chapter83 Chasing the boat

Zephyr's face was clouded with anger. He yanked out the IV from his left hand, ignoring the blood seeping from the puncture, grabbed the jacket beside him, and hurried out. The nurse in the outer room saw him leaving and quickly followed. "Mr. Zephyr, your injury hasn't healed yet. You can't be discharged."

Zephyr didn't spare her a glance. He couldn't worry about such things now. All the signs indicated that Asher had arrived and had taken back the recording. He forcefully pushed the door open and barked at the guard at the entrance, "Bring the car around. We leave immediately."

One of the burly guards sprinted off, and Zephyr turned to another guard and assistant, his face frantic, voice urgent. "Get all the available guards here."

"Understood." The assistant, seeing Zephyr's expression, knew something was wrong and immediately started making calls to prepare everything as instructed.