Welcome to School

A guard paced the dimly lit halls of the prison, his heavy footsteps echoing against the cold stone walls. Pausing at one of the cell gates, he inserted a key and swung it open with a creak. Inside, a figure sat hunched on a narrow bunk, bathed in the faint glow of the solitary light bulb dangling from the ceiling. He was a young man, no more than seventeen, his features obscured by the shadows, except for his piercing red eyes that seemed to gleam with an otherworldly intensity.

"Hijoshikina," the guard spoke, his voice heavy with a mixture of authority and resignation. "Your time has come."

The boy known as Hijoshikina rose slowly from his bed, his movements fluid yet tense, betraying an underlying sense of defiance. He said nothing, merely fixing the guard with a steely gaze that hinted at depths of darkness within. With a silent nod, he followed the guard out of the cell, leaving behind the suffocating embrace of confinement for the unknown horrors that awaited him at the School.

"So when is my death time?" Hijoshikina asked the guard, his voice devoid of emotion. "I mean, what will they use to kill me?"

The guard remained silent, gesturing for Hijoshikina to follow him into a dimly lit room where a man dressed in all black awaited. A smirk played across the man's lips as he regarded Hijoshikina with a glint of anticipation in his eyes.

"So you're my executioner," Hijoshikina remarked, his tone edged with a hint of dark amusement. "How will you kill me?"

The man in black chuckled softly, his eyes narrowing as he studied Hijoshikina with a mixture of curiosity and satisfaction. "Ah, the eager ones are always the most entertaining," he replied, his voice smooth and chilling.

Hijoshikina's gaze remained fixed on the man, his expression unreadable. He had faced death before, stared into its abyss without flinching. But this time was different. This time, he had been given a chance, a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness that had consumed his past.

"Your fate will be decided by the School," the man continued, his smile widening into a predatory grin. "But rest assured, whatever awaits you will be... memorable."

With a dismissive wave of his hand, the man turned and strode out of the room, leaving Hijoshikina alone with his thoughts. The air was heavy with anticipation, the weight of impending doom pressing down on him like a suffocating blanket.

But Hijoshikina refused to succumb to fear. He was a survivor, a predator in a world of prey. And as he prepared to face the unknown horrors of the School, he knew that he would do whatever it took to emerge victorious.

With a grim determination burning in his eyes, Hijoshikina squared his shoulders and followed the guard out of the room, ready to embrace whatever twisted challenges awaited him in this new chapter of his life

Hijoshikina's confusion lingered as he took a seat next to the enigmatic man. Leaning forward, he fixed the man with a searching gaze, his red eyes probing for answers in the depths of the man's inscrutable expression.

"So tell me, what is this?" Hijoshikina demanded, his voice tinged with a mixture of skepticism and curiosity. He needed to understand the nature of the situation he found himself in, to unravel the mysteries shrouding the School and the ominous figures who governed it.

The man regarded Hijoshikina with a knowing smile, as if relishing the opportunity to sow further confusion and uncertainty. "The School," he began, his voice low and melodious, "is a place where society's rejects are sent, a last resort for those deemed too dangerous to roam free."

Hijoshikina's brow furrowed as he absorbed the man's words, his mind racing to make sense of the cryptic explanation. "And what am I supposed to do here?" he pressed, his tone betraying a hint of impatience.

The man's smile widened, revealing a flash of gleaming teeth. "Survive," he replied simply, his eyes glittering with a predatory gleam. "Survive, and you may earn your freedom. Fail, and... well, let's just say the consequences are not pleasant."

Hijoshikina nodded, a flicker of determination igniting within him. He may not have fully understood the true nature of the School, but one thing was certain: he would do whatever it took to emerge victorious, to carve out his own path in this twisted labyrinth of madness and death.

Hijoshikina's eyes narrowed as he regarded the man with a mixture of suspicion and apprehension. "So basically a murder house," he stated bluntly, the words heavy with resignation.

