Orochimaru and Anko!

After studying for two hours, Anko left the house, leaving Kazutora alone at the house.

Kurenai was on a mission, and Kazutora went to the kitchen to cook his food. Ramen cup noodles there in the house, but Kazutora planned on eating a full meal.

He knew how to cook, and it didn't take long for Kazutora to prepare his dishes. It didn't take long for Kazutora to make spicy sandwiches and he prepared a coffee for himself.

While Kazutora was preparing lunch for himself, Anko arrived at her teacher's library.

"Kekkai genkai! Kekkai genkai!" Anko muttered as she looked for the books related to Kekkai Genkai, and she had a feeling that Kazutora had awakened some type of Kekkai Genkai that could help teach or she should say, transfer his experience to others.

After looking around for a minute, she found the books related to Kekkai Genkai and she started to read them.

Time passed by, and an hour later, Anko had gone through the books, but she didn't find anything that could help.

"What are you looking for?" She heard a cold voice that had a certain warmth in it, and with a surprised look on her face, Anko turned back.

"Teacher, you are here! When did you arrive?" Anko asked as she put the book on the shelf, and Orochimaru looked at the book with a curious look on his face.

When he saw that the book was about Kekkai Genkais, he put the book back on the shelf and saw Anko hiding her nervousness.

"What do you want to know? You can tell me. If I know, I will explain the matter to you. Instead of looking around, you should train for the Chunin exam."

Anko looked at Orochimaru for a second and then she giggled.

"Hehe, Sensei! I did learn something new, and I have questions regarding the matter I talked about."

"Hmm?" Orochimaru hummed at Anko, and he saw Anko using the Transformation Technique without using seals.

He waited for something else to happen, and seeing that there was nothing else, Orochimaru lost his interest.

"That's it? If it was a substitution technique, then it would have been beneficial to you! What's the point of mastering the Transformation Technique? Even if you don't need seals, your technique isn't perfect."

Orochimaru said as he pointed to her ear and showed that the shape and size of the two ears were different.

"As for the matter you talked about, I did use it on others. The teacher needs to be highly proficient in Illusions, and the learner needs to have a lot of trust in the teacher."

"Not only that, but the efficiency also seemed less as the muscles of two aren't same, and it is same for others matters."

"After the illusion is lifted, the learner will experience body disbalance, and he might even feel delusions because of Yin chakra."

"So, the plan isn't feasible, unless the teacher is from the Uchiha Clan, or maybe, the Kurama clan, who are also good at illusions."

Anko heard the matter, and she understood that the plan wasn't feasible at all.

"Then, teacher, is it possible to pass one's experience to others by using chakra? I know that members of the Yamanaka clan can read memories, so is it possible to use chakra to transfer one's experience to others?"

Orochimaru looked at Anko for a moment and then he rubbed her hair.

"Where are your ideas coming from? Do you want to take a shortcut and get my experience of techniques?"

"Hehe! I guess so," Anko said with a giggle, and Orochimaru showed a thoughtful look on his face. Hearing her, he had a feeling that this might be possible, and then Orochimaru remembered the record he read before.

"It should be possible. Do you remember Sage of Six Paths?" Orochimaru asked, and Anko showed a surprised expression.

"The legendary Sage of Six Paths?" Anko asked, and Orochimaru nodded at her words.

"I read somewhere that Sage of Six Paths started Ninshu religion, and he wanted to use chakra to make people connect with each other, understand each other more thoroughly, and live in harmony with each other."

"Later, instead of connecting their spiritual energy with each other, people merged the spiritual energy with physical energy, and they started to weaponise the chakra."

"Tsk! Such an idiotic approach! Same as Jiraiya, that idiot who thinks that peace can come if people understand each other."

Orochimaru said in a bad tone, and Anko covered her mouth to hide her laugh.

"Also, you should know about sensor ninjas. They can find out many things, and even the fact if a person is lying by sensing chakra. Since memories can be read, attacks that cause destruction can be done, then why can't knowledge and experience be transferred using chakra?"

"It's just no one thinks about this matter. After all, life is short, and people are fragile. They don't have enough time to think about this matter and can only work every day to meet their needs."

Anko looked down as she heard Orochimaru's sad words, and she understood that this matter wasn't a big deal.

"So, instead of spending time on these useless thoughts, it would be better for you to train hard first and get strength. As for this matter, I will look into it as I am also interested to see if I can pass on my experience to someone else."

'After all, I have been looking for a body to even pass my soul, and this should be a small matter. At that time, I will see if Anko wants to leave, and if she doesn't want to, then the experience will help her live in this 'stagnant' village.'

"Umm!" Anko nodded and she left Orochimaru, who was in deep thoughts about the future. He licked his lips, and his 'gentle' temperament that he showed to Anko, changed to a cold and cruel one.

"Another experiment to do and see if another modification can be done to the body," Orochimaru muttered in an indifferent tone, and he went to his laboratory to research.

Leaving the place, Anko went to the training ground, and there she started to practice the substitution technique. While performing the technique, she would sense the chakra in her body to see how it changes, and whenever she would sense the change, she tried to change her chakra without any seals.

At his house, Kazutora, who was done with his lunch, went to his room. Laying down on the bed, Kazutora used the clone technique, or he should say, projection technique to create a blank notebook in front of him.

Looking at the blank notebook he created, Kazutora thought of a few words, and they appeared on the notebook.

A grin escaped his lips, and Kazutora started to remember the Avatar manga he had read in his past life. Many of the events were forgotten by him, but Kazutora could remember the general story.

"Book publishing might be the best idea at this moment, and I will use the remaining savings from Mom and Dad to invest in Ichiraku Ramen."

Kazutora muttered as he looked at the images appearing in the book, fifteen minutes later, he had prepared a two thousand words chapters after making a general outline of the story.

"Hmm! Instead of one story, I will make two with one as Male MC and the other as Female MC. The worlds will be the same, and all I need to do is make a few changes and another story will be ready."

"Hehe, then using the two, I can make a third story where both the MCs will be in the same world, and the villains from the world will also get involved."

With different ideas appearing in his mind, Kazutora wrote them down, and when he was done, he made Shadow Clone Techniques hand seal.

The chakra from his body moved towards the projected book in front of him, and Kazutora looked at the solid book that fell on his lap.

"Haha~ This way, I don't have to waste time writing the book, and I can keep it as it is. After all, it is an inanimate object, and it doesn't require much chakra."

Kazutora said with a laugh, and he opened the book. He looked at the words he had 'written', and he found many mistakes in it.


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Should I add Hikari Uchiha in future? The one from the game!