The Pursuit

After his conversation with Nadia, Duke hopped on his bike and headed out to deliver the final package of the day. Once he completed the task and felt a sense of satisfaction, he rode over to the electronics shop, eager to finally get his hands on the gaming console he'd been eyeing.

Duke walked into the electronics shop, his eyes fixed on the display case where the gaming device was usually kept. But as he approached, his heart sank. The shelf was empty, and a small sign read, "Out of Stock."

Duke's face fell as he approached the sales assistant. "Hey, is the gaming console sold out?" he asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yeah, I'm afraid so," the assistant replied. "We had a special promotion last weekend, and it flew off the shelves. We won't be restocking for a while."

Duke's disappointment was palpable. "A while? How long is a while?" he pressed.

The assistant shrugged. "At least a few months, maybe longer. I'd recommend checking with other stores or online retailers if you're really keen on getting it."

Duke sighed, feeling dismayed. He had been looking forward to getting his hands on that console all week. "Thanks for letting me know," he said, his voice laced with disappointment.

As he walked out of the shop, Duke couldn't help but feel frustrated. He thought he would get his hands on the console and had been really happy about it until now. Maybe if he hadn't thought of working for a while and just got it from the money he earned digitally, he would have had it by now.

"Excuse me," a voice called from behind, gaining Duke's attention.

Turning to the person, he was faced with a tall, buff guy.

"Hey, you look like someone who's been punched in the gut," the buff guy said with a chuckle. "What's wrong, buddy?"

Duke sighed and rubbed his face. "Just got my hopes up about getting a gaming console, but it's sold out. Won't be restocked for months."

The buff guy nodded sympathetically. "That sucks. I know how it feels to miss out on something you really want. But hey, maybe I can help you out."

Duke raised an eyebrow. "How so?"

The buff guy smiled. "I might have a connection who can get you the console. It'll cost a bit more than the retail price, but if you're really interested in getting it..."

Duke's eyes lit up. "Really? That would be amazing! I'd be willing to pay a little extra."

The buff guy grinned. "I thought you'd say that. Let me make a call and see what I can do."

As the buff guy pulled out his phone and started dialing, Duke felt a glimmer of hope, but his instincts kicked in, and he couldn't help but wonder why this stranger would want to help him out when they barely even knew each other. It seemed suspicious, and Duke's mind started racing with possibilities.

He turned to assess the guy more closely, and his eyes caught something on his back—a tattoo. The tattoo wouldn't have meant anything if he hadn't seen it on someone before. That someone being the mysterious person, Dominique, he had delivered a package to earlier. Duke's heart skipped a beat as he realized the connection.

Slowly, Duke started to back away from the buff guy, trying not to draw attention to himself. His bike was too far away, and he knew he couldn't outrun this guy. He needed to stall.

"Hey, dude, don't worry about it. I have something to catch up on," Duke said, trying to sound nonchalant.

The buff guy turned to him, phone still in hand. "But I just asked the salesperson to bring it here. He'll be here shortly—"

"I have to go," Duke responded, increasing his pace as he tried to create some distance between them.

But the buff guy was too quick. He brought out a gun and shot at Duke, the bullet whizzing past his face by mere inches. Duke halted, his heart racing.

"Stay where you are. That was a warning shot," the buff guy growled, his friendly demeanor now replaced with a menacing glare.

Duke froze, his mind racing. He couldn't believe what was happening. The buff guy's sudden transformation from a helpful stranger to a deadly threat had caught him off guard.

"Who are you?" Duke demanded, trying to keep his voice steady.

The buff guy smirked. "Someone who's been hired to take care of you, Duke. You see, you've been poking your nose into places it doesn't belong. And now, you're a liability."

Duke's thoughts raced as he tried to connect the dots. The tattoo, the mysterious package, Dominique... it all seemed to be connected. And now, he was in grave danger.

"What do you want from me?" Duke asked, stalling for time as he desperately searched for an escape route.

The buff guy chuckled. "Oh, you'll find out soon enough. Let's just say you're going to be a special delivery for my employer. And if you try to run again, the next shot won't be a warning."

"Why would I run away?" Duke thought to himself, confident in his unique abilities. He could fight with his bare hands, and his body usually healed itself. "What are you going to do..." Duke started to say, taking a step backward.

But before he could finish, the buff guy shot at him again. This time, the bullet hit Duke in the thigh, and he yelled out in pain. "Fuck!" he cursed, clutching his leg.

But as he looked down at the wound, he realized something was wrong. The bullet hole wasn't closing, and the pain wasn't subsiding. His body, for some reason, wasn't healing.

Panic set in as Duke stared at the buff guy, who was now approaching him with a sinister grin. "You see, Duke, I've been hired to take you down, and I have just the thing to make sure you stay down."

Duke's eyes widened as he looked at the arm the buff guy held. "What is that?" Duke asked, trying to sound braver than he felt.

"This, my friend, is a weapon designed to weaken your stamina until we get to the boss. The pain is just like that of a bullet. I heard you're a tough one."

Duke's mind raced as he tried to think of a way out. But with his body unable to heal, he was running out of options fast.

Duke's eyes darted around, searching for a way out. He spotted a nearby alleyway and made a split-second decision. With a burst of adrenaline, he sprinted toward the alley, hoping to lose his pursuer in the narrow streets.

Duke sprinted down the alley, the buff guy's heavy breathing and footsteps closing in fast. His wounded leg ached, slowing him down. Just as he thought he was going to be tackled, a sleek black sedan swerved into the alley, cutting off the pursuit. The car screeched to a halt beside him, and the driver's side window rolled down.

Duke's eyes widened in surprise upon seeing Nadia.

"Ahh, Duke! Get in, get in!" she urged, her voice panicked.

Duke didn't hesitate, yanking open the door and diving into the passenger seat. Nadia floored it, speeding away from the muscly man, who was left standing in the alley, gun still raised.

"What are you doing here? How did you know I was in trouble?" Duke asked, confusion and suspicion setting in.

"Aw! You're welcome, Duke," Nadia let out with sarcasm lacing her tone.

"Thanks for the rescue," Duke said after a while, panting and trying to process what just happened.

"Anytime, Duke. But we need to talk. You're in a lot deeper than you think," Nadia replied, her eyes fixed on the road ahead.

"No kidding," Duke muttered.