Lord Bartholomew Ashbury

Corbin picked up the phone in his study, dialing the extension for Sir Lawrence's quarters.

"Sir Lawrence, I have a matter to discuss with you," he said, his voice smooth and measured. "I will be traveling to the United Kingdom for business and will need to make arrangements for a private flight."

"Yes, Mr. Tempest," Sir Lawrence replied, his voice resonating with the same professionalism and grace. "I can certainly book the necessary travel arrangements for you. When do you plan to depart?"

"As soon as possible," Corbin answered. After confirming the travel arrangements, Corbin found himself with one final task before his departure—to inform his personal security team of the trip.

He stepped into the training facility, where the former special forces soldiers were honing their skills. Their leader, "Wolf" Holtzman, immediately approached Corbin.

"What's the situation, sir?" Wolf asked, his voice calm and steady.

"I'll be traveling to the UK for a month," Corbin replied, his gaze unwavering. Corbin informed them to keep the estate safe he'll be only traveling with Wolf to the UK

"Understood, sir," Wolf said, nodding in acknowledgment. "Hawk, Raven, and Ghost—you will remain here at the estate. Maintain the highest level of security while I am away. Mr. Tempest and I will handle the business in the UK."

Hawk, Raven, and Ghost responded in unison, "Yes, sir!" Their unwavering loyalty and discipline left no doubt in Corbin's mind that his estate would be well protected in his absence.

Turning to Wolf, Corbin said, "I'm counting on you, Wolf.

With the final arrangements made and his staff briefed on their duties, Corbin retired to his bedroom. The next day's journey loomed, but the confidence in his decision-making process allowed him to drift off into a deep and peaceful sleep.

As the morning sun streamed through the curtains, Corbin arose, refreshed and invigorated. He dressed in a finely tailored suit, ready to meet the challenges that awaited him in the United Kingdom.

Wolf, equally prepared, stood ready to accompany Corbin on his journey. Corbin and Wolf made their way to the airport, where they were whisked off in Corbin's private jet to London. Upon landing, the two gentlemen were picked up by a chauffeur in a sleek, black car and taken to a luxurious hotel in the heart of the city.

The hotel, with its opulent decor and impeccable service, was everything Corbin expected and more. He was greeted by name by the staff, who were more than happy to cater to his every need.

Once settled in, Corbin took a moment to appreciate the lavish surroundings. As Corbin surveyed his surroundings, the immaculate grandeur of the hotel room enveloped him. The walls were adorned with sumptuous tapestries, woven with fine gold threads that seemed to gleam in the soft light. A lavish four-poster bed, draped with silken sheets and fluffy pillows, beckoned him to rest, and a marble-clad fireplace crackled with warmth, the glow of its flames dancing on the walls.

The scent of rare, imported perfumes wafted through the air, mingling with the aroma of exotic teas and coffees. But it was the view that truly took his breath away. The floor-to-ceiling windows framed a stunning panorama of London's iconic landmarks: the London Eye, the Tower Bridge, and the Houses of Parliament. The cityscape was shrouded in a veil of mist, the sun's rays fighting valiantly to break through the clouds, casting a magical, ethereal glow upon the bustling metropolis below.

Corbin couldn't help but feel a sense of awe as he contemplated the city's magnificence, his excitement for the day's events growing with each passing moment. Corbin turned to Wolf, who had silently watched his new employer's reaction to their surroundings. "What do you think, Wolf?" Corbin asked, his lips curving into a satisfied grin.

Wolf's response was as measured and precise as his military training. "Impressive, sir. The view is certainly one to remember."

"Indeed. It's important to enjoy the finer things in life, don't you think?" Corbin said, his voice carrying a hint of wistfulness. "Now, I think it's time we tend to the task at hand. Lord Ashbury awaits."

As Corbin and Wolf made their way to the lobby, they were joined by the hotel's concierge, who had been tasked with arranging their transportation to Lord Ashbury's estate.

The drive to the estate was a scenic one, with the car winding its way through the lush English countryside. The verdant hills, rolling meadows, and picturesque villages provided a breathtaking backdrop for their journey, and Corbin couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of the landscape.

As the car turned into the private drive leading up to Lord Ashbury's estate, Corbin and Wolf exchanged a glance of anticipation. The grandeur of Lord Ashbury's estate was almost overwhelming. A long, winding driveway led up to a stately manor, its facade bathed in the warm glow of the morning sun.

As the car came to a stop, a liveried butler emerged from the front door and approached the vehicle, his stride unhurried but dignified.

"Welcome to Ashbury Manor," he intoned, the very sound of his voice dripping with the opulence of the estate. "Lord Ashbury will be pleased to receive you." Corbin and Wolf followed the butler through the grand entrance of the manor, their footsteps echoing on the polished marble floors. The foyer was a stunning display of opulence and wealth, with high ceilings, marble columns, and exquisite artwork adorning the walls.

"If you would please wait here for a moment, I will inform Lord Ashbury of your arrival," the butler said, his voice pitched just above a whisper.

With a practiced air of nonchalance, Corbin surveyed the room as Wolf stood silently at his side, his eyes alert and attentive.

As they waited, Corbin's mind was filled with a mixture of anticipation and trepidation. The significance of this transaction was not lost on him—Lord Ashbury was a powerful man, and Corbin needed to make a good impression if he wanted to secure the deal.

