
Looking at Hina lying on the bed with an expression of bliss, Kazutora had a grin on his face. He looked outside and noticed that it was morning already with the Sun shining in the sky.

"She must be annoyed," Kazutora murmured while looking in the direction of Konoha, and it was just as he said, Tsunade waited for them for hours before she understood that they wouldn't be arriving back.

She was annoyed as she felt that she had been ditched by them, but she knew that she wasn't their Tsunade, and they didn't need to accompany her.

A chuckle escaped his lips as he thought of her reaction, and Kazutora murmured, "How much should I do in this world? I can't be clearing all threats since that's a stupid thing to do, and it would only stop them from growing."

"Yeah, many might die in the process, but if they didn't grow up, and develop on their own, the amount would increase by ten times."

Kazutora had a thoughtful look on his face, and he decided to convey it to the planet and let it decide. Connecting with the natural energy of the planet, Kazutora conveyed bits of past and future to it, and a few minutes later, he received a response.

He saw an orb materializing in front of him, and Kazutora touched the orb with a flicker in his eyes, and he wondered what it was. A strange look flashed on his face when he noticed that it was a part of the world's natural energy, like Dragon Veins, and it sublimated inside his body and merged with his heart.

"Hmm?" A hum escaped his lips as he noticed his heart getting stronger, and he didn't expect that the connection with Natural Energy would deepen.

'Protect in case of emergency,'

This thought appeared in his mind, and Kazutora wondered if the planet was asking him to protect it in case of emergency or if the orb would protect him in an emergency.

"Let's think of the former since I don't want the latter situation to happen," Kazutora murmured with a thoughtful look on his face, and he turned to Hina. He knew that she wouldn't wake up for hours, and Kazutora decided to check a few things in the meantime.

Closing his eyes, he tried to sense the Kamui Dimension, and a grin appeared on his face.

He disappeared from his location after placing a mark and appeared in his dimension. As soon as he appeared there, he could sense various marks he couldn't sense before, and a chuckle escaped his lips.

"Hmm~! Let's call Tsuna here, she said she wanted to visit her counterparts and flex," Kazutora murmured, and he sensed the mark on Tsunade.

In the original world, Tsunade, who was working in her office with a frown on her face saw a letter appearing in front of her table.

"Want to travel to a new world?"

A strange look flashed on her face, and she looked at the Yes and No option written on it. She knew that it was Kazutora's handwriting, and a chuckle escaped her lips.

Writing on a paper about her 'escape', Tsunade touched the Yes option on the letter. The letter disappeared, and a few moments later, she disappeared from her location with a grin on her face.

Appearing in a location, Tsunade hugged Kazutora since it's been quite a few hours.

"You won't leave on such a journey again," she said while rubbing his face to her breasts, even though they didn't stay together the whole day, just knowing that he was there gave her a sense of warmth and security in her heart.

Kazutora noticed Tsunade's intense feelings and he patted her back. He also missed them even if only a day had passed by, and he knew that it was because he remained with them most of the time.

"Which world are we in?" Tsunade asked while giving him some space and leaning to his chest. She could feel his hand on her butt, and a smile appeared on her face as she listened to his heartbeat.

"Five years before Nine tails Incident,"

Tsunade paused for a second as she heard the words and murmured, "Third Shinobi War?"


She nodded as she heard the words and memories of the past appeared in her mind.

"So, where is Hina? What did you two do?" Tsunade asked while suppressing the past memories, and she only thought of them for the knowledge of the timeline.

"She saw how difficult the lives of others are, and what we can do with our power, besides killing," Kazutora said with some emotion in his eyes, and he could remember the smiles and joyous looks on the faces of the people he helped.

"Huh? What did you do?" A curious look appeared on Tsunade's face as she heard the words, and Kazutora created projections and showed everything that happened.

They watched everything from how he met the group to how helped them and created a better living place for them, and looking at the scenes, Tsunade understood what she meant.

