chapter9 shocked

Scarlett looked astonished. "You're so darn good! You were lightning-fast just now. I couldn't even catch a glimpse."

"It's no big deal, just messing around," Asher said with a smirk, tossing a coconut back and handing another one to Scarlett with his tail.

Scarlett took it, knowing he was up for a game. She twirled the coconut in her hand and took the other one from Asher, pretending to play with it. When he wasn't paying attention, she tossed the two empty coconuts towards the swimming pool in opposite directions.

Due to the different force and direction of the throws, the coconuts veered about ten degrees off course in the air, flying towards the water.

Asher leaped up quickly, his tail whipping like a snake, and caught one coconut before it landed, but it was unclear which one he caught first. He sat down steadily, one coconut in his hand and the other on his tail, which then spun to catch the ball, rolling it and tossing it back towards his head. The two balls circled unpredictably above his shoulders, yet never fell, resembling a juggler with barrels.

With a slight smile, he returned to his position, still spinning the two balls in his hand before handing them back to Scarlett with his tail.

Seeing his enthusiasm, Scarlett joined in the game. She stood up, placed one coconut on a small table, and held up the other one above her head, forcefully throwing it, then turned and threw the other one in the completely opposite direction.

Finally witnessing Asher's speed, she saw him dart to catch the first coconut before the second one even hit the ground, appearing in the completely opposite direction in the blink of an eye. Within moments, he was in front of her, both coconuts steady in his palms, his movements as swift as a cheetah's, far beyond human capabilities.

Scarlett was stunned at first, then her eyes sparkled with admiration. "How on earth can you be that fast?"

"With that speed, you could dominate in the Olympics. No one would stand a chance," she added, impressed.

Asher showed a hint of pride on his face. "You guys are just too slow, running like turtles."

"Not the same species, so naturally different speeds," Scarlett replied, smiling. "You're too fast; no one can keep up with Asher."

He was pleased with her praise, his eyes shining with a peculiar gleam, and a slight tilt at the corner of his mouth.

"Do you still wanna play?" Scarlett asked.

Asher was in good spirits, placing the coconuts on the table. "Too few; I'll pick two more."

A gentle breeze rustled through the tall trees, leaves whispering softly, carrying a faint fragrance along with the moisture in the air. Everything in the courtyard swayed joyfully, even the delicate green grass blades swayed gently. Laughter and surprise mixed with the wind, light footsteps echoed around the pool, Scarlett's voluminous curls tied high, releasing all worries and grievances in the joyous sweat. Like a child, she played the ball game with another playful soul in the courtyard.

Perhaps she had been tensed for too long, needing this moment of relaxation. She forgot about the tall white walls behind the woods and who her companion was—whether human, snake, monster, demon, or angel—didn't matter. At this moment, she just wanted to steal a moment of joy, immersing herself in it, temporarily abandoning all worries, dealing with them in the next moment.

Until she was out of breath, her hair damp with sweat, her body exhausted, she finally stopped. Bent halfway, hands on her knees, her brows curved like a crescent moon, she said, "I'm done playing, Asher. I'm really out of energy."

Her breath was short and rapid, her face flushed, her eyes even more watery, each eyelash like fresh grass after a summer rain, vibrant with life. The passion of life surged through her veins, nourishing every inch of her skin, radiating a glowing sheen.

Asher remained calm, but his eyes sparkled with the brilliance of stars. "Tired so soon? Human endurance is indeed lacking."

Scarlett waved her hand, "Of course, I can't compare to you. You're so fast; where can I keep up? Running around is exhausting."

Asher's eyes, like clear streams, flickered slightly, looking at Scarlett for a moment before speaking in a gentle tone, "Scarlett, you look beautiful when you smile."

Still in her matter-of-fact tone, Scarlett chuckled, "Did I never smile before? Or did you just notice today?"

"You look especially good today." He turned, picked up the juice on the table, took a sip, and said, "If you're tired, just have a simple dinner tonight. Anything is fine."

Scarlett felt relieved, "No, let's have a good meal tonight. Unfortunately, the meat is all frozen and not fresh enough. I'll take a break and then cook some prawns and a chicken."

The wind whispered through the treetops, birds chirped, the blue sky with clouds drifting lazily, smiling as if in contentment.

Scarlett's eyes fell on the man still standing in the room. Scarlett couldn't let him stand there. What if he saw too much and caused more trouble in the future? She whispered to Asher, "There's a guest. I'll eat elsewhere."

Asher, with his slender fingers, took a soup spoon and reached for the soup pot, steam rising from the bowl, fragrant chicken soup wafting around. He didn't even lift his head, saying directly, "No need. Having more people will mean not enough food. He can leave on his own."

Scarlett wasn't the host here. She couldn't let the man stand there while she enjoyed the meal at the table. Scarlett whispered to Asher, "There's someone else here. Shall I eat elsewhere?"