Second briefcase

Victor walked inside the warehouse where the muji gangs which now belonged to him, were unloading the rest of the crates that came last night. Joel Carter (a brother of the late Muji Gang Leader) was following Victor a few paces behind him. Mark Carter and two more of his guys are standing next to the truck arguing. 

"What happened with the shipment?" Victor nodded towards the crates left on the truck.

"The model numbers were swapped on some containers," Joel said and turned to face the tall guy on his left. "I told you to check everything twice!"

Victor's gaze narrowed "How many crates are left?"

"Five," Joel replied. "I'll get the correct ammunition in two weeks. Three, in the worst case scenario."

Victor looked back to Joel. "When did you promise to deliver those?"

"On Monday"

Victor's expression turned cold, his eyes boring into Joel's "I need the correct ammo on Sunday,"