chapter7 Wipe his body dry by hand

Asher gracefully slipped into the swimming pool, moving with ease through the water. His serpent tail swayed gently as he swiftly navigated from one end to the other. Despite his considerable length, the pool seemed small in comparison, and his white tail shimmered beautifully underwater.

Scarlett watched, thinking he belonged in the expansive sea where he could truly thrive, with white waves crashing against the beach and him flipping over the azure ocean – that was where he truly belonged.

She fetched a delicate lavender crystal bowl and filled it with papaya milk almond pudding, inserting a small spoon and carrying it over to the poolside table. "Asher, I whipped up a drink, care to give it a try?"

Asher spotted her approaching but remained in the water, leaning against the pool wall. "Bring it over."

Scarlett brought the bowl to the poolside and offered it to him.

Asher didn't take it immediately, inspecting its contents. The orange papaya chunks glistened, complemented by the purple crystal bowl. It looked good, but he didn't feel like getting out of the water. He glanced at Scarlett.

Scarlett bent down, scooped a spoonful, and offered it to him. "Try a bit first. If it doesn't suit your fancy, I'll come up with something else."

The smooth papaya entered his mouth, its fragrance mixing with the milk and almond flavors, creating a rich and creamy texture. He was satisfied, a faint smile playing on his lips. He sat up on the pool's edge, taking the small bowl from her hands and savoring each bite.

He turned to Scarlett. "Tastes good. Got anything else up your sleeve?"

"I don't have a wide array, but if you like it, I can expand my repertoire."

After finishing the bowl, he handed it back. "Fix me another one, will you? That was too little. Let's experiment with something different next time."

His eyes were clear and bright, a hint of a smile on his face. Scarlett took the empty bowl from him. "Hold tight, I'll be back in a jiffy."

Asher slowly slid back into the water, watching her. "You're alright. Oh, and by the way, diggin' your outfit today."

Scarlett was donning a red dress that day, accentuating her fair skin and elegant figure. Coupled with her sweet smile, she did indeed look fetching.

As she walked back to the kitchen, she made a mental note never to wear that dress again.

When she returned with another bowl, Asher didn't come to the shore. He lay still underwater with his eyes closed. Several minutes passed, and Scarlett couldn't help but worry if he was drowning. She called out, "Asher!"

Feeling anxious, she quickly set down the bowl. "Asher, can you hear me?"

Asher lay at the bottom of the pool, not moving at all, not even his tail.

Scarlett didn't know if he was pulling her leg or practicing holding his breath. Her gaze deepened with confusion and worry as she squatted down, splashing water with her hand. "Asher, come up quickly."

Suddenly, a column of water shot up, and a figure emerged from the pool bottom, racing to the surface like lightning, creating waves several meters high.

Scarlett, by the water's edge, was startled by the force, the splashing waves hitting her. She fell to the ground, her right elbow hitting the floor, causing a dull pain.

Her face filled with fear, almost completely soaked, she finally saw Asher standing two to three meters tall in the water. Seeing her disheveled state, his eyes seemed to hold a hint of amusement.

She wanted to scold him for scaring her but held back, climbing to her feet with a slightly angry expression. "Are you nuts?" She restrained herself, climbed to her feet, eyes carrying a hint of anger. "Hold on, I'll go change."

Watching her pouting lips and tense face, Asher showed no signs of guilt, rather a trace of pleasure in his eyes. He had never seen someone angry at him before, and her expression was lively, almost cute, with a hint of panic and slight anger, like a timid yet ferocious kitten.

Scarlett sat by the pool with a cup of orange juice she had just squeezed, refreshing and cooling. Asher took a few sips and then continued to sway in the water, occasionally coming to the edge to take another sip from her hand.

In truth, she felt more like a servant than anything else.

She moved a chair to the shaded side of the pool. The water shimmered golden under the sun, the sky was clear, and the flowers in the yard bloomed beautifully. The gentle breeze carried the scent of roses, softly brushing against her cheeks and hair, a gentle caress.

Watching Asher swimming in the water, Scarlett's gaze shifted to the distant blue sky, where wisps of clouds floated. She really wanted to stand on the beach and watch the sea meet the sky, but the tall white walls blocked the view.

"Do you want to swim?" Asher's gentle voice broke the silence of the yard as he surfaced from the water, noticing her boredom. His dark hair glistened in the sunlight, droplets dripping from the ends.

Scarlett smiled faintly. "No, thanks."

"The water is very comfortable. You should try it." He seemed to remember something and asked, "Can't you swim?"

"I can. But I have other things to do, and I don't have a swimsuit."

