Chapter 182 - A New Idea

Third person POV

 Days had passed, and Russell, while resting in his estate home in its backyard, was thinking about something: he had been pulling the strings of operations and routes all by himself for the entire year of his life in that world and now was thinking about training apprentices for other buses to take over most of his routes for various days. He also didn't want to start a bus company because it would be very bothersome, hard, full of hassle, and not ideal for his future apprentices in his skill trade. So, instead, Russell planned to let them decide their own routes, daily schedules, and fares themselves but with guidelines from his future bus driving course.

 This ingenious and very radical idea continued to ruminate his mind for most of the next day. But it finally caught up with him at noon while resting in the grass fields of Fernlay City. "What if I could buy buses and train apprentices for it?" he asked himself.