gifts while knowing the world would treat him like a freak show or a monster when he did use his gifts? Apollo felt Skye put her hand on his arm and rub it gently as she could tell he was getting upset looking at the Wall of Weird.

"Apollo are you okay?" Skye asked concerned.

"I'm fine, and I'm sorry for snapping at you Chloe. I've got to get some air" Apollo told them before walking out and before any of them could even follow him Apollo super sped away.

Apollo found himself at Loeb Bridge, the bridge that connected Main Street with one of the new Hammer Industries plants. Apollo stared out at the river below watching the water flow. He focused entirely on the sound of the river as he thought to himself. He wondered what he was meant to do with his powers if the world seemingly wasn't ready to accept someone like him. Captain America was a super soldier; his story was iconic. The story of a scrawny kid from Brooklyn that wouldn't let himself standby as people died and so proved himself worthy of being the first American Super Soldier. He became a symbol and a true hero who managed to lead his team on many successful missions fighting against Hydra and the Nazis before sacrificing himself for the rest of the world. His story was one that spoke to the heroism within people but Apollo wasn't even human. His story would cause fear and so would his power. How could he help people if they all recoiled in fear when he used his power, how could he be a hero while being thought of as someone Chloe would put on her Wall of Weird? How could an alien ever be seen as not a monster?

Apollo took off his glasses and pinched the bridge of his nose as he let himself get lost in his thoughts. Apollo was so deep in thought and focused on listening to the river he didn't notice a Porsche barrelling out of control and headed right for him until it was too late. Apollo turned just as Porsche smashed into him and Apollo let the momentum of the car knock him over so he didn't flatten it and completely kill whoever was inside resulting in both he and the Porsche falling into Elbow River. Apollo fell into the water completely unscathed but he knew the same could not be said about the occupant of the Porsche so he swam towards it. He saw the person inside the Porsche and they were completely knocked out floating lifelessly inside their car. They had brown hair and glasses and were wearing a grey suit, there phone floated around them, they must have been using it while they were driving. Apollo punched open the car and pulled the person out of it. Apollo quickly swam to the shore. He put the person on their back, they seemed fine except for a gash on their cheek most likely from when the collision. Apollo then noticed they weren't breathing, a quick x-ray confirmed they had some water in their lungs and their heart had stopped beating but no other major injuries. Apollo quickly administered CPR.

"Come on, don't die on me" Apollo pleaded with the man just before he spat out water, his heart started beating again and his eyes opened.

Apollo let out a sigh of relief and put his glasses back on as the man looked at him, his expression was a dazed one but that quickly changed to bewilderment as he took in more of his surroundings.

"I could've sworn I hit you" the man said.

"If you did, I'd be….. I'd be dead" Apollo replied as they both looked the bridge.

Soon EMT's and police arrived at the scene and checked the both of them and took their stories. Apollo told them he was almost hit by the car but the man swerved enough to miss him and Apollo dived into the river afterwards to save him. The driver of the car was being a little fawned over by the EMT's and policemen checking him but Apollo didn't give it much thought.

"Always got to save people don't you Apollo" said one of the EMT's his name tag read Mark. Apollo remembered him, he was also there the night he saved Chloe from the ice and Bryan from the crash.

"My parents raised me to always help people so I couldn't just let him drown" Apollo responded.

"I commend you and them for that but don't put yourself into too dangerous a situation otherwise you could end up hurting more than helping" Mark advised.

"So this is a pattern with you, here I thought I was special" the man from the accident said as he walked up to Apollo.

"It is, like you wouldn't believe. He saved the Mankins kid a few weeks ago." Mark told him.

"Well I'd like to thank you for saving me and also apologise for my reckless driving" the man told him as he put out his hand for Apollo to shake. Apollo shook it and smiled warmly at him.

"It's okay, I'm just glad you're alright" Apollo said to him.

"You're a good kid Apollo, we called your Dad and he should be here soon. Stay safe alright, I got a lot riding on you leading us to a victory over Trinity in the big game later this week" Mark said as he finished checking Apollo.

"So you're a football star?" the man said trying to learn more about the teen who saved his life.

"Kinda, and a basketball star and a baseball one" Apollo humbly told him not yet feeling comfortable with being somewhat of a local celebrity.

"Oh my god, don't tell me you're the local high school sports star. You are in all the local papers, I can't believe I almost run over Smallville's pride and joy" the man said as he realised who Apollo was.

"Almost being the operative word there, maybe in future drive slower and try not to use your phone" Apollo advised his tone friendly and warm and the man chuckled in response.

"Duly noted, hopefully the press doesn't get wind of this. My companies already had buildings destroyed and employees attacked. Last thing I need is a scandal when I just moved here again" the man said.

Apollo registered what he said and it dawned on him; the Porsche, the expensive looking suit and the some of the EMTs and policemen fawning over him. The man must be some kind of real celebrity. Apollo wanted to see if he could recognise his face but the problem with remembering basically everything is that at time it took a while for him to find the memory he was looking for so he settled for doing the human thing, he opened his mouth and was going to ask him his name but was interrupted as he heard his father arrive. His Dad came running down to where they were at the river bank.

"Apollo, Apollo are you alright?" Jonathan asked as he looked at and checked his son.

"I'm fine Dad" Apollo reassured him.

"Who's the maniac that was driving that car?" Jonathan shouted out wanting answers.

"That would be me" the man said as he walked up to Jonathan sticking out his hand so he could shake it.

"Justin Hammer" he said as he looked into Jonathan's eyes.


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Also read Superman(Marvel+DC) and Marvel: Hyperion.