chapter34 Help her apply ointment

Scarlett slept for a while, while Asher sat beside her, browsing the internet on his laptop. When Scarlett woke up, he noticed and sat on the bed next to her, softly asking, "Feeling any better?"

Scarlett's lower body still hurt, but it had eased a bit. She replied softly, "A little."

Her voice was dry and hoarse. Asher hurried to pour some water and helped her sit up, feeding her a little. "It's getting dark. I'll have dinner brought up for you. How about some nourishing soup? Or would you prefer porridge?" Before Scarlett could respond, he added, "No skipping meals allowed."

Scarlett had little appetite. "Just some soup, please."

Asher ordered some light dishes and then climbed back into bed beside her, stroking Scarlett's face. "Scarlett, I'll make things right for you. With me here, no one will ever hurt you again."