Chapter 1

"I love you, princess Alina".A young girl of about eighteen, wearing a maid dress was standing near a tall silhouette. She was twirling her long, blonde hair with fingers, seeking quick glances on that silhouette bashfully.

"Well...I love you more".In a deep, velvety voice it whispered on her ear.

Slowly, that silhouette bended its tall figure and leaned towards her face, then it delicately pressed its lips over hers and started kissing arduously in a way, hard to breath.



Adele frantically opened her eyes and rose up by panting heavily, covered with sweat all over her face.

"Wha...what is this dream about?!"


"Since the day I've turned eighteen I always wake up to such strange dreams!".Adele closed her eyes, then continued by wearing a lovely expression on her face.

"Well, I must say that even though it's strange, but...when this blonde girl shows up in my dreams, it strangely feels good".She said by gently touching her chest, when her heart skipped a beat.

"But then again, I've never seen someone like her before in my entire life? Anyway, what was that name she said? It was...".She thought for a while, then said being enthusiastic.

"Ah! Yes! Alina!"

Soon the joyous expression on Adele's face was faded, then in a serious tone she asked to herself.

"But, who is that? And, plus she was kissin someone...who was she kissin? Was it this Alina?".She paused for a while, then continued by adjusting her morning messy hair.

"Argh! Why am I wastin my time by thinkin 'bout some strange drea-"


Adele quickly cleared her throat, then said lovingly."Come in Marie".

Marie Nanon was the head maid of their mansion since Adele was born, it was her who took care of Adele and gave her the love of a mother, since the queen, Eleanor Embiran, the birth mother of Adele, kept herself always busy to hide that depressed side of hers from everyone, after the king, Gabriel Embiran, passed away due to a car accident when Adele turned one year old.

She kept herself so much busy that she even stopped breastfeeding Adele only at her age of one, then ordered Marie to start her weaning. Eventually, it was like, once in a blue moon for Eleanor and Adele to even talk with each other.

But, in actuality, Eleanor never had an intention to keep distances from Adele. She was doing it all, because, whenever she saw Adele it reminded her of the King, those deep-blue ocean eyes and long, silky, light-brown hair of hers which resembled him made her to lose her will and to flow out tears from her eyes, by eventually revealing that depressed side of hers which she had been hiding since. Eleanor wanted herself to be a strong mother for Adele so that she could never feel the absence of not having a father, that was the reason for her to always be away from Adele.

Being unaware, Adele thought that her mother hated her because the king died on the day of her birthday and that she considered her as the reason for her father's death. So, beacuse of that, Adele decided of never approaching her mother, without any specific consent.

To recieve the warmth of that maternal love, Adele leaned to Marie and found her comfort zone near her. She loved her very much, that it was only her, among all the maids, who had the freedom to joke around and talk to Adele, without being nervous.


Marie opened the huge door of Adele's room and said by bowing her head down obediently.

"Good morning, your higness".Marie raised up her head, then said to Adele respectfully."If you allow me, shall I take out the clothes for you to wear at your first day of university, today"

"Sure, go ahead, and how many times I've to tell you that don't bow your head to me?".Adele said with frowned eyebrows.

"Pardon, but, it is necessary for the royal maids to act like this, her majesty would not like it if I call you by your name, your highness".Marie uttered.

"Who cares! She barely even return to the mansion and you are sayin that she'd notice this? Don't worry Marie, she wouldn't care".Adele said being annoyed.

"Your highness, you should not say such things about her majesty, she is your mother"

"Mother? Which mother acts like this to her child? Today's the first day of my university, is she here?...No! She was never there for me".Adele spoke with rage in her voice, meanwhile, Marie stood their stunned without answering to her."Ha! Why aren't you answerin? Hic...I've never ever received that warmth of a mother from felt like she had literally abandoned me!".Tears were rolling down her fair, rosen cheeks.

"Oh no! I didn't had an intention to make you cry, Pardon me!".Marie worriedly approached Adele, by lending her some tissues with shaky hands.

"It's okay Marie, but...can I ask you somethin?".She asked in a calm tone.

"Surely your highness"

"Would you act like this towards your daughter?"

"Um...Well...".Marie stood their without having an idea of what to reply her.

"No, isn't it? Ha! I knew it".Taking the tissues from her hands, Adele wiped off her tears, then forcefully, she threw it on the floor, after crumbling it.

"But, your highness, the Queen might have got some reasons to act like that, or else, I don't think that she is a rough person"

"Tsk! Reasons".Adele rolled her eyes, then said."Forget 'bout it *sniffles* Marie, please take out my outfit for today but it has to be casual,okay?".Tilting her head adorably, Adele said.

"As you wish".She uttered with bowing her head.

"There you go again"

"Do you want me to get punished, your highness?".She asked in a gentle voice.

