chapter12 Pray that Asher stays with her

This here's a storage room, 'bout ten square meters, narrow and stretched out, no windows, nothin' piled up. Scarlett's lyin' on the ground, feelin' the coldness of the icy floor creepin' into her bones, goosebumps all over her skin.

She curls up, clutchin' her stomach, feelin' the dull pain from bein' kicked earlier. Her face's burnin' with pain, tears streamin' down her cheeks, wetting the hair at her temples. Strands of hair stick to her face, sticky and wet.

This's a real black room, engulfed in darkness and fear. Scarlett's heart feels barren and cold, shrouded in darkness where tomorrow's sunrise will never come. The man's words echo in her ears, and as the door opens, all that awaits her is endless pain and torment.

Pain floods from her chest to her limbs, like needles, or rather, ice needles. It's hard to pinpoint where the pain is, but it's everywhere. She was too greedy, hopin' for freedom beyond the horizon as a commodity bought and sold. These people detest disobedience, especially them tryin' to escape. She let her brain overheat and took a path she shouldn't have. Now, regret's all that's left with no turnin' back.

She remains lyin' on the ground, completely limp, her skin as cold as the floor. Her blood's almost congealed, like ice in December. She lies motionless, realizin' she shouldn't have been so impulsive, not without understandin' anythin', just scalin' the walls. Now, what's left?

Time passes slowly, with no one givin' her water or food. The door remains tightly shut, her mind growin' increasingly hazy, her stomach twistin' in pain. Thirst's more agonizin' than hunger; her tongue swollen, yet dry, every cell screamin' for water, lips parched, lungs feelin' swollen with each painful breath. The endless spread of agony, but she knows this's only the beginnin'.

Darkness, endless darkness. She waits for the demons to consume her.

After what seems like an eternity, the iron door clangs open, and Bill enters, grabbin' her roughly, his movements heavy as if intendin' to crush her bones. Several people stand in the hallway, and Bill throws her down.

Scarlett lifts her head; it's been two days. The swellin' on her face has subsided somewhat, but she looks haggard, her blurry eyes seein' Nero and Asher already in front of her.

Asher's complexion ain't good, a thin layer of frost coverin' his face. 'Cause of Scarlett's reluctance before leavin', he dislikes the noise outside as well. After finishin' his business, he rushed back, only to hear this extremely displeasin' news upon returnin' to the island, extinguishin' his enthusiasm.

"This woman doesn't know what's good for her. How should we deal with her?" Jack asks Asher for his opinion.

His gaze sweeps over Scarlett, cold and indifferent.

Scarlett stares at him, her dry, red eyes filled with bloodshot veins, a hint of anticipation as if a drownin' person seein' a straw. She speaks hoarsely, "Asher, it's not like that. I just wanted to go outside for a walk. They misunderstood."

Her feeble defense is futile. Jack interjects, "She made a call to the police. We have records here. It's enough to show that she really wanted to escape."

Asher's gaze turns pitch black.

Nero's good at readin' the room, politely interjectin', "Asher, since she's so disobedient, let's just send her away. I'll bring you another one the day after tomorrow, of the same type. What do you think?"

Today, Asher wears a black suit. His eyes're cold as he looks at the colorless woman before him. He turns slightly, avoidin' eye contact, and says lightly, "As you wish."

Two words, lightly spoken, pronounce Scarlett's death sentence. Suddenly, Scarlett understands that this man's her only hope. She looks at him with extreme pity, "Asher... I was just curious... There's no boat here. How could I escape?"

"But you don't want to stay here! If you don't want to see me, then don't stay here!" Asher's voice's cold as winter water, his face displayin' an indifferent expression. He turns away, not wantin' to see all this mess anymore, preparin' to leave.

Even the last hope's about to disappear. Scarlett runs over, graspin' his sleeve, "Asher, please don't abandon me."

Her voice's low, like the whimper of a wounded small animal, her eyes full of expectation, lookin' at Asher.

Asher pulls her hand off his sleeve, retractin' his arm.

She becomes even more anxious, pullin' his arm again, with a hint of sobbin', "Please, Asher, don't abandon me."

Jack quickly pulls her away, pushin' her back.

Scarlett falls to the ground, cryin', "Asher, please, I don't want you to abandon me. I just want to see the outside world. It's hard for me to stay alone in the yard without you..."

She cries bitterly, her voice tremblin' lower and lower.

Asher stands there, watchin' the weak woman before him, tremblin' like a stray dog abandoned in the cold wind, feelin' increasin'ly uncomfortable. Regardless, she still needs him.

Besides, if she's sent away, there'll be no one to cook.

Actually, he doesn't dislike her. Asher raises his eyebrows, "This won't happen again."

Bill clearly thinks this handlin' is inappropriate, "She's violated taboos and should be sent away."

Asher's tone's slightly annoyed, "You've already given her to me. She's mine, and I decide."

Asher intends to say more, but seein' Nero's stern gaze, he shuts up hurriedly.

Nero smiles warmly, sayin', "Since you like her, let her stay. It's okay if she's not obedient. The day after tomorrow, when you're out, we'll take her to the Nightfall Bar for a few days of training. She'll behave from then on."