"The smiles on their faces really warm the heart, even though I have never met any of them," Tsunade said with a flicker in her eyes, and she understood why Kazutora did those actions. If she was in his position, she would have done the same, heck! She has asked her grandfather to make the surroundings green.

"By the way, we met Tsunade here and she was shocked when she knew about our relationship. Look at her reaction," Kazutora said with a mischievous smile on his face, and Tsunade stared at the projection.

"If I- I mean she is your wife, then who is she?"

"I am his wife too, what else?"

"I wouldn't allow that,"

Tsunade had a strange look on her face as she looked at the projection, and she understood why Kazutora and Hina were laughing at her reaction. It was funny to see her counterpart saying this as she was the one who pushed Kazutora for a harem, though she had already seen the signs way before.

"She doesn't know your age, right?" Tsunade asked as she stared at Kazutora with an intense look on her face. If he did tell her this, she would really really be angry at him, and a smile appeared on her face as she looked at him shaking his head.

"You better not tell anyone, okay? If you did, Hehe~! Mommy will need to punish bad boys, do you understand?" Tsunade said with a threatening smile on her face, and Kazutora chuckled at her words.

"Haha~! Sure, Mommy~!" He said with a mischievous glint on his face, and Tsunade nodded at his words.

"What else did you do?" She asked with a flicker in her eyes, and she heard Kazutora say, "It's been a day, so not much has been done. By the way, how is your progress with your Sharingan?"

"Not much, I didn't focus on it." Tsunade said with a Three Tomoe Sharingan appearing in her eyes, and she continued, "I will try sometime later since it isn't necessary, and I don't feel like making my mood worse."

"Hmm~! I am thinking of differentiating Space and Time to control them separately. You want time manipulation ability, right?"

"Eh? How did you know?" Tsunade asked. She hasn't told anyone about this, and she heard Kazutora say, "Beside Dream Manipulation, Time, Space and Reality are the only ones I could think of since you didn't ask Mikoto about Dream Manipulation."

"Hmm~! How does Reality Manipulation?"

"We do it every day, what else? On a greater scale, you can bend laws of physics, make gravity in opposite direction, change constituent of body, etc."

"You mean anything, na?"

"Yeah," Kazutora nodded at her words, and he thought of how chakra could be used to do anything. He could more or less understand why it was better since it forms by mixing two separate energies.

"Besides these separate realities, are you planning on visiting other unknown worlds?" Tsunade asked the question she had been wondering and she saw Kazutora nodding at her words.

"After I am done in our world, and visited Future Sasuke's world, I won't bother with separate realities since three are enough."

"When I am done creating a Killing Machine for Otsutsukis using Ten tails, Otsutsuki Soul, and a few things, I will let it travel in space and hunt them."

"Only then I was thinking of visiting a new world, but since you talked about having Children, I think the journey will be delayed."

"I don't want to leave kids alone until they have grown up as I don't know how time dilation, and returning would work in separate worlds."

Kazutora said with a thoughtful look on his face, and Tsunade nodded at her words. She thought of the members in his Harem, and said, "Hina, Izumi, Yugao and Hana would like to travel, instead of having kids."

"Me, Nono, Mikoto and Pakura would like to have kids, instead of traveling. As for Kurenai, Shizune and Anko, Kurenai might like kids while Shizune and Anko would want to travel."

Tsunade said after considering everyone's circumstances, and Kazutora nodded at her words. He could already see this happening, and his eyes flickered as he thought of something.

"Or I could just try to create a separate body and send it in a different dimension. I don't know how the consciousness would work, and if it got separated, I would have to set a detonation or something since I don't want a conscious clone which I can't control."

Kazutora said after thinking for a moment, and Tsunade stared at him.

"There is no need for this. You can try to leave for a year after pregnancy---"

"Nope, how could I miss that time?" Kazutora said before she could complete her words.

"Instead of travelling outside the world, let's just travel around the world in these years," Kazutora said before she could say more, and Tsunade gulped the words she was going to say. She snuggled into him with a loving look on her face, and she felt giddy and happy in her heart.


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