Chapter 61: Dark Magic Circle

Seeing Ava leaving in her Mercedes, Elias felt a bit of relief because he knew that Ava was with her driver. She should be safe.

For Ava, she will probably stay safe. It was a good news for Elias.

Elias took a grab and returned to the safety house where the space sector stayed.

When he reached the safe house, it was around 9 pm already.

He knocked on the door.


Elias saw Hannah through the window.

Hannah was pulling up the curtain, checking who was pressing the bell.

Elias waved at Hannah with a smile.

Hannah opened the door and ran to Elias.

"Phew, you are here, Elias."


"Good to see you here. Where did you go?"

"Hehe, secret. Everything ok?"

Upon hearing this, Hannah rolled her eyes a bit.

Then, she said.

"Ya, we are going to attack in 5 days."

"5 days? I thought should be 15 days right?"

"At first we planned to do it 15 days later, but yesterday, we found something."

Hannah looked to the left and right cautiously.

"Let's talk inside," Hannah said.

Elias was curious about what she meant by 'found something'. He followed Hannah into the house. 

They took a seat at the sofa. 

"Yesterday, we found out the dark magician was involved. They are using the material in the laboratory to make some magic circle."

"Really? What magic circle?" Elias gasped. He remembered that Isaac told him that dark magician would summoned the dark world through magic circle. Most probably this was the magic circle. He wanted to double check with Hannah .

"Hmm, based on our observation on the material they used, it is probably a summoning magic circle. Just that we don't know what they want to summon."

"We got to stop them. They will ruined the whole world." Elias sighed. He started to think about his parent, his little brother, Ava, and all the people he loved.

Elias smiled bitterly. Isaac was right on this, one day Elias would fight because of all the people he loved was here, on Earth.

He took a quick glance at the sword necklace. Luckily, he became a 9 star magician already. With the help of a sword, he could even fight with the strongest 9 stars magician.

There was rumors that the leader of dark magician was a 9 stars magician. Elias had to prepare himself for the fight.

"Yeah, Professor William was checking on the magic circle. We wanted to stop them. So, instead of taking back the laboratory. Professor William decided that stopping the magic circle is a more important thing to do."

"3 days" Elias mumbled. He was grateful that he had three days to prepare. 

"Where is the magic circle?" Elias asked.

"Here, magic square" Hannah took out a map and pointed at a place.

Elias took a look at the place. 

It was a public square that many people went to jogging.

It was located in the center of the city. 

In addition to that, there were many skyscrapers around the magic square. It might hurt a lot of people if dark magicians summon the dark world there.

Elias took a deep breath and squinted his eyes.

"Alright, thanks. I got to go now." Elias said.

"You can go tomorrow. Now already 10 pm." Hannah said.

"Got to go. See you" Elias smiled and said.

"Alright. take care" Hannah didn't understand why Elias was so serious about this.

For Elias, because of his conversation with Isaac, he understood how serious this incident is.

In his previous life, Earth was destroyed because of the dark magician. He just wanted a safe place for his family and friends.

10:30 pm.

A black hoodie appeared at the magic square. 

Elias was hiding behind a tree, observing the magic square.

There was a fountain in the middle. From far, Elias could see that there were some magic circles engraved on the floor. It was hidden between the floor mosaic line. It was difficult for normal people to see it.

But as a magic circle enchanter, Elias could recognize the line easily.

Elias didn't go near to the magic circle. He stayed silent behind the tree.

Elias slowly turned around, and wanted to leave.

Just as he turned around, he saw the son of the dark leader, Henry.

Henry was surprised to see Elias also.

"Hahaha, found you. Where is the magic box."

"You will never know. " Elias said.

 "Dark rope" Henry cast an 8 star dark magic.

A black colour rope was extending toward Elias.

"Fire shield" Elias cast a fire shield in front of him. It was a defensive shield that was enveloped with fire. It was 8 stars magic.

Then fire shield blocked and burned the dark rope in seconds.

"Bye bye. Kids" Elias said.

Then, he left using teleport.


Elias appeared at a roadside.

He mused about the event. The information from Hannah was accurate. Dark magician was going to summon the dark world here.