chapter56 Scarlett might love him

Asher drifted in and out of sleep, his eyelids fluttering with the rhythm of his breath. Scarlett, observant of his recovery patterns, refrained from rousing him for meals, opting instead to maintain the warmth of the food, patiently awaiting his awakening. She adhered to this routine, cognizant that his recuperation thrived in the embrace of undisturbed slumber. Upon his natural arousal, she tenderly delivered sustenance to him, ensuring his nourishment without disruption to his restful state.

Scarlett found herself both bemused and intrigued by Asher's peculiar dining habits. Despite his tendency towards dominance, he insisted on her presence during his meals, a gesture that simultaneously irked and charmed her. His appetite seemed to surge in her company, a phenomenon she found perplexing yet endearing. Following their repasts, he would often detain her from tidying up, opting instead for a gentle kiss, a gesture that spoke volumes in its simplicity.