Wolf baptized

The room swam before Corbin's eyes, his limbs growing heavy and sluggish. Corbin fought against the haze of darkness that threatened to consume him, but the serum was too powerful. He could feel his consciousness slipping away, his eyes rolling back in his head as the world faded to black.

When he awoke, Corbin's head throbbed, the scent of mildew and dust heavy in the air. He blinked, his vision adjusting to the dim light of the stone cell around him.

Wolf groaned from a nearby cot, stirring as the drugs wore off. "Mr. Tempest," he croaked, his voice hoarse. "We're in trouble."

20 mins later

The guards dragged Corbin through the stone halls, their hands rough and relentless. He allowed himself to be led, his expression impassive, as they shoved him into a small, windowless room.

"Last chance, Tempest," the interrogator said, his voice dripping with contempt. "Give us the technology and we'll let you go. But if you resist, Montague will make sure you never see the light of day again."

Corbin stood tall, the void energy thrumming through his veins. "I have no reason to believe that Montague will keep his word."A stubborn fool, then," the interrogator spat, his hand tightening around a leather whip. "Perhaps a little...persuasion will help you see reason."

The whip cracked across Corbin's back, sending a jolt of pain racing through him. He gritted his teeth, refusing to give the interrogator the satisfaction of a reaction.

"You're wasting your time, friend," Corbin said, his voice steady. "My mind is made up. You will not get what you want from me."

The interrogator growled, striking him again with the whip. Corbin's patience snapped. He could no longer suppress the power within him, and he let the void energy explode forth. Tendrils of darkness snaked out from his body, wrapping around the interrogator and the guards.

The men froze in terror as Corbin's eyes blazed with dark light, his voice a whisper of malevolent power. "You have sought to harm me, to coerce me into submission. But the void answers only to those who wield it, and today, it answers to me."

The tendrils tightened, squeezing the life out of the men as they gasped for air.

The interrogator dropped his whip, his face twisted in horror as the shadows closed around him. "What are you?" he gasped, his voice thick with fear.

"I am Corbin Tempest," Corbin replied, his voice deadly calm. "And you have underestimated me."

With a final, crushing squeeze, the tendrils crushed the life from the men, leaving them lifeless on the floor. Corbin's eyes blazed with triumph, but the victory was bittersweet. His secret had been exposed, and the consequences would be severe. Corbin's expression hardened, his eyes fixed on Wolf's.

"There are some things about my origins that I cannot reveal. All you need to know is that I am not from this world, and my abilities are beyond what you understand."

Wolf's expression changed, wonder and fear mingling in his eyes. "A god? You are a god walking among mortals?"

Corbin remained silent, allowing the question to hang in the air like a tangible presence. He knew that he was not a god, but the term was not entirely inaccurate.

The next morning, Corbin and Wolf boarded a private jet bound for South Africa. Upon arrival, Corbin settled into his luxurious estate with ease, while Wolf remained close at his side, his expression one of unwavering devotion.

"My lord," Wolf addressed Corbin, his eyes gleaming with adoration, "what is our next move?"

Corbin leaned back in his chair, his face set with determination. "We must recruit capable people, especially people like you who are former special forces. They will form the backbone of my organization."

[South Africa, Corbin's Estate]

With his plan set in motion, Corbin turned his attention to his Lieutenant,

"Wolf," he said, his voice carrying the weight of command, "I will return to my other Estate you will know in the future. While I am gone, you will oversee the operations here. Ensure that our forces are well-prepared for what is to come."

"Yes, my lord," Wolf replied, his voice brimming with confidence. "I will not fail you." With that, Corbin activated his ability and disappeared. With a crackle of dark energy, Corbin materialized in the basement of his estate, Caer Tempest. The cold, damp air was a stark contrast to the dry heat of South Africa, but it was a welcome change, a reminder of the power that coursed through his veins.

He made his way up the stone steps, emerging in the heart of the castle, its ancient walls bathed in the flickering light of torch sconces. The air was thick with the magic of the ether, the power of the void still thrumming through him. Corbin's footfalls echoed in the silence as he climbed the stairs, his senses on high alert. At the top of the staircase, he pushed open the heavy wooden doors of the great hall and was greeted by a scene of chaos.

