Let blood fly

Hijoshikina stood amidst the shattered glass and the lifeless body of his fallen classmate, a grim reminder of the brutal reality they faced in the School of the Insane. With ten students remaining, the deadly game had only just begun, and he knew that every moment would be a fight for survival.

As the shock of the recent events began to wear off, Hijoshikina's mind raced with thoughts of strategy and survival. He glanced around the room, his eyes assessing his remaining classmates with a mix of caution and calculation. Each one was a potential threat, a reminder of the perilous stakes of the game they were now trapped in.

With a steely resolve, Hijoshikina tightened his grip on the bat and prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead. In this twisted arena of madness and death, he knew that he would need to rely on his wits and instincts if he hoped to outmaneuver his opponents and emerge victorious.

As the tension in the room reached a boiling point, a voice cut through the silence—a voice that sent a shiver down Hijoshikina's spine. It was Vlad, their enigmatic teacher, his presence a chilling reminder of the authority he held over them all.

"Let the blood fly," Vlad declared, his voice carrying a note of sinister satisfaction. "In this game, there are no rules, no mercy. Only the strong will survive, and the weak will perish."

With those ominous words hanging in the air, the classroom descended into chaos once more. As the remaining students scrambled for weapons and alliances shifted with each passing moment, Hijoshikina knew that he would need to stay vigilant, to trust no one, and to embrace the ruthless nature of the game if he hoped to outlast his opponents and emerge victorious.

With a silent vow to defy the odds and carve out his own path to freedom, Hijoshikina braced himself for the bloodshed that lay ahead, knowing that in this twisted realm of madness and death, only the strongest would prevail.

The axe girl's gaze bore into Hijoshikina, her eyes probing for any hint of deception. "Were you targeting me?" she demanded, her voice tinged with suspicion. "If so, well, whatever."

Hijoshikina met her stare with a cool, calculating gaze. "No," he replied evenly, his tone devoid of emotion. "He was my target. You kill who you want, I kill who I want."

With a swift motion, he swung the bat at another student, the sickening sound of bone cracking echoing through the room as the blow connected with deadly force. Blood sprayed across the floor, painting a macabre tableau of violence and death.

As the lifeless body crumpled to the ground, Hijoshikina's expression remained impassive. He had killed before, and in this twisted

As the chaos continued to unfold, Hijoshikina moved with a cold determination, his movements calculated and precise. He scanned the room, assessing the remaining students with a calculating eye, each one a potential threat in this deadly game.

The air was thick with tension and the stench of blood as the survivors clashed, each one fighting for their own survival. The sound of screams and the sickening thud of blows filled the air, a grim symphony of violence that echoed through the halls of the School of the Insane.

With each swing of his bat, Hijoshikina felt the weight of his actions pressing down on him, but he pushed aside any thoughts of guilt or hesitation. In this merciless crucible of madness and death, there was no room for weakness. Only the strong would survive, and he was determined to prove himself among them.

As the battle raged on, Hijoshikina found himself locked in a deadly dance of survival, his instincts guiding him through the chaos. He fought with a savage intensity, his movements fueled by a primal urge to live at any cost.

But amidst the bloodshed and carnage, a voice echoed in the back of his mind—a voice that whispered of doubt and uncertainty. Could he truly embrace the brutality of this world, or would he be consumed by the darkness that lurked within?

With a steely resolve, Hijoshikina pushed aside his doubts and fears, focusing only on the task at hand. In this twisted realm where morality held no sway, he would do whatever it took to emerge victorious, no matter the cost. For in the School of the Insane, survival was the only law, and he was determined to prove himself its ultimate master.

The desperate cry for help pierced through the chaos, drawing Hijoshikina's attention like a magnet. Without hesitation, he rushed towards the source of the distress, his grip tightening on the bat as he prepared to intervene.

With a swift, decisive motion, Hijoshikina swung the bat with all his strength, the crack of bone echoing through the room as it connected with the assailant's skull. The force of the blow sent him reeling backward, releasing his grip on the girl pinned to the desk.

