Apocalypse Return +18

Corbin's fingers moved quickly, transferring the funds to Zikala-Tempest Construction. The money disappeared from his accounts with the push of a button, and for a moment, he felt a twinge of regret. But there was no time for that now.

He dialed Thobani's number, his voice low and urgent.

"The funds have been transferred," he said, his words clipped and efficient. "You have everything you need to move forward with construction. But understand this: I won't be available for the next few months. I have something I need to take care of." Corbin finished, his voice low and ominous. "Something that requires my full attention."

Thobani's voice was filled with concern. "But sir, the project—"

"The project is in your hands," Corbin interrupted, his tone leaving no room for argument. "I trust you to handle it. Just make sure it's completed on time. No delays." "I'll see to it personally, sir," Thobani replied, his voice filled with determination. "You have my word. But if there's anything I can do to help—"

"There isn't," Corbin replied, his voice firm. "This is something I have to handle alone."

He paused for a moment, his thoughts racing. "And one more thing, Thobani," he said, his voice grave.

"If anyone asks about me, you tell them left on an extended business trip," Corbin finished, his voice growing quiet and deadly serious. "And if you get a message from me, you'll know it's from me."

Thobani nodded, his mind racing. "I understand, sir."

"Good," Corbin replied. "And remember: don't trust anyone. Not even me."

With that, he hung up the phone, his mind already turning to the task ahead of him. Corbin set out into the night, his footsteps silent and swift as he moved through the city.

He moved from warehouse to warehouse, his hands filled with keys and codes as he opened the doors to the hidden stockpiles of food.

The food was carefully chosen, each item selected for its nutritional value and long shelf life. And as he collected the supplies, he stored them in his personal dimensional space, a hidden pocket dimension that only he could access.

The process was slow and painstaking, but Corbin knew it was necessary. For what he had planned, he would need all the food he could get. And as Corbin worked, the city around him continued to sleep. The streets were deserted, the shops and restaurants closed for the night.

It was a silent city, a place of shadows and secrets. And Corbin was just one of its many secrets.

He moved with a single-minded focus, his mind already turning to the next phase of his plan.

And as he stepped out of the last warehouse, his pockets filled with food, his heart raced with anticipation.

He was one step closer to the endgame. Corbin made his way back to his hotel suite, his footsteps quick and purposeful.

He closed the door behind him, the room plunging into darkness. And then, with a click, he turned on the lights, revealing the treasures that he had gathered.

Piles of food lined the walls of the room, the air filled with the scent of spices and dried fruit. It was a bounty that would have fed a small army, but for Corbin, it was just the beginning.

"Now," he murmured to himself, his voice filled with determination.

Corbin stood up and, the air around him humming with energy. He said with a smile..

"Take me to the apocalypse," he whispered, his voice filled with anticipation.

And then, in a flash of light, he was gone, his body transported to the devastated world in another reality.

Corbin stood in the center of his hotel suite, his eyes closed and his breathing slow and steady. And then, with a sudden surge of energy, he activated his dimensional power, the air around him shimmering with light.

In an instant, he was transported to the hidden basement of the Caer Tempest manor, the walls lined with ancient runes and the air thick with magic.

The basement was filled with equipment, tools, and supplies, all carefully arranged and labeled. It was a place of power, a place of secrets.

Corbin stepped out of the basement and into the chaos of the apocalypse, his eyes adjusting to the dim light.

Two Etherwalkers of the Praetorian Guard were waiting for him, their armor gleaming in the eerie glow of the sky.

"Sir!" they exclaimed, a note of relief in their voices. "We feared the worst when you disappeared for six months."

Corbin nodded, his expression grave and serious. "The mission was successful," he said, his voice low and resonant. "We have rescued many people from further south" "My Lord," one of the Etherwalkers said, his voice filled with respect. "The population of Caer Tempest has grown in your absence. We've taken in refugees from the wasteland, and we're now harboring over 20 000 thousand survivors."

Corbin nodded, his expression thoughtful. "That is good," he said, his eyes fixed on the floor. "We will need every able-bodied person if we are to survive. And what of Lady Saskia?"

"Lady Saskia is in her chambers, sir," the Etherwalker replied, his voice hushed and respectful. "She has been awaiting your return with great anticipation."

Corbin nodded, his mind already turning to the tasks ahead of him. But first, there was one more thing he needed to do.

"Take me to her," he said, his low and steady. "I must speak with Lady Saskia before I attend to the rest of the other matters"

The room was filled with the scent of incense and candles, their flickering light casting shadows on the walls.

And there, in the center of the room, stood Lady Saskia, her long, dark hair cascading down her back.

She turned to face Corbin, her eyes widening in surprise. "Corbin," she whispered, her voice trembling. "I…I thought you were gone."

Corbin stepped forward, taking her hands in his. "I would never abandon you," he said, his voice low and tender. "You were gone for six months," Saskia said, her voice breaking. "The days dragged on, and I began to fear the worst."