Asher doesn't respond, feelin' extremely annoyed with the situation. "Unlock her handcuffs. I'm goin' back."

Jack quickly grabs the keys and unlocks Scarlett's restraints.

Asher strides straight to the door, the sound of his steps echoin'. At the door, he glances sideways, seein' Scarlett followin' him. He leaves without a word, the door slammin' shut behind him.

Back in his villa, he slams the door, the sound echoin' through the room. Sittin' on the sofa, he puts one hand in his pocket, his face clouded with leaden clouds. Scarlett enters the room but dares not look at him, standin' in the doorway, her heart thumpin' nervously.

Asher doesn't even look at her, "What's the truth? Why did you go out?"

Scarlett feels a chill, her back stiffenin', and she turns her head away from him.

Scarlett tries to explain, her voice hoarse, as if coated in thick dust, "I just wanted to get some air. I felt suffocated in the yard."

Asher's lips curl mockingly, glancin' at Scarlett's bowed figure. Scarlett stands tall with a chill aura, but she feels an inexplicable pressure, involuntarily takin' a step back. She feels as if she hears Asher's mocking laughter above her, even more afraid, her head droopin' almost to her chest.

Asher ignores her, walkin' upstairs with heavy steps. At the corner, he glances back, seein' Scarlett still standin' there. He coldly orders, "What are you standin' there for? Go wash and change your clothes. I won't eat downstairs tonight."

Until Asher's figure disappears, Scarlett feels like she's in a dream, yet also relieved. She feels exhausted but also very uncomfortable, shufflin' her steps to pour a glass of water and sittin' in a chair to sip slowly. She doesn't like Asher's tone when he speaks to her, makin' her feel scared, but she's grateful to him. Everything has become a fact, and she's encountered Dragon Lake. Although he's strange, he's much better than humans.

She finds a small piece of bread, finishes it, takes a shower upstairs, changes her clothes. Her body still feels uncomfortable, her head aching, but she still manages to go downstairs to cook dinner. Even though Asher says he won't eat, she doesn't want to make him more displeased, so she still wants to do her part.

After fryin' two dishes, she can't hold on anymore. She knocks on his room door upstairs, sayin' through the door, "Asher, dinner's ready downstairs. Come down and eat somethin'."

No one responds to her. She repeats it again before goin' back to her bedroom and lyin' down. She curls up in the soft bed, the smooth and soft beddin' soothin' the restlessness and unease on her skin. The small lamp on the bedside emits a warm yellow light, castin' a peaceful and serene atmosphere in the room. If only considerin' material life, this place ain't bad at all. She can't hope for anything more. The past is over, and survival's already difficult enough.

The next day, her head still throbbin', but she gets up early. There's no dinner left on the table from last night, only greasy dishes and bowls. She cleans up the table, prepares a rich breakfast, and waits for Asher to come downstairs.

Asher wakes up later than usual and sees Scarlett, still with the same indifferent expression. Scarlett smiles at him, but it's a bit forced, "Asher, I made hot porridge today."

He remains silent, eatin' the porridge alone, allowin' Scarlett to refill his bowl. He don't even glance at her.

The two eat silently, the dinin' table eerily quiet. Scarlett occasionally glances at his bowl, askin' softly when it's almost empty, "Shall I refill it for you?"

Asher coldly extends his bowl without sayin' a word. Scarlett, standin' next to him, is no better than air.

When Scarlett is washin' the dishes, she hears him say, "Clean the house."

Scarlett nods, "Hmm," and asks, "Is there anything else you need me to do?"

Asher don't respond, simply walkin' away. He continues to live his life as usual, watchin' TV alone or baskin' in the sun in the courtyard, his expression still indifferent, but his tail don't wag as cheerfully as before.

His attitude towards Scarlett becomes more distant and indifferent, lazily watchin' Scarlett bend over and wipe the cabinet windows, remarkin', "Are you just goin' through the motions? Just sweepin' the floor casually?"

His words are extremely dissatisfied with Scarlett's performance.

Scarlett pauses, holdin' the cloth in her hand, and apologizes, "I'm sorry, I'll do it again."

She kneels on the ground, wipin' inch by inch, makin' the floor shine, spendin' the whole mornin' just on the hallway floor. When she stands up, her back aches, and she rubs her waist, preparin' to cook lunch for Asher.

But she hears Asher lyin' on the sofa, soundin' disdainful, "You're so slow!"

Asher used to be indifferent to these things, but now he's almost nitpickin', his gaze passin' over the staircase handrail that Scarlett just wiped, frownin', "Is this how you clean?"

As he walks past her busily workin' figure, he casually remarks, "Lift the carpet and wipe underneath."

Seein' her just stand up, he comments again, "The doors, the windows, I mean, clean the whole house."

His tone ain't heavy, but it's cold, as if Scarlett owes him a debt.

Scarlett stands there, allowin' him to scold her with her head down.

Asher's eyes darken, extendin' two fingers to take back the stack of recipes, quickly takin' away a portion, and stuffin' the rest back to her, "These are all simple recipes. If you still can't do it, then don't stay here! I want to eat Xiaolongbao and white-cut chicken this afternoon."

After speakin',he don't look at her and goes upstairs directly.