Seizing the opportunity, Hijoshikina closed the distance between them in an instant, his movements fueled by a primal instinct to protect. He grabbed a nearby chair, swinging it with relentless ferocity as he delivered blow after blow to the assailant's head.

Blood sprayed through the air in a crimson arc as the chair connected with bone, the sickening sound of impact drowned out by the girl's relieved sobs. With each strike, Hijoshikina's resolve hardened, his focus narrowing to a singular purpose: to ensure the girl's safety at any cost.

Finally, as the assailant lay crumpled on the ground, unconscious and defeated, Hijoshikina stood over him, his chest heaving with exertion. He spared a glance at the girl, offering her a reassuring nod before turning his attention back to the chaos unfolding around them.

In this brutal game of survival, acts of kindness were rare and fleeting, but for Hijoshikina, they were a reminder of the flickering humanity that still remained in the heart of darkness. With a renewed sense of determination, he braced himself for the challenges that lay ahead, knowing that in this twisted realm of madness and death, every moment could be a fight for survival.

The sound of the bell echoed through the classroom as Vlad entered, his presence commanding the attention of the surviving students. His smile sent a chill down their spines, a reminder of the twisted authority he held over them.

"Congratulations," Vlad announced, his voice laced with a sinister edge. "Twelve left, and congratulations. I am proud of all of you."

His words hung heavy in the air, a stark contrast to the relief the students felt at having survived. The realization dawned on them that Vlad's pride in their survival came at a cost—one that had left a trail of blood and death in its wake.

As the survivors exchanged uneasy glances, they knew that their ordeal was far from over. In the School of the Insane, victory was fleeting and the price of survival was steep. With Vlad's ominous words echoing in their minds, they braced themselves for the next twisted trial that awaited them, knowing that their journey through this nightmarish realm was far from over.

With a dismissive wave of his hand, Vlad signaled the end of their torment—for now. The surviving students watched in silence as the man in the white plague doctor outfit solemnly removed the bodies of their fallen classmates, a grim reminder of the price of survival in the School of the Insane.

As the weight of their recent ordeal began to sink in, the survivors found themselves grappling with a mix of emotions—relief at having escaped death, sorrow for those who had not been so fortunate, and a lingering sense of unease at the uncertain future that lay ahead.

With the rest of the day suddenly stretching out before them, the survivors were left to ponder their next move. Some sought solace in solitude, retreating to their rooms to process the events of the day in quiet contemplation. Others sought distraction in the company of their fellow survivors, seeking comfort in the shared bond forged through bloodshed and survival.

But amidst the chaos and uncertainty, one thing remained clear: in the School of the Insane, every moment was a battle for survival, and the line between predator and prey was razor-thin. As the survivors braced themselves for the trials that lay ahead, they knew that their journey through this twisted realm was far from over. And with Vlad's ominous words still echoing in their minds, they could only wonder what horrors awaited them next.

The twisted irony of their situation wasn't lost on the survivors, and amidst the grim reality of their circumstances, a dark humor bubbled to the surface. With wry smiles and knowing glances, they acknowledged the absurdity of their shared ordeal.

"All things considered," one of the students remarked with a smirk, "this was fun."

The sentiment was met with nods of agreement and knowing chuckles from the others. In a class full of killers, where death was a constant companion and violence a way of life, perhaps it was inevitable that they would find some semblance of amusement in the chaos that surrounded them.

After all, what else could a class of killers say in the face of such madness? In the School of the Insane, where survival was the only law, they would find laughter in the darkest of places and camaraderie amidst the carnage. And as they faced the trials that lay ahead, they would cling to that dark humor as a lifeline in a world gone mad.

Alright that enough for me. Hijoshikina said getting up as he walked away. If we can do what we want with our free time, I will do what I want

With a determined stride, Hijoshikina made his way out of the classroom, his mind already racing with plans for how to spend his newfound freedom. In a world where every moment was a battle for survival, he knew that he needed to seize every opportunity to pursue his own desires and ambitions.

As he walked, a sense of purpose burned within him, driving him forward with single-minded determination. He had survived the deadly game orchestrated by Vlad, but he refused to be content with mere survival. In the School of the Insane, where the boundaries of morality were blurred and the only law was the law of the jungle, Hijoshikina was determined to carve out his own path to greatness.

