Minerva's Stand

Neville looked on as the only two friends he'd ever made walked out of Hogwarts, at least they said they would stay in touch, his gaze swept round the hall at the devastation left in their wake.

Harry and Hermione had hardly stepped out the castle when bedlam erupted.

Molly Weasley had been released from Hermione's spell and was spitting mad, as well as spitting porridge over everyone within range as she ranted, "Where is the little bastard? I'm going to kill him! How dare he do this to me and my family, who does the little shit think he is…"

This was more than enough for the tabby cat that was Minerva McGonagall, two of her cubs had just been hounded out of the castle by this woman who had the audacity to stand there and complain! The head lioness of Gryffindor roared into action, ready to take on all comers in defence of her young lions, "That 'little shit' was sitting at his house table having breakfast when he was attacked by a madwoman who has no right to be here. Mr Potter has snapped his wand and left Hogwarts, when that news breaks I hope you have a deep hole to hide in because I for one will be ensuring the blame finds its way to the appropriate figures."

Minerva was looking directly at Snape when she made that last comment and the unconcerned smirk on his face was like a red rag to a bull. Years of biting her tongue and putting up with this shit had worn her down to the point where her temper final snapped beyond repair. Minerva now had her wand in her hand as she tried to make-up for letting down the son of her late friends so badly, "From now on I shall be using my position as deputy headmistress to investigate all points taken and detentions allocated against members of my house. Should I find any member of staff discriminating against Gryffindor they will receive an official reprimand, I would also like to remind staff that their contracts stipulate that three reprimands is an automatic one month unpaid suspension and a mandatory review by the board."

Dumbledore had left his seat at this and made his way down to where the students sat, "Professor McGonagall I hardy think this is the place to be holding such a discussion."

"On the contrary headmaster I think this is exactly the place to hold this discussion, you discourage heads of house from interfering in punishments handed out by other heads, to your mind this promotes staff unity, to my mind it just allows some to get away with reprehensible behaviour that will no longer be tolerated by me. This is not up for discussion as it clearly falls within the remit of deputy, should you wish to change this it would require my sacking, the choice is yours headmaster and I would appreciate your answer now before I begin teaching this year's classes."

Albus was seething with anger, all he'd asked the stupid woman to do was make sure Harry got on the train, how was it possible for her to muck that up so spectacularly? Now, not only had the boy left the castle but Minerva was rounding on Severus, something Albus would have to try to deflect. It was time for the all-knowing, all-powerful Dumbledore to make an appearance.

Albus picked up the broken wand and noticed that Fawkes feather still held the two parts together, taking out the elder wand he managed to repair the shattered holly in front of everyone, once more enhancing his reputation as a great wizard. Handing it towards Minerva he was using his most reassuring voice, "No one will be getting sacked and I am certain we will see young Mr Potter in these halls again, please look after this for him until that time."

Minerva wasn't about to be placated by a show of power and calming words, "Should the Potters decide to return I will be taking them under my wing, Mrs Potter was very clear in her words that she doesn't trust any of the staff here enough to protect her husband. I happen to agree with that assessment but will do my utmost to earn that trust, if that means putting myself between them and anyone wishing to do the young married couple wrong then so be it. I hope everyone here is proud of the way we welcomed the boy who rid us of you-know-who back to the magical world?"

She snatched the wand out of Dumbledore's hand before Molly started screeching again, "Married? How can he be married?"

Minerva once more turned her attention to the woman, who may have wiped her face but still had porridge in her hair, "That is none of your business, just like you have no business being in this hall. Kindly leave before I call the aurors and have you removed, you and your family have caused quite enough trouble for one day."

Albus now had two angry women on his hands so called for reinforcements, while he waved his wand over Ronald to stop the bleeding from his nose and vanish the bloody mess, he called for Fawkes to bring the sorting hat. "Let's get young Ronald sorted into Gryffindor before we hand him over to Poppy's gentle care, then Molly here can take little Ginevra back home."

Fawkes soothing song calmed tempers and amazed the students, Ron walked shakily to the Gryffindor table before sitting down, Albus popped the hat on the boys head only to discover that this morning had yet another shock in store for him.

"Slytherin!" screamed the hat after only seconds and Ronald Weasley immediately lost his breakfast all over the Gryffindor table, considering the amount he ate, everyone agreed it was the most impressive non-potions derived display of projectile vomiting seen in Hogwarts for many a year.

Severus Snape was delighted his barb had gotten that spawn of James Potter out of Hogwarts so easily, nothing Minerva said had managed to dampen that delight as he was certain Albus would somehow neuter all attempts to exercise her authority. He was having a wonderful morning until that tattered old hat had the nerve to place a Weasley in his house, was this some sick joke?

Ron's robes had already acquired their green trim with that hated badge over his heart, this was not the introduction to Hogwarts he'd looked forward to ever since he was old enough to say the word. His nose still hurt, his balls felt as if they'd been introduced to a bacon slicer and he had his own colour coordinating green vomit all down his robes, Ron had only one thing on his mind, "Mum, can I go back home with you and Ginny?"


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