
Sweat trickled down Duke's face as the time ticked away. His mind raced with how to tackle this daunting task. Duke's eyes returned to the Viewpoint skill, which had served him well so far. But this challenge was far more sinister than his previous encounters. Nevertheless, Duke chose to make do of the Viewpoint skill, hoping for an advantage. And something unprecedented happened that Duke hadn't taken note of before.

Four prospects assembled under the viewpoint.

[Eagle eye- Temporary grants view of the surroundings, to spot anything hidden or traps.]

[Thermal Vision- Spot heat signatures]

[X-ray Vision/ Zoom in- See through obstacles or zoom in view to spot distant enemies]

[Wide Angle-]

Duke didn't bother reading what the Wide Angle was about. That one was pretty much clear to him that being; a broader field of view. And it was similar to the first option.

Duke decided to start with Eagle eye, knowing that pinpointing his foes locations would give him a crucial advantage. He activated the skill, and his vision expanded, revealing his surroundings. Duke was glad he activated Eagle Eye when he did. Because two men were already making their way toward his hiding spot, each approaching from a different side.

Duke held his breath as the two men drew closer, thinking of how to escape. He needed a distraction. Quickly scanning the list permitted for his mission, and With barely little time to go through the list again, he activates the smoke grenade. He then turned to the Eagle's Eye screen and designated a drop point near the entrance. The canister landed with a soft thud, releasing a thick, white fog that billowed outward, obscuring the area.

"Over there! He's at the entrance!" One of the men shouted, thinking Duke was escaping through the entrance.

The two men stopped approaching Duke's hiding spot and turned to walk into the smoke, eager to find him. Duke watched through the Eagle Eye screen as they disappeared into the fog, their footsteps echoing as they moved further away from his position.

"What the...?" Duke heard one of the men curse, squinting into the smoke.

"Spread out, find him!" the other man barked, their footsteps faltering.

Seizing the opportunity, Duke sprang into action, swiftly retreating from his hiding spot and using the smoke as cover. With the Eagle Eye skill still active, he navigated through the fog, avoiding obstacles and closing in on his disoriented foes.

"Looking for me?" Duke shouted, pretending to be in one direction, drawing them away from his actual position.

"Get him!" one of the men yelled upon hearing Duke's voice, charging towards the direction it had come from.

As they stumbled through the smoke, Duke took aim and struck the first man on the head with the handle of his gun, before shooting him in the skull, killing him instantly. He quickly collected the dead man's weapon, adding it to his arms.

"Did you get him?" One of the men yelled, hoping whoever took the shot had hit Duke.

"Better luck next time." Duke taunted, standing in a completely different direction from the last, his voice echoing through the fog.

The second man spun around, and snarled "Where are you?" as he fired blindly into the smoke, but Duke was long gone, using the eagle eye to track his foes movement to prepare for his next hit.

Duke had already taken out the first man, and now he had his sights set on the second. The man stood still, frantically shaking his head, trying to clear the fog from his vision. Duke crept behind him, his movements silent and calculated, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

With a swift and precise kick, Duke took down the second man, dismantling him with ease. The man crumpled to the ground, defeated, and Duke quickly moved in to collect his weapon, adding it to his growing arms.

Two down, one to go.

Duke's eyes scanned the fog, searching for the final man, his senses on high alert, ready for the next confrontation. Duke decided to use one of the collected weapons to take down the third guy. He began to creep close, careful not to give himself away by stumbling on something. The Eagle Eye skill had been a valuable asset, but just as he was ten feet away from his target...

A notification suddenly popped up

: [You have used your limit for Eagle Eye, Viewpoint. Vision returning to normal.]

Panicking, Duke stepped on an object, drawing attention he had hoped to avoid until he took down the last guy.

"Ah, I finally found you!" the third man exclaimed, starting to shoot in Duke's direction.

Duke barely had time to barricade himself at a nearby corner, dodging the hail of bullets.

"You're a hard man to kill, Duke!" the man taunted, as the smoke began to clear, revealing the two men lying on the ground, and one still standing, his intent to kill Duke clear.