With each step, he felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins, fueling his resolve to embrace the chaos and seize control of his own destiny. In a world where death lurked around every corner, he knew that he needed to be ruthless and uncompromising in pursuit of his goals.

And as he disappeared into the shadows, a dangerous glint gleamed in his eyes, a silent promise of the darkness that lay within. In the School of the Insane, where madness reigned supreme and survival was the ultimate prize, Hijoshikina was ready to embrace the darkness within him and let it guide him towards his ultimate destiny.

As he was on the roof top, he looked over the school, he saw the wall was big enough so no one can clime, and even if they did there was lighting wall on top which will shocked you to death as he sigh.

Hijoshikina glanced up as the axe girl approached, her presence a silent reminder of the deadly game they had just endured together. He regarded her with a mixture of caution and curiosity, wondering what her intentions were as she settled down beside him on the rooftop.

"It is," he agreed with a weary sigh, his gaze lingering on the imposing walls that surrounded the school. "This is more of a prison than a school."

The axe girl nodded in silent agreement, her expression reflecting the gravity of their situation. "What is your name?" she asked, her voice soft but tinged with a hint of curiosity.

Hijoshikina hesitated for a moment, weighing his options before deciding to trust her—at least for now. "Hijoshikina," he replied, his tone guarded but honest. "And yours?"

Eima light. The axe girl said looking at Hijoshikina. That is my name. Eima said looking at him. So what country are you from

"Eima Light," Hijoshikina repeated, committing the name to memory. It was a fitting name for someone who had survived the darkness of the School of the Insane.

As Eima asked about his origins, Hijoshikina considered his response carefully. "I come from a country far from here," he said evasively, choosing not to divulge too much information. In a place where trust was a rare commodity, he was wary of revealing too many details about himself.

"But in this place," he continued, his gaze sweeping over the school grounds, "where survival is the only law, where we are all killers... where we come from doesn't matter much, does it?"

"Where are you from, Eima?" Hijoshikina asked, shifting his gaze to meet hers.

"I come from a place called Norway," Eima replied softly, her voice carrying a hint of nostalgia. "It's a beautiful country known for its stunning fjords and picturesque landscapes."

Hijoshikina listened intently, intrigued by the glimpse into Eima's past. "Norway," he repeated, nodding in understanding. "I've heard it's a breathtaking place."

Eima smiled, a wistful expression crossing her features. "It is," she agreed, her eyes reflecting memories of her homeland. "But that was before... before everything changed."

Hijoshikina respected the somber note in her tone, refraining from probing further into her past. In a place where everyone carried their own burdens and secrets, he understood the importance of allowing others their privacy.

"Thank you for sharing, Eima," he said sincerely, a sense of camaraderie growing between them. In the School of the Insane, where trust was a rare commodity, he knew that every connection forged was a small victory in the battle for survival.

So did anyone else tell that you have a nice ass. Hijoshikina said remebring seeing during the battle royal and when she was seating next to him. Also nice big chest.

Hijoshikina's words hung in the air, their implications lingering between them like a dark cloud. Eima's expression remained impassive, but a flicker of annoyance flashed in her eyes before she turned and walked away without a word.

As he watched her retreating figure, a smirk played at the corners of Hijoshikina's lips. He knew he had struck a nerve, and though their interaction had taken a sharp turn, he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at having gotten under her skin.

But as the moment passed, a nagging sense of guilt tugged at the corners of Hijoshikina's mind. In a world where survival was the only law, he knew that kindness and compassion were rare commodities. And though his words had been meant as a taunt, he couldn't shake the feeling that perhaps he had crossed a line.

With a heavy sigh, Hijoshikina pushed aside his doubts and turned his attention back to the task at hand. In the School of the Insane, where every moment was a battle for survival, there was no room for sentimentality or regret. And as he braced himself for the challenges that lay ahead, he knew that he would need to steel himself against the darkness that lurked within, both in himself and in the world around him.

To be continued

Hope people like this ch of my original story and yes ever week I will be uploading two ch at omce