A disdainful expression crossed Asher's handsome face. "Swimming in clothes is such a hassle."

He ignored her and submerged himself in the water again, enjoying the sensation for a while before rising and sitting on the pool's edge, slowly maneuvering his tail onto the shore. "Bring me a towel and dry me off."

Scarlett quickly put down the cup and ran to the house to fetch a large towel. She walked over to him, ready to hand it to him, but Asher didn't look at her, expecting her to serve him. Scarlett suddenly remembered his earlier words, "Dry me off."

She picked up the towel and began to dry his back, the water droplets running down his firm muscles. Scarlett bit her lip, unfolding the towel and sweeping it across his back. She then bent down to dry his chest. Scarlett lowered her head, feeling awkward. It was her first time wiping a man's body, and it felt unnatural. Asher's upper body was firm and toned, his steady breathing comforting her as she worked. Scarlett's face grew slightly warm, and she hastened her movements, quickly drying him off. After drying his waist, she hesitated to continue. As she looked up, she met his gaze.

Asher tilted his chin slightly, indicating for her to continue.

Scarlett's movements were somewhat stiff as she touched his soft tail, completely snake-like, yet massive like that of a giant python. Her scalp tingled slightly, strands of hair falling softly as she held the towel and began to wipe down his waist, feeling the soft scales beneath her fingers. As she moved down about a foot, Scarlett felt something hard beneath the smooth belly, unlike the skin elsewhere, like a piece of cartilage protruding from underneath. It felt strange, and she lightly pressed it with her finger, confirming its hardness.

She glanced at Asher and found him looking at her oddly, his gaze becoming deeper. Looking at his masculine face, she suddenly understood what it was, her face flushing red with embarrassment, like a sunset suddenly erupting. She quickly lowered her head, half-squatting, holding the towel, feeling at a loss.

From above came Asher's voice, "Hurry up."

Her face flushed red, not daring to look up, she awkwardly picked up the towel and started wiping. Wiping from the waist down, a length of over ten meters. When she reached the middle, Asher lazily sat on the smooth surface, not cooperating with her movements. She had to use her hands to lift his tail, flip it over, or hold it up to wipe the other side. The slippery sensation, coupled with the coolness, sent shivers down her spine. Scarlett felt ants crawling in her heart.

Asher seemed to enjoy her service, no longer cooperating with her from behind. Scarlett suddenly thought, if this were a person, wouldn't she be wiping a man's thighs?

She felt more and more embarrassed, her heart pounding hard, her lips slightly pursed, her expression changing constantly.

Finally finishing wiping his long tail, Scarlett stood up and sighed. Suddenly, his soft tail slowly wrapped around her waist. She was frightened, her face turning pale with fear, a python wrapped around her, she looked at Asher with a terrified expression, "Asher, I…"

She was lifted up, his white tail winding around her twice. She tried to push it away with her hands, but to no avail. Scarlett was really worried that if he exerted any force, her chest would collapse. The fear in her heart grew, and she stuttered, "Asher… Asher… please let go… Asher…"

Asher slowly coiled her up to himself, a faint smile playing at the corners of his mouth, his eyes showing a hint of amusement.

Scarlett tried to keep herself from panicking, perhaps her inappropriate actions had angered him. She looked at him, lowered her eyebrows, and spoke in as calm a tone as possible, "Asher, I didn't mean to just now. Can you please let go of me first?"

Asher showed no anger on his face, slowly reaching out to pinch Scarlett's cheek before finally releasing her body. His touch was warm and smooth, feeling good to the touch. He smiled faintly, "Your face turned red and then pale just now, quite interesting."

Scarlett realized he meant no harm, and her heart finally settled down, but her body felt weak. She took two steps back, "Don't scare me like that. I…I thought…"

"What did you think?" Asher's smile faded.

"I thought you were angry." Scarlett hastily explained, "I don't know you very well, and I'm afraid I might accidentally make you angry."

Her voice grew softer, and she looked up at him, adding, "If I did something wrong, please tell me, and I will correct it."

Asher found her attempt to appear brave while being scared quite amusing, a faint smile appearing on his face. "You're quite interesting."

His white tail curled around something, and he reached out to take it – the orange juice she had placed on the table. It was handy having such a long tail; he didn't even have to move his body. He finished the drink and then handed the cup to her. "Can you make other kinds of juice?"

Scarlett took it, nodding. "There are other fruits in the fridge. I'll try a different one next time."

"Good." Asher nodded lightly. "Tomorrow I'll swim again. Bring me another cup afterward, and then dry me off."