chapter1 to be auctioned

Auction Scene

The black cloth shrouding her head was abruptly torn away, exposing her to a blinding spotlight that made her squint uncomfortably. Scarlett, accustomed to darkness, recoiled from the sudden brightness, intensifying her vertigo and nearly causing her to faint.

Her lips parted slightly, revealing dryness, and her recently curled hair was slightly disheveled, with a few strands clinging to her pale face. Though she longed to cry, extreme fear rendered her unable to shed tears. Her eyes, once lively, now bore red veins, devoid of their usual spark.

Hungry, thirsty, and above all, terrified, she stood trembling on golden high heels, clad in a bright red bra adorned with gold sequins. Below, she wore only red underwear with gold tassels, shimmering in the light like thin blades cutting into her skin, causing intense pain.

The stage was surrounded on three sides by thick glass, casting the rest into darkness, hiding who knew how many demons. Under the harsh spotlight, her legs trembled, encased in cold handcuffs.

Deep fear and regret flooded her heart. If given another chance, she would never have taken an illegal ride without a license.

It was a Friday, leaving the office building at day's end. The sky was gray, raindrops falling lightly. Taxis were scarce, and Scarlett couldn't compete with the crowd. A private car offered a ride, a common occurrence in the city. Scarlett, eager to get home, accepted without hesitation.

That decision sealed Scarlett's fate. The sky darkened, the car interior dim. She remembered the man in his thirties spraying something sweet-smelling on her face before darkness consumed her.

Perhaps you've guessed by now—Scarlett finds herself at a live auction, specifically, an underground sex slave market.

In the days since her abduction, Scarlett experienced horrors beyond imagination: intimidation, beatings, nudity, and darkness. She witnessed a young girl brutally murdered for disobedience.

Traded multiple times, Scarlett found herself among other abducted girls and muscular bodyguards. Subjected to mistreatment and harassment, disobedience was met with violence. Women from different countries were stripped naked, inspected, and sold to wealthy businessmen or nightclub patrons.

She couldn't fathom the existence of such a vile organization—a vast, tightly knit network where women were mere commodities.

Days blurred into one another since her abduction. She survived on meager meals, forced into degrading attire and displayed like merchandise.

A calm, cold voice echoed through the loudspeaker, "Lot number ten, twenty-two years old, certified virgin, starting price twenty thousand dollars."