Not my problem

As the van drove deeper into the night, the landscape shifted from urban to rugged terrain. The tree grew taller and the darkness thickened.

Grimgold navigated the winding roads with ease, finally stopping at a hidden entrance camouflaged by foliage. A heavy gate slid open, revealing a narrow path that led to a secluded underground bunker.

Nadia, Ryker, and Tyler exchanged curious glances as they stepped out of the van. Dominique stayed behind to help Duke out of the van and they all followed Grimgold into the bunker. The interior was surprisingly luxurious, with sleek surfaces, soft lighting, and so many boxes with furnishings littered in the spaces.

The bunker had amazing amenities, including a state-of-the-art medical bay, a training room, and a command center.

"This is incredible," Tyler whispered, impressed by the sheer scale and sophistication of the hideout.