Etherlings, twisted and deformed creatures infused with the energy of the void, threw themselves against the castle's ancient walls, their howls of rage reverberating through the air. But Caer Tempest, long abandoned and forgotten, had defenses that still held strong. "Saskia!" Corbin called out, his voice cutting through the noise. "Kraven, Skade, to me!"

Saskia's eyes narrowed. "We're overrun. These creatures are relentless."

"We're not done yet," Corbin said, his voice edged with steel. "Saskia, secure the south gate. I'm going to find out where these Etherlings came from. Skade, take the rest of our forces and sweep the castle for any stragglers."

With nods of acknowledgement, the trio split up, each taking their own team to carry out Corbin's commands. As Corbin surveyed the aftermath of the battle, he knew that this was only the beginning. Corbin moved swiftly through the castle, his senses on high alert for any sign of danger. As he moved through the corridors, he could feel a shift in the ether, a sense of something...familiar.

He rounded a corner, his sword drawn, when he came face to face with a figure that made his blood run cold. It was a woman, slender and ghostly pale, her eyes glowing with a malevolent light.

"I was wondering when you'd show up, Corbin," she purred, her voice like honey laced with venom. "I've been waiting for you." Corbin's hand tightened around the hilt of his sword, his jaw clenched in determination. "Who are you?" he demanded, his voice low and dangerous.

The woman laughed, a sound that sent a shiver down Corbin's spine. "Oh, Corbin. You've forgotten so much, haven't you? Perhaps a little reminder is in order."

As she spoke, she raised her hand, her fingers curling into a clawed gesture. The air around her began to ripple and distort, the ether responding to her will. As the woman's power twisted the ether around them, Corbin found himself staring at a vision from his past. He saw himself, older and more reckless, standing over a fallen Etherwalker.

The Etherwalker's face was twisted in agony, his body wracked with convulsions as the last of his life force ebbed away.

"Why?" the Etherwalker rasped, his voice a mere whisper.

"Because you were in my way," Corbin heard himself say, his voice cold and ruthless. Corbin shook his head, trying to clear the vision from his mind. As he focused on the present, he realized the truth: the woman before him was an Etherkin, a powerful being with a dangerous mastery over the ether. Her power was that of Spirit Aether, the ability to manipulate memories, emotions and the dead with a terrifying precision.

"You're an Etherkin," Corbin growled, the realization striking him like a bolt of lightning. "What do you want?"

The woman laughed again, her eyes flashing with amusement. "I want what you want, Corbin. I want you to finish what you started," the Etherkin continued, her voice low and seductive. "You fought for years in the future trying to gather the Etherwalkers against the Blighted and my ki . And when you were so close to having the power you always wanted, you stopped"

Corbin's eyes narrowed, his mind racing as he tried to make sense of her words. "And what do you get out of it?" he demanded, his hand still gripping his sword.

"Oh, I get to watch the world burn," the Etherkin said, her smile widening into a grin.

As Corbin continued to confront the Etherkin, he became aware of a commotion in the castle. Kraven and Saskia burst into the room, both wearing grim expressions.

"Corbin," Saskia said, her voice tight with urgency. "We've contained the Etherlings, but we have a situation. Half of our recruits turned out to be Etherwalkers, which means we now have a population of over a 4 thousand Etherwalkers and just as many regular humans."

"The Etherwalkers are tense," Kraven added. "The Etherwalkers are tense," Kraven continued, his eyes never leaving Corbin's face. "They're uneasy about having so many humans in our midst, especially with the Etherlings attacking us. We need to restore order before this escalates."

Corbin's mind was racing, trying to keep up with the rapidly changing situation. The Etherwalkers were a force to be reckoned with, their powers unstable and unpredictable. He couldn't afford to have them turn against him.

"Saskia, bring me the most experienced Etherwalker among the new recruits"

The Etherkin's eyes flashed with anger, but Corbin stood his ground. "You may have your tricks, Etherkin, but the power of the void runs deep. You would do well to remember that."

In response, the Etherkin let out a low, rasping laugh. "You're so confident in your abilities, Corbin, but you've yet to face the true power of the Etherkins. The blighted will tear your little rebellion to shreds."

Corbin's expression remained calm, his stance unwavering. "Then bring them on, Etherkin.