Just as his thoughts were beginning to drift into uncertainty, the sound of footsteps echoed down the hallway.

Lord Ashbury, a tall, distinguished gentleman with graying hair and a regal bearing, entered the foyer. He approached Corbin, his demeanor a mixture of cordiality and caution. Lord Ashbury extended a hand in greeting, his handshake firm and practiced. "Mr. Tempest, a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I trust your journey was a pleasant one?"

Corbin returned the gesture, his grip confident but not overly aggressive. "Lord Ashbury, the pleasure is mine. My journey was indeed pleasant, although I must admit, the scenery pales in comparison to the beauty of your estate."

Lord Ashbury's lips curled into a slight smile. "You are too kind, Mr. Tempest. Please, allow me to give you a tour of the manor." Corbin followed Lord Ashbury through the manor, taking in the splendor of each room as they passed. From the grand ballroom, with its floor-to-ceiling windows and intricate crystal chandeliers, to the expansive library with its leather-bound tomes and hand-carved shelves, each space was a testament to the Ashbury family's wealth and power.

But it was the private study, where Lord Ashbury invited Corbin to sit, that held the most intrigue. The private study was a room steeped in tradition and refinement. Dark wood panels lined the walls, and a roaring fireplace added a warm, cozy ambiance. A crystal decanter, containing what Corbin recognized as a vintage brandy, was displayed prominently on the desk, next to an antique pipe and tobacco.

Lord Ashbury took a seat behind the desk, gesturing for Corbin to sit opposite him. "Now, Mr. Tempest, I understand that you have an item of great value to offer me. One that you believe is of particular interest to my family." Corbin reached into his coat pocket and withdrew the velvet-wrapped necklace, placing it gently on the desk.

"Indeed, my lord," Corbin said, his voice smooth and assured. "This necklace is a masterpiece of craftsmanship, unlike anything you have ever seen. It is not only a stunning work of art, but a symbol of technological advancement beyond anything this world has yet to imagine."

Lord Ashbury's eyes widened ever so slightly as he unwrapped the necklace, his face a mask of concentration as he examined the intricate details.

"This is...remarkable," Lord Ashbury murmured, his voice betraying a hint of wonder. "I've never seen anything like this before. The craftsmanship is impeccable."

Corbin allowed himself a small, satisfied smile. "The diamond, my lord, is grown in a lab using a cutting-edge process that results in a level of clarity and brilliance not found in natural stones. And the gold filigree is crafted with a technique that allows for intricate designs on a molecular level, making the piece not only beautiful but incredibly durable." Lord Ashbury turned his gaze back to Corbin, his curiosity piqued. "I see. And tell me, Mr. Tempest, are there other pieces like this? Where are they produced?"

Corbin's smile deepened. "I have a workshop that produces such fine jewelry. It is my intention to launch a jewelry company in the future, one that will revolutionize the industry with its innovative designs and cutting-edge technology. However, I am in need of a partner who can provide the necessary resources to make my vision a reality."

Lord Ashbury leaned back in his chair, his expression thoughtful.

"An interesting proposition, Mr. Tempest. And what would you require of such a partner?" he asked, his eyes narrowed in consideration.

Corbin sat up straighter, his posture poised and confident.

"Access to your vast network of clients and associates, as well as your reputation for excellence and refinement, would be invaluable to my venture. In return, I would provide exclusive access to my designs and technology, as well as a percentage of the profits, of course."

"In return for your support, my lord, I would grant you a 30% stake in my company, as well as the opportunity to serve on the board of directors. You would have the power to shape the direction of the company, ensuring that it remains true to your vision for excellence and refinement," Corbin said, his voice smooth and persuasive.

Lord Ashbury nodded, his expression thoughtful. "30% is generous, Mr. Tempest. It would make you the majority shareholder, but still leave me with significant influence. I appreciate your willingness to share ownership."

Corbin inclined his head in acknowledgement. "This is not a decision I take lightly, Mr. Tempest," Lord Ashbury said, his voice carrying the weight of his carefully considered response. "You offer me a significant stake in a potentially lucrative venture, but you must understand that I am a cautious investor. Tell me, what assurance do I have that your designs will find success in the market?"

Corbin met Lord Ashbury's gaze, his confidence unwavering.

"The very necklace on your desk, my lord, is proof of my designs' potential...and the necklace, my lord, is merely a sample of what I can achieve," Corbin continued, his tone smooth and assured. "Imagine the reaction of your clientele when they are presented with a piece that not only showcases the latest in craftsmanship and design, but also the promise of an exclusive, high-end brand. The demand for such jewelry would be unprecedented, and my workshop is equipped to meet that demand."

Lord Ashbury leaned forward, his interest clearly piqued. "I cannot deny the allure of such a venture, Mr. Tempest."

Lord Ashbury steepled his fingers, his lips pursed in consideration. "This is a tempting offer, Mr. Tempest, but I must insist on seeing more evidence of your craftsmanship before I commit to such a partnership. Perhaps, if you could provide me with a second piece to consider, I might be more inclined to invest in your company."

Corbin nodded, his expression impassive. "Of course, my lord. I anticipated as much. Allow me to have my associate, Wolf, retrieve a second piece from the car. Corbin gestured to Wolf, who silently left the study to fetch the additional piece of jewelry.

In the silence that followed, Lord Ashbury's gaze flickered between Corbin and the exquisite necklace on his desk. At last, he spoke, his voice thoughtful and measured.