Beyond the Veil

Dominique returned with a sleek black cloak and a smaller, matching one. "Time to get you ready, Duke." He tossed the smaller cloak to Duke, who caught it with a questioning gaze.

"Put it on," Dominique instructed, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "You'll need it for the task ahead."

Duke stared at the cloak, wondering why they needed to wear black. When he didn't move to put it on, Dominique added, "This will help you blend in."

Dominique's eyes darted to the empty plate of food, and he grinned. "I knew you were a smart one. Unlike others in movies, who pretend not to touch their food for days, only to devour anything in sight after a day or two."

Duke raised an eyebrow. "Others?"

"Yes, in movies," Dominique clarified. "But let's focus on your task, shall we?"

Duke snorted in response.

Dominique smiled, seemingly pleased with himself. "Now, the final touch." He draped the larger cloak around Duke's shoulders, the fabric enveloping him like a shroud. As Duke looked down, he noticed a small, intricately designed clasp holding the cloak in place. It glinted in the dim light, radiating a strange energy.

"What's this?" Duke asked, his fingers tracing the clasp.

"Your ticket to success... or failure," Dominique said, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "Depends on how you play your cards, Duke."

With that, Dominique tossed Duke the key to unlock the chains on his wrist.

As soon as Duke managed to free himself from the chains, his expression darkened, and he charged at Dominique with a fierce punch.

But Dominique stood still, a sly smile spreading across his face. Just as Duke was about to strike, Dominique sidestepped the attack with ease, gesturing to a path behind him with a gentlemanly flourish.

"After you,"

But before Duke could halt his speed, a brilliant red light burst into existence, coalescing into a shimmering portal. With no time to react, Duke was sucked in, his body disappearing into the radiant glow.

Dominique watched him go, then adjusted his own cloak to ensure it covered his hair and face. With a subtle smile, he stepped into the portal, vanishing into the unknown just as suddenly as Duke had.

The portal pulsed for a moment, then dissipated, leaving behind only the faintest hint of its existence.

The portal spat them out with a soft whoosh, depositing them in a dimly lit cave. Duke stumbled forward and landed on the ground with a small thud. He groaned as he tried to get back on his feet.

Dominique emerged from the portal behind him, his cloak billowing out like a dark cloud as he strolled in effortlessly. He gazed around the cave, his eyes gleaming with a knowing intensity.

His gaze landed on Duke on the floor and he offered him a boyish grin. "Ah, Duke. You are so predictable."

Duke stood up, dusting himself off, and slowly took a look around the cave, his eyes wide with wonder. The air was thick with an otherworldly energy, and the walls seemed to pulse with a strange, blue-green light. The ground beneath his feet was dry and cracked, and the sound of dripping water echoed through the cavern.

As he turned to face Dominique, he noticed that the cave was much larger than he had initially thought. Towering stalactites hung from the ceiling like giant's fangs, and the shadows cast eerie silhouettes on the walls. Duke's heart raced when he realized there was no gate.

'How the hell did they get in here without an entrance?' He questioned himself. Fear surge through Duke as he realized that he was in a place far removed from the world he knew.

"Where are we?" Duke asked, his voice barely above a whisper. "And what was that thing? What is this place?"

Dominique closed the distance between Duke and himself, standing beside him before he responds. "That thing that brought us here, is a portal. But we hunters like to think of it as a wall. A bridge between the human world and the mythical world. And this cave is a place where the fabric of reality is thin, and the unknown lurks around every corner."

Duke's eyes narrowed, his mind racing with questions. "What do you mean? What kind of unknown?"

Dominique chuckled, the sound echoing off the walls. "Ah, Duke. You'll find out soon enough. But first, let's get moving. We have a long journey ahead of us, and the clock is ticking."

Dominique adjusts Duke's cloak over his head, before he patted him friendly on the shoulder. "Always keep your face hidden, and Don't even think of double-crossing me, or pulling a fast one on me again."

Dominique took the lead and Duke followed right behind. As they ventured deeper into the cavern, Duke noticed ancient symbols etched into the walls, their meaning unknown to him. The air grew thick with an eerie energy, and he felt the weight of the unknown pressing down upon him.

Suddenly, a faint whispering echoed through the cavern, the words indistinguishable. Duke's skin crawled, and he quickened his pace, as his heart raced.

"What was that?" He asked, his voice on edge.

"Just the whispers of the Abyss, Duke" Dominique briefed. "Ignore them, and they'll ignore you. We are approaching the real deal."

Duke wasn't convinced but he didn't say anything more.

They finally emerged into a vast, dimly lit chamber, teeming with creatures that defied explanation. Tentacled beings slithered across the ground, their eyes glowing with an ethereal light. Winged creatures flitted about, their feathers shimmering with iridescent colors. And towering above them all, a massive, cyclopean horror lurched forward, midair as it searched for prey.

"This is it, Duke." Dominique lets out, sounding serious. These creatures have been overrunning me for years. I need your help to take them down."

Duke's eyes widened as he gazed upon the bizarre creatures. He had never seen anything like them before. His gaze slowly landed on Dominique, who was observing the creatures from behind a pillar.

"Motherfucker, you brought me to hell?"