chapter44 Mutual trust

That night, the two of them skipped dinner again. The bright daylight and the tangled tails were super stimulating. Scarlett eventually screamed and trembled before passing out in his arms. When she woke up, she found herself in another bedroom, lying on another bed. This time, besides resting her head on his arm, there was also a soft, fluffy tail wrapped around her.

Asher's entire long tail was curled up in the blanket, not wanting to make her uncomfortable. He didn't press his tail against her chest and stomach but instead wrapped it around her legs, holding her close to his side. He liked this, having her sleep against his body, melding together seamlessly, feeling like she truly belonged to him under his protection.

Scarlett woke up without much reaction to the tail wrapped around her. It was Asher who looked dissatisfied, cuddling her to his side and nuzzling her neck, murmuring softly, "Scarlett, I love you."