chapter32 bumped into someone

Asher just glanced over casually, and Zephyr piped up first, "Heard you're here to gamble, but I ain't buying it. Quite the sudden interest you're showing today, quite the rarity."

"Just here to have some fun." Asher just tilted his head, didn't even bother getting up, and spoke all nonchalant.

"You showing up means I'm gonna lose big, right?" Zephyr chuckled, glanced casually at the chips on the table, then shot a look at Scarlett's face with a probing vibe.

Scarlett was a bit jittery. She wasn't sure if she should stand up to show some respect, but Asher still had his arm around her waist, making it awkward to sit or stand.

Zephyr's gaze did a couple of laps around Scarlett's face, a mysterious smile playing at the corner of his mouth. Scarlett broke out in a cold sweat as he said, "You here playing with your lady?"

"Yeah, just killing time." Asher had another chip in his other hand, just messing around with it.