Corbin pulled her into a gentle embrace, his arms wrapped around her. "I'm sorry," he whispered, his breath warm against her skin. "I knew you would worry, but the mission was too important. I had to ensure the survival of our people."

Saskia nodded, her face buried in his chest. Slowly, Corbin pulled away, his gaze meeting hers. "I'm here now," he said, his voice soft and filled with emotion. "And I promise, I won't leave you again."

Saskia took a deep breath, her eyes filled with love and fear. "The world outside these walls is dangerous," she whispered, her voice filled with concern. "And with the refugees we've taken in…"

Corbin nodded, his expression grave. "We will protect them," Corbin said, his voice strong and determined. "Caer Tempest was built for this. The walls are strong, and the defenses are impenetrable. And with the food we've gathered, we have enough to last for years."

Saskia nodded, her expression a mix of hope and fear. "But the people outside…they're still suffering."

Corbin sighed, his gaze flicking to the window. "We can't save everyone," he said, his voice low and filled with regret. "But we can make a difference here, in Caer Tempest. We can create a new world, one that's better than the one we left behind."

Saskia leaned against him, her fingers intertwining with his. "You're right," she said, a flicker of resolve in her voice. "But we won't survive if we don't protect what we have. And that means making hard choices." Corbin nodded, his expression grave and serious. "Then let us begin," he said, his voice low and commanding. "We must organize our defenses, distribute the food, and ensure that everyone is ready for what lies ahead."

Saskia took a deep breath, her eyes flickering to the window once more. "And what about our enemies?" she asked, her voice filled with apprehension. "What about the powers outside these walls?" As the weight of their responsibilities settled on their shoulders, the two lovers found themselves drawn closer to each other, their bodies pressing together in the dim light of the room.

Corbin's hands slid down Saskia's back, their touch igniting a fire within her that had been smoldering since his return. She gasped as he pulled her closer, his lips finding hers in a desperate, needy kiss.

Saskia moaned, her hands tangling in Corbin's hair as their bodies moved together, a dance as old as time. Corbin's hands moved lower, sliding over Saskia's curves, tracing the outline of her body with a tenderness that belied the fierce strength she knew he possessed.

Saskia arched her back, a shudder of desire running through her as she felt his fingers slip beneath the fabric of her clothing, exploring her intimately.

Her breath came in shallow gasps as he pulled her closer, his body hard and insistent against hers, his desire matching her own.

"Corbin," she whispered, her voice a mere breath of sound. "Take me." Corbin's gaze met hers, his eyes aflame with desire. "I will have you," he said, his voice a low growl that sent a shiver down her spine.

Saskia's heart pounded in her chest as he swept her up in his arms, carrying her to the bed. Their lips met again, the kiss deep and urgent, their tongues tangling in a dance of passion.

Slowly, Corbin's fingers danced over her body, teasing and tempting her, igniting the fire that burned within her. As their bodies came together, Corbin and Saskia lost themselves in a wild, primal dance of passion.

Corbin moved over her, his hands exploring every inch of her, teasing her with his touch, his lips searing a path of fire across her skin.

Saskia's breath caught in her throat as he took her to the edge of ecstasy, her body arching and trembling beneath him. Corbin's body moved in a rhythm that was both ancient and primal, his movements skilled and masterful.

Saskia cried out, her body arching against his, her hands digging into his back as she lost herself in the ecstasy of their lovemaking.

Their moans and cries echoed through the chamber, a symphony of pleasure that was both sacred and profane. Corbin's breath was hot against her skin, his body moving in a sensuous, hypnotic rhythm as he drove her to the edge of oblivion.

Saskia's nails dug into his back as she cried out in ecstasy, her body shuddering with pleasure as he brought her to a shuddering climax.

But their passion was not yet sated. Corbin's gaze met hers, his eyes fierce and demanding. "Not yet," he whispered, his voice a low growl. Corbin's body moved against hers, his hands caressing her, his lips kissing a trail of fire across her skin.

Saskia gasped as he brought her to the brink of pleasure once more, his touch both firm and gentle as he explored her body.

She moaned, her body arching against him, her fingers digging into his back as she surrendered to his skillful touch.

Their lovemaking was a dance of passion, a union of body and soul that transcended the chaos and darkness of the world outside.

The hours passed like moments, the lovers lost in the blissful haze of their passion.

As the sun rose over the ravaged city, Corbin and Saskia lay entwined in each other's arms, their bodies exhausted but their hearts filled with a deep, profound sense of connection.

"Saskia," Corbin whispered, his voice low and tender. "You are my anchor, my light in this darkness."

Saskia smiled, her eyes soft and warm as she kissed him gently. "And you are my strength, my champion," Saskia whispered, her voice filled with emotion. "Together, we will build a new world, a world of peace and order amidst the chaos."

Corbin held her close, his heart filled with a fierce determination. "We will do more than that," he said, his voice filled with conviction. "We will create a paradise, a utopia, a city of light and love in the darkness."