Cliché Situations are Cliché

Benaiah POV

I'm so comfy, she thought. It was a familiar feeling she experienced a few times a week if she had her way. I moved a lot in my sleep. Benaiah yawned and wiggled to get more comfortable. Somehow, she had shifted in her sleep and now found herself laying on top of her brother, with her head comfortably nuzzled into his neck. She still found it hard to believe how large her brother had gotten. Back when they were little, they were of a similar size. But in recent years he had shot up and filled out dramatically. I seem so small compared to him.

That thought wasn't off-putting for her. She could not think of a single person that she enjoyed being around more than Bas. For as long as she could remember, they were essentially inseparable. Bas would be off doing some messy boyish activity while she was alongside him, most often simply content to watch from the sidelines and cheer him. Sleeping cuddled next to him nonetheless always remained her favorite pastime.

She shivered lightly as she stretched her legs out and let out a tired squeak. Suddenly, she felt something hard against her belly. What the heck is that? Stretching out her hand, she went to grab whatever it was and felt something that was warm and hard, giving a twitch in her hand when she gave it a light squeeze.

She froze immediately as she heard Basileus grunt quietly. With an eep she removed her hand quickly and slid off him with haste. Her brother woke up from her movements and opened his eyes slowly, wiping the sleep out of them after a moment. "Bennie, what are you doing? It's early." She had no idea what to say and felt her face reddening. "What's wrong with you?" he asked, seeming annoyed with her antics this early without coffee.

"N-nothing… just go back to sleep, I'm good." She attempted a cute smile, but it was hard to not be perceived as a grimace. Basileus seemed even more annoyed at that, and just rolled his eyes and laid back down. "Whatever, it's too early for this shit." He grumbled and Benaiah just curled back up next to him, trying to fight down the blush she was still sporting. Okay, he didn't say anything so he doesn't realize I…touched him…there!!

Her body was reacting in a strange way and she pressed her thighs together, feeling an unexpected pulse shooting through her lower body. I can't be turned on! Her mind quickly settled into a feeling of confused horror. She couldn't comprehend why she suddenly started feeling this way just by accidentally touching her brother. "Oh God… what's wrong with me?" She whispered to herself. Her thoughts were speeding a mile a minute as she tried to justify her body's reaction. It's just puberty. I'll just stop sleeping with him like this.

She may have seemed very innocent to outside observers, but she was not ignorant of sexual topics. Their parents were deeply conservative, but still felt that teaching their children about sex themselves would be better than learning by other immature parties. From the moment that she accidentally grabbed Bas…there, all she could think about were those sexual topics. I'll just leave him alone for a few weeks to give myself time to forget about this.

With her mind made up, she extricated herself from his side, much more slowly than the first time, and softly dropped to the floor. As her toes dug into the soft carpet, she watched Basileus sleep, hearing his soft snores and the way his muscled torso moved as he breathed and the trail of hair leading to his underwear, where his coc--. Time to leave! I'll figure this out in my room.

Making it to her room, she threw herself on her bed, feeling exhausted despite the full-nights sleep she just woke up from. "I've never thought of Bas like that. He's my brother!" Softly these words were repeated by Benaiah as though they were a mantra to be forcefully codified in her psyche. How well it was working was questionable, given the continued warmth in her lower body, along with recollections of how he had felt in her hand springing unbidden in her mind. She got up with a huff and reaffirmed her earlier decision.

Yeah, Basileus and I can take a little break from extra touching, at least until this…phase passes. At this thought she grew content, stripping down and entering her shower, determined to wash away any evidence of her former thoughts.