Chapter 51: Safe House

In front of the laboratory, Elias pointed his magic wand at Grace.

"Give me ten 7 stars magic gems. Then, you can leave. Or else. Hehe." Elias said, panting. He was sweating heavily. The long and intense fight had used up all his stamina.

"Alright," Grace said, throwing a bag of gems to Elias.

Elias grabbed the bag.

Next few seconds, he felt dizzy. Then, he fainted and fell on the floor. The last thing he could see was Ava running towards him.


Elias's eyes fluttered open, greeted by an unfamiliar ceiling.

"Ahh" Elias groaned

The throbbing pain in his arm jolted him back to reality, and he winced as he shifted on the makeshift bed.

The room around him was dimly lit, shadows playing on the walls, and he could smell a faint antiseptic scent mingling with something more homely, like freshly baked bread.

He carefully examined his wound, a deep gash that had been bandaged hastily but effectively. Relief washed over him—despite the pain, he was alive. Alive and in a somewhat safe place, at least for now.

He swung his legs over the edge of the bed, testing his strength, and gingerly stood up. His head swam for a moment, but he steadied himself, determination setting in. He needed answers.

Elias walked to the door and opened it.


The door creaked as he pushed it open, leading him into a narrow hallway.

Elias followed the muffled sounds of activity until he reached a larger room where he saw a familiar face—Hannah. Her eyes lit up with a mix of relief and joy as she spotted him.

"Elias!" she exclaimed, rushing over to him. "You're awake! Thank goodness. How are you feeling?"

"Tired," Elias admitted, his voice rough. "And in pain. But I'm okay, I think."

He glanced around the room, taking in the sight of a few other survivors, huddled together and tending to their wounds. "Where are we? What happened?"

"You're safe," Hannah assured him, guiding him to a nearby chair.

"Sit down, you need to rest. Can I get you something to eat or drink?" Hannah asked. She knew that Elias need some food and drink to recover.

Elias nodded, realizing just how parched he was. "Water, please. And maybe something to eat."

Hannah quickly fetched a glass of water and a piece of bread.

Elias drank deeply, the cool liquid soothing his parched throat. He took a bite of the bread, the simple act of eating grounding him. The bread tasted great, probably because he was too hungry.

After a moment, he looked up at Hannah, his eyes serious.

"Why am I here, Hannah? What happened after the lab? The last thing I remember is the fight. What happened to the others? To Professor William?"

Hannah's expression turned somber. She sat down beside him, her hands clasped tightly in her lap.

"It's a long story, Elias. After you fainted, the situation turned chaotic. The Five Sectors united against us. We fought as best we could, but it was overwhelming."

"Professor William... he did everything he could. In the end, he managed to get most of our people out, but it cost him. We're scattered now, most of us are here, in this safe house."

Elias's heart sank. The lab had been their stronghold, like their home. And now it was gone, overrun by the other five sectors.

He clenched his fists, the pain in his arm a dull reminder of their loss.

"What about Ava?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper. "Where is she?"

Hannah's eyes softened.

"Ava?The girl that healed you right?"

"She was taken by the Water Sector. They seemed... strangely calm about it. I don't think they intend to harm her. You know how influential her family is. The Water Sector wouldn't dare cross them."

Elias felt a flicker of hope. Ava's family was powerful, one of the wealthiest in the city. If anyone could protect her, it was them. But still, the uncertainty gnawed at him.

"I need to get her back," he said, his resolve hardening.

"I can't leave her with them."

"I know," Hannah replied, her voice steady. "But for now, we need to regroup. Rest, heal. We can't do anything reckless. We have to be smart about this."

Elias nodded, knowing she was right. His body ached for rest, and his mind needed clarity. They had lost so much, but they were still alive. And as long as they were alive, they could fight back.

Hours passed, and the safe house buzzed with quiet activity. Survivors tended to each other, sharing whispers of hope and plans for the future.

Elias sat by a window, staring out into the night. The city beyond was a stark reminder of their struggle—a sprawling expanse of lights and shadows, a battleground both physical and ideological.

Hannah approached him again, her presence a calming force. "You should try to sleep, Elias. Your body needs it."

He nodded, though sleep felt like a distant dream. "I'll try," he said, offering a small smile. "Thank you, Hannah. For everything."

"Get some rest," she urged gently. "We'll talk more in the morning. We have a lot to figure out."

As Elias lay back down, his thoughts drifted to Ava. Her bright eyes, her unwavering spirit. He promised himself he would do everything in his power to bring her back safely.

For now, he closed his eyes, letting the exhaustion take over. The fight was far from over, but he would be ready.

Though he was in his bed, his mind was running fast, analyzing the situation. He wanted to make sure Ava was safe first.