"Argh, whatever, I'm gonna freshen up myself"

After Adele left, Marie smiled herself gracefully, then went to her wardrobe for choosing out the best outfit from her massive collection of clothes. Finally she was able to choose the best outfit for Adele, a classy black jumpsuit with a stylish white jacket of leather and at last, a gold belt with the logo of Embiran imprinted on it. She then, placed the outfit on bed, then waited for Adele to return, by standing aside.

Awaiting for her, Marie's eyes noticed something. It were those crumbled tissues which were thrown by Adele, a few moments ago.

Oh, I should throw it in the dustbin

She picked the tissues up from the floor, then put them on the small dustbin placed over at a corner of her room. Dusting off her hands, she went near the bed again and stood leaning on the pillar of it.

Her highness looked really sad, but...she should not say such things about her majesty, she's not really the person who she thinks she is

A while later, Adele returned to her room."Great job Marie! It's an awesome combo! I loved it"

"I am glad to know that you loved my selection, your highness".She smiled widely.

After wearing her clothes, Adele sat over a chair, facing the large mirror of that ornate dressing table of hers, with her hair down.

"By the way Marie, isn't your daughter, Julia also eighteen now?".She asked while Marie was combing her hair.

"Yes your highness! But, you still remember her? That's kind of a surprise!"

"How can I forget about her, she was my one and only playmate when I was young".Adele smiled lovingly, then suddenly, she started counting her fingers and when was done, she uttered."My goodness! I can't believe, it's been twelve years since I met her"

"Yes you're right, I still remember that it was when you both were six that she left from here to stay on her grandma's house and on vacations I just only went there to meet her"

Pausing her words, Marie tied up her hair into a perfect ponytail and clipped a white bow on the tip, then she continued."So, it's been a long time since you two met each other, isn't it?"

"Yeah, by the way Marie, is she still gonna stay at her grandma's place and not gonna return?".She asked in a childish manner.

"Aha, no your highness, Pardon me for not telling you but she's going to stay here from now on"

"Huh? Really! That's really good! Mm...but Marie, which university she'd be goin?".Adele's eagerness were reflecting through her eyes.

"Oh, It is Amberhigh University"

"Amberhigh?! What a coincidence! I'm also gonna go to the same university!".Adele said exitedly, then stood gave Marie a tight hug and asked."Um...Marie can we both go to the university together?"

Suddenly those brown orbs held inside of her narrow eyes, quivered with fear, she rushed towards Adele and held onto her hands worriedly.

"No your highness, please, y-you should not do that, the news reporters would make out a fuss about it, a-and who knows if I even lose my job?!"

"Fine, I won't, but atleast let me meet her, I'm goin to your house Marie, 'kay?".She uttered.

"Pardon me, but she must have went to the university so she is not at our hous-"


"Y-your highness, where are you going in such a hurry?"

" the university, wish me good luck for today".Adele quickly put on her shiny, black-pencil heels, then rushed towards the staircase.

"Uh-good luck for today your Highness and I hope you would make good friends in there"

"Thank you Marie!".Adele dashed her way down with making out a loud sound out of her heels, while Marie stood their watching her until the main door of the mansion.

Adele quickly got inside their gleaming, dark limousine which had its front sealed with the Embiran logo on it, then she ordered to her driver in a rush y tone.

"Driver! take me to the Amberhigh University, Quick!"

"As you wish, your highness".The driver started the limousine, then drove to the university in a fast speed as Adele ordered.

On their way to university, Adele mumbled with a wide grin over her face."After twelve years I'm goin to meet Julia, I'm super excited"

As the grand limousine of the Embiran family arrived at the university entrance, Adele opened the door and made out an exquisite entry. Everyone in the university looked at her with admiring gazes and were murmuring about her sophisticated appearance.

*babble- babble*

"Hey, isn't she an Embiran?"

"OMG! I've heard that all the Embirans are dominant Alphas!"

"No wonder she looks so majestic, she's a royalty!"

"Woah! Dominant Alphas are no joke! She looks freakin attractive!"

"She looks like a goddess! Kyaa!"

At the very first day of university, Adele made her spot on everyone's heart. Everyone started to approach her asking for being friends with her, but Adele excused herself, then made her way towards the hallway, looking for Julia.

While she was rushing through the hallway, a gorgeous girl of around eighteen with wavy blonde hair, which ruffled along the wind blowing there, and having gleaming gray eyes, passed by her.

Suddenly, Adele's heart was pounding harder, she was feeling somehow anxious and happy, at the same time. Something like an electric shock shuddered down her whole body.

Without thinking further she turned to her back, then suddenly grabbed on one of that girl's arms and said with her dark pupil contracted inside of her wide-opened eyes.

"I-I know you! Y-you are that girl from my dreams!"


The girl looked at Adele being both, shocked and confused at the same time. Meanwhile, everyone at the university were watching them curiously.

( To be continued )