"Hnn~! Hnnn~! Hnnnnnnnn~!"

"Hnn~! Hnnn~! Hnnnnnnnn~!"

In a closed room where no light could enter, nor could anyone, a pale-skinned with white eyes moaned while staring at a scene only she could use.

Kaguya had pulled herself into an illusion, and she stared at the animalistic debauchery happening between herself and Kazutora.

Since the talk she had with Anko, Kaguya couldn't get the thought of herself and Kazutora together.

As time passed, Kaguya watched his actions, the things he did, how he took care of his women and the things he has done.

She got an urge to know about him, and it wasn't hard for her to find everything he had done in the past.

The more she got to know him, the more she realized his amazing qualities, sparking curiosity and countless thoughts in her mind. What she was currently doing, was a test to see her actual feelings, and she had read in a book that if you allow someone to touch you and feel you, you will know what you feel for them.

It wasn't difficult for her to pull herself into a real-like illusion and see how she reacted to the experience. Kaguya created a Shadow Clone and sent her into an illusion using Infinite Tsukuyomi.

Before checking how she felt, she wanted to see what she desired, and the clone gave her insights since the clone was herself only. When the clone dispersed herself, she gained the memories of the clone and another life which she lived in the illusion.

Shock would be an understatement of what she felt when she gained the memories of her clone. Starting memories were the same, and she came to Earth with Isshiki.

Again, she betrays Isshiki and sneak attacks to kill him, and in the Illusion, she kills Isshiki and uses him as a sacrifice for the Ten-Tails. Time passed, and in the Illusion, she again married a human since she came to like the world, but the person she married was Kazutora.

More time passed by, and in the illusion, she noticed that Kazutora was pressured by his officials again, but this time, they were killed by him, and he didn't tell her about the matter.

Unlike how she originally created Hagoromo and Hamura, this time they had a son and daughter, who were named Hagoromo and Hikari. They lived a good life until Kaguya inside the illusion noticed the shorter lifespan of Kazutora.

Kaguya felt strange as she viewed the memories, and she noticed that the Kazutora inside the illusion wasn't as talented as the real one. He lacked compared to the real-life one, but ignoring that, she continued to experience the memories of illusion.

In the end, Kaguya, who had eaten chakra fruit made by Otsutsuki, decided to harvest another by using the natural energy of the planet. She didn't tell this to anyone and just told Kazutora that the chakra fruit was something the planet gifted her to save the world.

Kazutora didn't ask more and accepted the words but as Kaguya watched this, she felt some disgust rising in her heart.

"Fake," she said while going through the memories, and Kaguya removed the memories and the rest of the memories from her mind.

"I don't feel anything, it's just a bunch of fake fantasies," She murmured with a frown on her and noticed that as the memories continued, Kaguya's shock and anticipation turned into disgust.

"It's because everything is happening as I wanted. At first, it was okay but as I watched more, I felt that they were just a bunch of puppets."

Saying this, Kaguya created an illusion of Kazutora doing the things he does to his wives as she wanted to know what she felt. There was a blush on her face while she watched the scene, and Kaguya noticed that she didn't hate it.

As the scene continued, Kaguya felt her breaths becoming heavier. Her hand would move on her body, and she felt that it was craving for something. Kaguya remembered the books she had read, and she understood that she is feeling lustful.

"Hah~! Really?" She murmured while panting and noticed her hand moving to her groin area. Her expression changed when she noticed something sliding in her thighs, and lowering her gaze, she glanced through the clothes and looked at her liquid.

Her body shivered as she became aware of what her feelings were, and she added voice to the illusion.

"Hnn~! Ahhhh~! Haahhhh~!"

Hearing her own moans, and the sounds she never imagined she would hear from her mouth, Kaguya's body shivered. The experience was new to her, and even though she had known about everything, it was just theoretical knowledge.

"Hahh~! Yeahhh~! Masterrr~! Fuck your maid~! Breed mee~!"

Her eyes widened as she heard the words from 'Kaguya's' mouth, and a shiver ran through her mind. The words seemed to be awakening something inside her, and Kaguya stared at the face that seemed to have achieved everything in the world.

"Hahhhh~! Masterrr~! I am cumminggg~!"

Kaguya heard moans, and for some reason, she could feel the pleasure she would experience. Her body was trembling with a strange sensation creeping into her body, and she didn't know what to do.

On one hand, she wanted to just end everything since she felt some fear, and she knew that if she continued, something very bad would happen.

On the other hand, she wanted to know as, for the first time, she felt some curiosity towards someone, and she didn't hate the feeling.

In the end, Kaguya kept on watching the scene with her hand on her groin, moving slowly and gently in a clockwise direction and rubbing her private area through the cloth.

She could feel wetness down, and she stared at herself getting fucked like a slut and the ecstatic look on her face.

In the middle of her event, Kaguya received his call from the mark. The Illusion disappeared and left a tingling feeling in her body since she was about to release something.