The man's lips curled into a sardonic smile. "Maybe," he replied cryptically, his gaze lingering on Hijoshikina's face. "Or maybe not. Who knows?"

The uncertainty in the man's response only served to deepen Hijoshikina's sense of foreboding. Whatever awaited him within the confines of the School, he knew that he would need to tread carefully, to trust no one and rely only on his own instincts if he hoped to survive. With a silent nod, he rose from his seat and followed the guard out of the room, steeling himself for the challenges that lay ahead in this twisted world of madness and death.

The next thing he knew a bag was put on his head, as someitng was injected in him, Hijoshikina's senses swam as consciousness slowly returned to him. Blinking against the harsh light, he found himself lying on a speedboat, the rhythmic thrum of the engine beneath him. His head pounded with a dull ache, the remnants of whatever sedative had been administered to him.

Beside him, the man in black watched with a predatory gaze, his features obscured by the shadow of his hood. As Hijoshikina struggled to sit up, he felt a surge of panic clawing at the edges of his mind.

"Where are we?" he demanded, his voice hoarse with confusion and fear.

The man's lips twisted into a sinister smile. "We're here," he replied cryptically, gesturing towards the island looming on the horizon. "Welcome to the School of the Insane."

Hijoshikina's heart sank as the full weight of the man's words settled over him. This was it, his new reality. Trapped on an island with no escape, surrounded by the dregs of society and the specter of death lurking around every corner.

With a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach, Hijoshikina braced himself for the horrors that awaited him in this twisted realm of madness and despair. The School of the Insane would test him in ways he could never have imagined, pushing him to the brink of his sanity and beyond. And as the speedboat drew closer to the shore, he knew that his journey into darkness had only just begun.

A dark chuckle escaped Hijoshikina's lips, echoing across the expanse of the ocean as the boat cut through the waves. His red eyes glinted with a mixture of amusement and anticipation, his earlier apprehension replaced by a twisted sense of excitement.

"This is going to be so much fun," he murmured to himself, a wicked smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. The prospect of chaos and carnage on the horizon filled him with a perverse sense of exhilaration, the promise of danger awakening something primal within him.

As the boat neared the shore and the imposing silhouette of the School loomed ever larger, Hijoshikina felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins. Whatever awaited him within those walls, he was ready to embrace it with open arms, to revel in the madness and mayhem that awaited him in this twisted playground of the damned.

With a final laugh that bordered on madness, Hijoshikina stepped onto the shore, his eyes ablaze with a fervor for the blood-soaked trials that lay ahead. The School of the Insane would be his arena, and he would emerge victorious, no matter the cost.

3 years. The man said looking at Him. You need to survive for 3 years and you are free also a heads-up, everyone is killer in this school like you.

Hijoshikina's grin widened at the man's words, a flicker of excitement igniting within him at the prospect of the challenges ahead. "Three years," he repeated, his voice laced with a steely determination. "I'll survive, and then I'll be free."

The revelation that everyone in the School was a killer like him didn't faze him. If anything, it only heightened his anticipation for the bloody trials that awaited him. Amongst his fellow inmates, he would find comrades, adversaries, and perhaps even allies in this deadly game of survival.

As the speedboat vanished into the distance, leaving him stranded on the shore with his newfound companions, a group of figures clad in pristine white plague doctor outfits approached. Hijoshikina regarded them with a mixture of curiosity and wariness, knowing that his journey into the heart of darkness was only just beginning.

With a silent nod, he allowed the doctors to lead him away, his mind already racing with plans and strategies for the trials that lay ahead. The School of the Insane would test him in ways he had never imagined, but Hijoshikina was more than ready to embrace the chaos and carve out his own path to freedom, no matter the cost.

To be continued

So yeah this my own original story also the covers is how the MC looks hope people like it, also yeah now slow start but heck why not, also please give me power stones