
They weaved through the streets, their hearts still racing from the close call.

"Wait," Tyler suddenly spoke up, his voice laced with concern, "Where's Duke?"

Nadia's eyes widened, realizing they left him behind. "Ryker turned the car, we've got to go back."

"We can't go back for him now," Ryker insisted, his eyes fixed on the road ahead. "We'll search for him another time, but we can't risk it now."

"We can and you will, Ryker. I still need his help." Nadia urged.

Ryker shook his head. "We can't, Nadia. That place is crawling with people. We'll never make it out alive. For all we know he could be dead by now"

"He isn't. That I'm sure of. Duke has a way of maneuvering himself in situations. Turn the car around, he might be really in need of our help."

Ryker shook his head, unyielding "We can't risk it. We've got Tyler to worry about."

"I agree with Nadia," Tyler said, his voice laced with concern. "I left some gadgets and my phone behind. I can't lose my... uh, important stuff."

Nadia's gaze snapped to Tyler, her eyes narrowing as she sensed deception. "Tell me the truth, Tyler. How many people were in that live video?"

Tyler's face turned bright red as he stuttered, "I-I told you, Nadia... One thousand-"

Nadia's voice cut him off, her tone firm and commanding. "Don't lie to me, Tyler. I need to know the truth."

Tyler's eyes widened, and he mumbled, "Five Hundred and Sixty Seven Thousand."

Nadia's voice rose in alarm, her words tumbling out in a rush. "That's half a million people, Ryker! We can't just leave Duke behind! He's in grave danger!"

Tyler tried to clarify, "Technically, those were the number of people active in the live stream—" but Nadia's stern expression silenced him.

She turned to Ryker, her voice firm and resolute. "Drop me off at the house, Ryker. Take Tyler somewhere safe for now. I'll search for Duke and meet you back there as soon as I can."

Ryker's was quick to decline. "I can't leave you behind, Nadia, and you know it. I'll best drop the kid somewhere safe and accompany you."

"If you must know," Tyler chipped in, his voice laced with pride. The said kid created the weapon that helped us escape. So he's capable of taking care of himself."

"Shut up, Tyler." Nadia and Ryker let out in exasperation at the same time.

"Fine," Tyler shrugged. "I'll shut up. But if you are going back I am coming with you. I need to hand pick my gadgets myself."

"Tell Ryker what he needs to bring, and we'll try to bring it," Nadia suggested

But Tyler was adamant.

"More reason I have to pick it myself because most of them can not be handled by mere hands- and by that, I mean hands that aren't mine."

"Fine," Ryker groaned before veering around the car. "But if we get close and it looks unsuitable to go in, we leave immediately, Alright?"

As they approached the apartment complex, Nadia's eyes scanned the car park, her instincts on high alert. The silence was eerie, the only sounds being the creaking of the wind through the empty cars and the entrance door. They got out of the car and edged closer to the entrance, but as they did, they couldn't help but notice something disturbing. Blood was splattered on the floor, but there was no corpse in sight.

When they entered the building, the scene was even more ominous. The net they had set up was still in place, but it was empty, and it hadn't been torn or disturbed. Yet, blood was dripping from it frantically, as if someone had recently been killed in it and eradicated. But the net wasn't torn, it was still in position.

The sight sent a chill down Nadia's spine, and she exchanged a worried glance with Ryker and Tyler. Something was very wrong.

Nadia and Ryker searched the apartment complex, room by room, but there was no sign of Duke. They called out his name, but only silence replied.

Tyler, meanwhile, had slipped away to retrieve his gadgets. Once he finished packing, he made his way back to Nadia and Ryker.

But on his way, he noticed something strange - the broadcast room door was open. Nadia and Ryker never left it open.

"What if Duke is hiding there?" Tyler wondered.

Just then, Ryker and Nadia came to meet him, saving him from investigating the room alone. They too were surprised to see the door open.

Together, they cautiously entered the room, their senses on high alert. But as they stepped inside, they were met with another unsettling feeling - the body of Murphy Carter was nowhere to be found.