Redefining Leadership

Amelia also had it confirmed from Susan that Tonks and Remus had been giving them all extra defence lessons, Harry had asked and they'd both said yes. Her niece's opinion of the man whose job that supposedly was did not flatter the professor in the slightest.

Amelia though was very interested to hear that Harry had won the impromptu duelling contest before he and his wife had gotten the better of their teachers. This, combined with the times she had seen him in action gave the head of the DMLE an idea. She just hoped it played out better than her other one had today.

After watching some very impressive duelling from the aurors, Amelia stood to announce lunch was about to be served. This was her moment to discover if the Potter boy was as able as she thought. "We shall very shortly be going to lunch but it has come to my attention that you recently practiced a very limited form of duelling. I was wondering if anyone wanted to give it a try using the same rules?"

Almost at once all the children began chanting, "Harry, Harry, Harry..."

Amelia casually glanced toward the boy, Harry could see at once he was being manipulated into this but that didn't mean he couldn't have some fun of his own. He stood to much cheering before holding his hands up for silence, "I would be delighted to duel the head of the DMLE for practice, are you ready to lose in your own back yard Madam Bones?"

Harry was playing it for laughs but Amelia knew she was effectively trapped into duelling the boy. She'd been trying to think who to match him against when he'd seen right through her ploy and came up with one of his own, she'd underestimated him again. "Very well Mr Potter, stinging hexes and jelly-legs only?"

Harry nodded as they squared off. Amelia intended to put him through his paces so would start off rather easy and build up her rate of spells. The boy moved like quicksilver though and she couldn't lay a spell on him, it was getting embarrassing with all the aurors watching while the kids cheered like mad for their friend. She was now firing as rapidly as she could but Amelia was still unable to pin him down, the little bugger was so quick and agile.

A spell passed her well wide and she was just beginning to think he must be tiring when a stinging curse impossibly hit her on the arse, she glanced behind her to see Hermione with a shield up and the children going absolutely nuts in celebration. The sneaky little bastard had bounced a spell of his wife's shield to win the duel, Amelia couldn't help herself, she bust out laughing at their ingenuity. She walked forward to congratulate Harry, only to find his wife had gotten there to hug him first. Amelia shook his hand before asking the expected question. "Congratulations Mr Potter! If you don't mind me asking, how did you learn to move like that?"

Harry's brow furrowed as he answered her, "My obese cousin and his friends used to play a game they called 'Harry hunting'. If I was caught, they used to beat the shit out of me. That's one hell of an incentive for learning to dodge."

Hermione added her own opinion to the situation, "That's why he won't ever stay there again and our lawyers are preparing a water tight case against the person who abandoned him there."

It was a shocked Amelia who could only nod at this. Every time she thought she discovered something about these two, it was not only explained away but left Amelia thinking that she had somehow failed them. Failing someone was not something Amelia Bones was used to.


During lunch, Amelia closely observed as the children interacted with each other. They may look toward the Potters for leadership but couldn't help noticing neither of the Potters expected it. Harry had taken down at least one auror with a stunner and then got the better of her in a duel. Any other boy would be lording it over their peers and swaggering around so everyone could see them, Harry Potter did neither. He and his wife sat with Neville Longbottom, the Bulstrode girl and even stranger, Pansy Parkinson stopped to chat. The whole situation appeared fluid though as the kids moved about talking to their friends.

Amelia was caught watching the students by Minerva, "Amazing, isn't it? What's even more amazing though is the same thing happens in Hogwarts. Houses and blood status plays no part in this, they talk to each other because they're friends and these old eyes never get tired of watching it."

Amelia could only agree with those sentiments, "The Potters really are something else."

"They question everything Amelia, the answer of 'that's the way it's always been' is never accepted. Not only that but you must have noticed the others follow their lead. We're looking at the future hope for our society and I don't think I've felt this optimistic in decades."

Again Amelia could only agree, "Susan speaks very highly of both Potters in her letters home, she's a very quiet girl and I was afraid she would disappear into Hufflepuff and never be heard from again. Instead, she is loving her time at Hogwarts and seeing her standing there today firing off stinging hexes at an attacker made me prouder than I can say."

"I know what you mean and would love to take credit for it but I can't, Harry saw how useless the defence professor was and took steps to ensure they all learned the subject. Everyone else, including me accepted the situation but not them. They could easily forge ahead in all their classes, instead they help everyone around them and are helping create an exceptional year. Harry and Hermione are exceptional students who have the ability to look at things differently and not afraid to ask for help to get what they need. We both know today wouldn't have happened if the Potters didn't first think of it and then do something about it."


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