Her clothes changed, removing the stains on them, and with a calm look on her face, Kaguya stepped into a portal she created and disappeared from her dimension.

"Kaguya, you can do your stuff. Mikoto, Kurenai, and Nono assist her."

Hearing his words, Kaguya remembered the talk she had before, and she understood what he was saying. She locked on the group members with Mikoto, Kurenai and Nono, and changed their position to a different dimension.

"What do you want to do?" Kaguya turned towards Kurenai as she knew that Kurenai worked in the Mental department of the Hospital. Kurenai turned towards Mikoto with a flicker in her eyes, and she said, "What do you think?"

"You can lead, and I will follow your words," Mikoto said after thinking for a moment, and Kurenai nodded at her words. She turned towards 60 groups, and she thought of what she had to test.

"Kaguya, pull them in an Illusion and tell them information about bandits raiding a village. They will do whatever comes to their mind first."

"Separate them based on time they delayed in making decisions, and the decisions they made."

Kurenai said after thinking for a moment, and Kaguya nodded at her words. She looked in a direction for a second and then turned her gaze towards the group members with Rinne-Sharingan appearing in her eyes.

Kurenai, Mikoto and Nono found themselves appearing in a different location and they saw a group of people.

Kurenai initially planned on making the groups do group tasks and make them work together to enhance coordination. However, she decided to create even better groups based on their psyches and decided to put opposite sides of extremes in the same group with the majority on the middle scale.

This way, there will be balance in the group, and they will take care of other extreme by putting their words. After all, all of them were Jonin and they had enough experience in doing tasks, making decisions and working with others.

Kazutora, who had left the location, appeared on Hokage Mountain. He sat down with a flicker in his eyes and turned towards Tsunade beside him.

Tsunade held his hand since she noticed that he wasn't in his best state, and even though she didn't know why he had a sudden change in his emotions, she just held his hand tightly to show her presence.

A few minutes passed by, and Tsunade noticed his emotional state turning normal, and she asked, "What happened?"

"I sensed a presence entering this world, but when I focused on it, it disappeared. When I connected with natural energy, I noticed that it was extremely afraid for some reason."

"Since I couldn't sense anything with natural energy, I tried to look for any dimensional change around, and I found a space crack in Land of Snow."

"The space crack leads to an unknown dimension, and I don't know anything else about this."

Kazutora said while thinking of the feeling he received from the will of the world, and he didn't even understand what kind of fear it was. After all, besides the fear, he also felt some reverence and obedience, and Kazutora felt as if the will was trying to please the presence.

'Some higher entity?' He thought with a frown on his face, and Tsunade was silent by his words. She started to think of what it could mean but nothing came to her mind.

"What do you think?" Tsunade asked Kazutora, who was staring in a direction, and she heard him say, "I will try to seal it first. If I can't, I will go inside."

"I don't think I should have any problem in returning here or in my dimension, but I am worried about time dilation," Kazutora said, and he noticed her grip on his hand tightening.

A smile appeared on his face, and Kazutora rubbed her cheeks to assure her, but Tsunade couldn't calm down.

"Is this necessary? We can send someone else before or after telling you everything. Or you can just send a Shadow Clone or Wood Clone."

"I know, and I have already thought of that. What I am worried about is the power level of the world, or if they can read minds. Well, I know that thinking this way is pointless since literally anything can happen, but I can't help it."

"That's why, before going into the space crack, I will pay a visit to future Sasuke's world and get the Otsutsuki there. Chakra Fruits might help us in future, and I have something else to check too."

Tsunade looked at Kazutora as she heard his words and clicked her tongue.

"Can't we just have time to relax?"

"Huh? Are you thinking that I will be going immediately?" Kazutora asked with a strange look on his face, and he saw Tsunade furrowing her brows at his words.

"Isn't that the case?"

"Noo~! It will take at least a year for the space crack to stabilize, and we easily have two years for this. Even if I could, I wouldn't go now since I haven't reached my full potential and haven't done the most important thing, i.e., to make you all Immortal."

Tsunade opened her mouth to say something, but no words came out. She was dumbfounded by his words, and with an irked look, she said, "Then you should have said so. Fuck, I was too worried."

"Hehe~!" Kazutora laughed as he heard the words and hugged Tsunade before she could say anymore. Tsunade paused at his actions and then hugged him back while thinking of space crack. A glint flashed in her eyes as she thought of the one year, and she decided to clear everything in the year and free their time.

'Pregnancy can wait, I want a child, but I am not desperate for them. But I am desperate for my time with me.'

'Besides, he doesn't only have me, and I am sure that Mikoto, Nono and Pakura wouldn't mind staying here with children while we are out.'

Tsunade, as the Big Sister of the harem, started to make plans for the future, and the things they have to do.

'Let the clones handle the building work since it isn't important to us but something we have to do.'


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