
Duke's eyes widened as he took in the bike's sleek design, its black body gleaming with an otherworldly sheen. "This is… Life!" He breathed, his voice barely above a whisper.

He heard the others talking as they walked into the garage, but Duke was too mesmerized at what was in front of him to pay attention.

"Surely, Duke didn't make something out of wood to transport with?" Grimgold asked and Dominique laughed.

They got in the garage and their eyes landed on the bike. Their pupils dilated at the sight that lay before them. The bike's body shimmered with a metallic shape shifting material, its form blurring and shifting as they gazed at it. Wheels transformed into hover jets, and the handlebars morphed into a futuristic control panel.

"By the gods..." Ryker breathed, his eyes fixed on the bike in awe.

Grimgold's jaw dropped, his face pale. "What sorcery is this, Duke?"